Stories & Blogs
Roy’s Sunday Letter for March 9, 2025
The CEO of Starbucks said he wants Starbucks to be everyone’s “third place,” after home and work. Come with friends, visit, perhaps purchase food and drink, but come and be a part of our place. In a similar way, I would like the Sunday Letter to be an ongoing source of encouragement, support, always with…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for March 2, 2025
FINDING MY PURPOSE IN WRITING THE SUNDAY LETTER 2025 The past weeks have been chaotic, upsetting, and stressful for me, for many of us, perhaps for you too. I stared into a blank screen wondering what I could write about, what would I write about, as well as should I even write or not. After…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for February 23, 2025
NOTES FROM FULL POCKETS I may not be alone in making notes on daily life or maybe even a random thought. In this Sunday Letter I am emptying my pockets of crumbled papers and notes as each might become lost. One topic in our Tuesday Meditation group was Balance, in ways consistent with in and…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for February 16, 2025
A Writing On Pets I am writing a Sunday Letter about the benefit of having a pet, fully understanding not every one’s life is matched to care for a pet or may have a medical situation that prohibits a pet. This Sunday Letter will hopefully be welcomed and enjoyed by readers blessed by our pets,…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for February 9, 2025
A LENTEN SEASON WRITING I attend a writer’s table hosted by Broadway Baptist. We writers were invited to draft a short piece for the individual Sundays of Lent 2025. As a Southern Baptist youth, I am not familiar with, nor practiced the historic rituals of the Lenten Season. For this Sunday Letter readers who also…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for February 2, 2025
BEING A SENIOR IN 2025 AMERICA I recently completed a story of seniors having lunch at separate tables at Mary’s Grill. Tables were needed to serve waiting families, friends, and office workers. The seniors order lunch Specials and leave small, if any tips. Since Mary’s is a friendly place, for several seniors it is not…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for January 26, 2025
Friends and friendship join Joy, Kindness, and Peaceful Living on life’s wheel. As I talk with and meet people or on a social platform, I listen to the challenges of making new friends, going deeper with a current friendship, or losing friends through aging, health, or relocation. There is a touch of spirits unique to…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for January 19, 2025
I began, we began, seeing video of the Pacific Palisades hillside fire and the push of Santa Ana winds on January 7. Today, 12,000 homes have burned with thousands displaced and at-risk for dreams, hopes, and memories to be lost somewhere in the sudden need to flee. Some with a “Go Bag,” others only a…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for January 12, 2025
INSIGHT ON WRITING PRAYERS AND THE IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNITY Prayers and Other Notes: There are two mentors I consider personal heroes. The first, my grandfather, who left his east Texas tractor each Friday afternoon then entering a small hut on the side of the barn. He would use two stiff fingers from repairing too many…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for January 5, 2025
Thoughts on Mentors and Mentoring Most of us, whatever age, gender, and background, have become who we are through family, education, and life experiences. In addition, many of us have received guidance and support from one or more mentors. And now, perhaps from our own experiences and elderhood, we can provide the “pay it forward”…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for October 20, 2024
** Positive news for Mother Earth. California will ban use of harmful plastic bags in 2026. Here is hoping the seals, sea turtles, birds of the air can avoid these deadly entanglements. Santa Fe banned plastic bags 10 yrs. ago. For all of us, no matter the state, bring your bags when shopping now, the…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for October 13, 2024
** As Hurricane Milton pushed to the Florida coast I was amazed. I watched the Tampa Zoo, Clearwater Aquarium, and others protect the birds, reptiles, the small and large animals in their care. Penguins and smaller species were crated and taken to higher, safe places. Elephants and larger animals stayed in their storm protected “homes”…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for October 6, 2024
** Great appreciation for the personal comments about “who makes up your Village for support, communications, and encouragement.” People shared that their Village members knew of the importance of staying in contact and how to best do that. So, one outcome of the Sunday Letter is the awareness that strengthening our person-to-person networks makes us…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for September 29, 2024
As you know, Hurricane Helene created a devastating expanse of heavy rain, high wind, storm surges, and tornadoes. This is an all too familiar weather pattern, I believe Helene calls us to pay attention to the resilience and hope that will emerge out of this weather tragedy. Mankind and all of its wisdom still has…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for September 22, 2024
** Bonton Farms in south Dallas began as a small home garden. Today, Bonton Farms has expanded to two fully functioning farms, a market & store, and coffee shop. This neighborhood is known for being a food desert with high rates of poverty and crime. Bonton Farms now employs south Dallas residents in job training…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for September 15, 2024
I would like to encourage you as a Sunday Letter reader to use the Comment box at end of each Sunday Letter. All that is needed is name, email and touch the Submit button. I truly look forward to reading them and respond to every Comment. Your Comments guide me in selecting topics and my…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for September 8, 2024
** My Santa Fe friend, Roger, introduced me to the important role of Creating an Experience. The Experience could be in car shopping, at Costco or the fast-growing local taco shop. Yet, the rapid expansion of parking reserved for Curbside Pick-up, Uber Eats, along with zooming, ATM and fast-food lanes, limits our experience of each…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for September 1, 2024
** A true American hero, Senator John Lewis, now has a bronze 12′ statue in front of the county courthouse in Decatur, Georgia. The statue of Senator Lewis replaces a monument to the Confederacy that had stood for 100 years. Younger SL readers may not know the heritage and role of Senator Lewis in making…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for August 25, 2024
** Habitat For Humanity (Ft. Worth) has city approval to construct a “tiny house community” for seniors. Habitat will build 31 one-bedroom homes of 465 sq. feet and 8 two-bedroom homes of 835 sq. feet, along with a pavilion, pond, and walking trails. Any future sell by a homeowner will have to meet age and…
Roy’s Sunday Letter for August 18, 2024
** CNN’s Good Stuff brings us inspiration and encouragement. In Gothenburg, Sweden, an orchestra has come together involving 300 players with different backgrounds, languages, voices, and musical talent, including Ron Davis, conductor. Members are refugees, immigrants, and others searching for a safe place to live, play and be a part of something special, thus, The…