Roy’s Sunday Letter for February 18,2024

** Beth provided wonderful Valentines by creating individual cards for the elders (she often says… she is one also) art group she teaches each Wednesday, staff and volunteers at Project 4031, friends in our meditation group and mailings to friends both near and far. Each Valentine made with caring hands using materials collected over 35 years. It is joyful, for me, to experience the grace and love she gives. I even made her a hand made card this year and she loved it.

  • A kitchen counter, along with a chair, is now my “mini gym.” I do push aways, leg and quad stretches, squats, leg swings, core rotations, stand-ups, and more. Regular counter and chair exercises support a more secure balance to prevent falls. Your counter and chair await!
  • A few neighborhood trees are beginning bud out. I urge cautious prayers to these early tree buddings. Oak trees are still in winter mode…next week will bring 70-degree days in Fort Worth. February weather in Texas can change quickly. Mother Nature keeps her own calendar, and I am more and more grateful to “Mother Earth for her foundation and the fountain of life.

** 988 is the national 24/7 call for Suicide and Mental Health Crisis. There have been 20 million people who have called 988. Each person is listened to by a trained mental health staff member, with direct links to 200 crisis centers and local resources. Spanish language and hearing-impaired callers are assisted as well. Encourage family, friend, or peer in a crisis situation to make the call and receive help. This is making a difference in our world!

  • Following the families at the shooting at the Kansas City parade John Mellencamp spoke out to say “Enough is enough. Show America the carnage.” Mellencamp promoted gun violence awareness saying “There has to be a better way.” So, America, is enough enough? Or is the killing and wounding of 20 innocents an acceptable loss of which many were children?

** I am posting a 2nd encouragement to participate in “Lanterns on the Trail,” March 3 from 5:00 – 6:30 pm, at The Keith House, a new Clearfork conference center. Remember a family member or dear friend by purchasing a memory Lantern in their name: Go To:…then Events….then Lanterns. The event is free and open to the public. Please come, listen to music and the words of elders and see the lighted Lanterns at dusk.

  • A You Tube Recommendation: “The Last Repair Shop” is a 2024 Oscar nominated Short, 39 minutes. The LA school district provides any student a musical instrument, at no cost. Many may need repair before or during the loan period. The Last Repair Shop repairs Brass, Woodwind, Strings, and Pianos. Each of the Repair Shop staff add their passion and skills to the repairs and their own musical heritage. The Short ends with a full symphony with players from decades past and current LA students, the last note played by an elementary student and her beloved violin. A keeper for days when we all need inspiration.

“It was the moment I realized what music can do to people, how it can make you hurt and feel so good all at once.” Nina Lacour

Roy, practicing my own Native Flute


  1. Maurine K Wood on February 18, 2024 at 7:44 am

    I am going to try that counter workout! “One small step for man”, better than falling.

    • Roy Bowen on February 18, 2024 at 8:18 am

      I begin while waiting for her tea water to heat.
      Start with push away and then leg lifts and 1leg balancing.
      The chair for leg swings and 20 stand ups.

  2. Hania on February 18, 2024 at 8:55 am

    I just like to say, how very much I enjoy receiving one of Beth’s beautiful cards. I truly feel the love and care she puts into them. I now have a small collection which I plan on framing.

    Btw, I do chair yoga😉

    • Roy Bowen on February 18, 2024 at 9:28 am

      She is indeed my hero and team leader
      I will let her know your good thoughts.
      Chair yoga is good….delighted to partner with you in this way.
      Say hell to that guy also….Roy

  3. Frank Long on February 18, 2024 at 1:21 pm

    I started an exercise regimen this week. I went up/down, up/down, up/down. Then I did the other eyebrow. Nap time!!!!

    • Roy Bowen on February 19, 2024 at 9:23 am

      the counter and chair really work. An elder woman believes after 2 wks her balance is better (mind over matter).
      My current formula: Right Food….Right Portion….Keep Moving
      Aging not for the faint of heart or spirit…..Roy

  4. Roger Gullickson on February 18, 2024 at 4:30 pm

    Roy, you always amaze me, and amuse me too!

    • Roy Bowen on February 19, 2024 at 9:25 am

      most of my days I have been beyond serious
      all the seriousness has not added much to the world
      now, every day, a little native flute, a little dulcimer
      slow learner…..Roy

  5. Linda M on February 19, 2024 at 11:45 am

    Use it or Lose it is a common enough saying. So very very impressed and happy that you’ve found a way to move and be safe! Kick it, as we say in Tai Kwon Do! Love you and for sure received my very very favorite and most beautiful Valentine ever. Beth is amazing. As are YOU! X/O

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