Stories & Blogs

Roy’s Sunday Letter for February 2, 2025

BEING A SENIOR IN 2025 AMERICA I recently completed a story of seniors having lunch at separate tables at Mary’s Grill. Tables were needed to serve waiting families, friends, and office workers. The seniors order lunch Specials and leave small, if any tips. Since Mary’s is a friendly place, for several seniors it is not…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for January 26, 2025

Friends and friendship join Joy, Kindness, and Peaceful Living on life’s wheel. As I talk with and meet people or on a social platform, I listen to the challenges of making new friends, going deeper with a current friendship, or losing friends through aging, health, or relocation. There is a touch of spirits unique to…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for January 19, 2025

I began, we began, seeing video of the Pacific Palisades hillside fire and the push of Santa Ana winds on January 7. Today, 12,000 homes have burned with thousands displaced and at-risk for dreams, hopes, and memories to be lost somewhere in the sudden need to flee. Some with a “Go Bag,” others only a…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for January 12, 2025

INSIGHT ON WRITING PRAYERS AND THE IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNITY Prayers and Other Notes: There are two mentors I consider personal heroes. The first, my grandfather, who left his east Texas tractor each Friday afternoon then entering a small hut on the side of the barn. He would use two stiff fingers from repairing too many…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for January 5, 2025

Thoughts on Mentors and Mentoring Most of us, whatever age, gender, and background, have become who we are through family, education, and life experiences. In addition, many of us have received guidance and support from one or more mentors. And now, perhaps from our own experiences and elderhood, we can provide the “pay it forward”…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for December 29, 2024

Reflections – Calendars & Seasons of the Year Most of us look at our calendars often, whether iPad, laptop, watch, or one of the traditional paper calendars. Calendars add details to our comings and goings of dates, times, events, and people. My paper calendar helps my elder memory with notes of birthdays, phone numbers, anniversaries…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for December 22, 2024

REFLECTIONS – CHRISTMAS 2024 Most of us live days somewhere between the inspiring restoration of the Norte Dame Cathedral and the heritage story of the birth of a child, a humble manger in a faraway village, pilgrim parents, and travel weary shepherds. In the midst of the annual seasonal blur, we each have an opportunity…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for December 15, 2024

** The numbers and the reasons for the decline in church attendance are well documented. Although the percentage of Americans who have de-churched has grown, the desire of the American public to find and experience a church like community has also grown. These new assemblies and communities tend to be cause centered, with a focus…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for December 8, 2024

** In Paris, Norte Dame has been fully restored from a destructive fire five years ago. Artists and craft persons used historic and new materials throughout the restoration. The language changed from artist/craft persons to Companions, expressing the ownership felt by all committed to returning Norte Dame to France and the world with awe and…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for December 1, 2024

The arrival of Thanksgiving and the coming Christmas season brings the mix of memories, some warm and life-giving, others more difficult. A seasonal truth, for me, would be that both seasons are best experienced and enjoyed in the company of family and friends. Receptions, open houses and dinners are opportunities to tell and listen to…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for September 2, 2023

** Netflix Movie Recommendation: Mr. Church — Eddie Murphy — Dramatic role, not comedy. Mr. Church becomes the cook for a young family, and then a guide over decades. The young daughter grows into adulthood and (the always there) Mr. Church ages as well. Excellent script. ** Mini Interview: Edith, 81, told me her granddaughter…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for August 20, 2023

** We, of the Southwest, have learned a new weather term, Heat Dome. Continual Heat Domes of 105 -110 are too ongoing. The heat limits the outdoors and prolongs the indoors which challenges our energy, creativity, and personal balance. Fort Worth loves concrete and new construction. The cooling green of grass and trees are being…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for August 6, 2023

** Two Words Beginning with A: We are at our best as an individual, family and nation, when we Allow other cultures, values, and faiths to become part of our true selves. Acceptance of others, showing loving kindness, will increase and add to the health of our hearts and our spirits. ** Two I Fail…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for July 23, 2023

Roy’s Sunday Letter will return in August. I have benefitted from the mental and keyboard July rest. I am talking to Beth about what to continue, something of interest to add, and making sure I give you, my readers, the very best of me, and our common world we live within together. Thank you dear…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for July 16, 2023

Roy is stepping away from Sunday Letter for the month of July, returning in August. For regular Sl readers, what do you like best about the SL’s you have received and read?? What about the SL could be refreshed, something new, added to what you have received and read? I am asking you, my readers,…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for July 9, 2023

After 159 Sunday Letters I am takin a break for month of July A time to refresh, read, write stories, and look around to whats next. August will be here for us all soon. Roy


Roy’s Sunday Letter for July 2, 2023

I am taking a July break from composing and sending forth The Sunday Letter. The SL began as friends wanted to know how Beth and I were adjusting to our Apri, 2020 decision to return to Fort Worth from our days in Amarillo and Santa Fe. There have been 159 Sunday Letters, never missing a…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for June 25, 2023

** We have intentionally planted to attract bees and butterflies. Google says the butterflies have a life-span of two to four weeks, some less or more. Accessible and available nectar is vital. Thank you to the summers’ butterflies for blessing us with your beauty and grace. ** Philanthropy journals are reporting a 25% decline in…


Roy’s Sunday Letter for June 18, 2023

** Why I listen to jazz: A jazz group will begin together; then, players will drop back, others step up. Jazz presents the whole as well as the individual, all flowing together. To me, this is why I miss Tuesdays at 9 staff meetings. Seven at the table, the individual reporting, ending with the whole…


Roys Sunday Letter fot June 11,2023

** We now have two hummingbirds coming to our feeder. Three or four would be a normal summer count. Global warming, decline of natural habitat? ** Good writing from a Fiction book: “She (he) was too young and had no stories or depth of life to reply upon.” An additional comment from recent presentation on…