Roy’s Sunday Letter for August 28, 2022

  • A successful New Mexico friend wants to continue to stretch, to grow her business. But, also wanting more.  Observation: Most of us were educated and taught the life formula "Do  -  Have  - Be. That model loses meaning at some point at some age, somewhere in the life of family and work. Shifting the words, energy and meaning can be regain by Be - Do - Have. This is where we find our "more."

** I have been observing business naming shift from corporate to the personal. Examples would be: Fred's Burgers, Katie's Care Wash, Jon's Grill, Olivella's Pizza, and Helen's Hot Chicken.

  • Wyoming is the state with the highest use of a gun in suicide deaths. Regret knowing that.

** Best phrasing from current read: "Clean Your Windshield." Overtime, like bugs and smears, life events, decisions of others or our own reduce the capacity for Clarity, Vision, allowing others to see, really see us. So, See the different in planning, understanding life events through a Clean Windshield.

  • Dave, a life-long dear friend, sent me the print book "Shakleton's Boat Journey." If you want to learn about a True Hero, Leadership in real time, read about Shakleton's 1914 - 1916 Antarctic sailing, his 27 men, leaving them on ice shore for 5 months while in most small boat, finding help, and returning, as the 27 always knew he would. Also, YouTube has video from 11 minutes to one hour. He is worth your read or search.

* Observation: Elections are about Power - Control - Money. I am ready for someone seeking public office to emphasize peaceful, violence free neighborhoods and homes, using public funds to lift us up, link peoples and communities with common ground priorities and values.

  • New dry food for Jazz. The bag introduced me to a new phrase: "Wholepreydiet -- poultry/fish, organs, bone)"

Roy, becoming more comfortable in the digital "nothing is simple" world


  1. Meg on August 28, 2022 at 8:14 am

    The model might be changing. Being may become more important. Why? Heard my 3 year old niece is doing yoga in day care.

    • Roy Carroll Bowen on August 30, 2022 at 2:46 pm

      One of the museums here has art for 2 and 3 yr olds….somehow i missed this learning curve

  2. Roy Carroll Bowen on August 28, 2022 at 10:55 am

    testing comment in all new ditigal model

  3. Beth Kean on August 28, 2022 at 10:57 am

    Congratulations for a job well done and sticking with it. You and Tim deserve a big round of applause.

    Roy I appreciate the role model you have been to me…you seek new ways to live, learn and be in community… you are an inspiration! Thank you

  4. FRANK JOHNSON on August 28, 2022 at 12:38 pm

    Another thoughtful Sunday writing!

  5. Linda M on August 28, 2022 at 2:00 pm

    Many of us who are “high achievers” placed our value in our doing. One of my big life lessons has been to place value in who I am being. Be—Do—Have. Love you both so much!

    • Roy Carroll Bowen on August 30, 2022 at 2:45 pm

      I am a a slow learner….the “be” part of life began in SFe without paycheck, job title. Still learning….still paying attention.

  6. Chip Henley on August 30, 2022 at 12:41 pm

    As an avid photographer, I’ve always appreciated a “clean windshield” to snap the beautiful sunsets that I invariably see as I drive students home (each evening). Somehow, having a clean windshield also just makes me feel better (like I have more clarity looking out at the world). That’s sad about Washington State. It probably has to do with all the RAIN they get (as is synonymous with Seattle, etc).

    • Roy Carroll Bowen on August 30, 2022 at 2:43 pm

      good comment Chip and good to have on the Sunday Letter send out. Keep the comments coming…I read each one
      Paying attention

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