Roy’s Sunday Letter, July 10, 2022

* The 1st SL through Aweber went well. Most were able to Open and read, but not all.

There seems to be a difference in look and feel with laptops, ipads, and phones.
WordPress font size and color can be improved.
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     ** Craig Johnson is author of the Longmire books and others featuring Wyoming/Montana. The facts were lifted from his latest, Daughter OF The Morning Star.
Native teens has suicide rate 2.5 higher than national average
Native women are 3.5 more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than the national average
Native women are 6 times more likely to be murdered than the national average.
* My first coffee with the Publisher & The Editor of Fort Worth Report, a daily, online news based publication, was on March 11.We have been "in conversation" with other coffees. On July 7, we agreed I will write a regular profile piece of a nonprofit organization (mission, leadership). 500 words. We kept at it, worked it out. At 78, a new opportunity
     ** An Italian city has passed an ordinance that all fireworks have to be noiseless. I did not know noiseless fireworks existed. All pets smile and applaud (& pet owners too)
* The Wilmington Tennis Championship concluses today. In the 2 weeks of Wilmington, 55,000 tennis balls are used, only 6 in play at a time. Slazengers has supplied the balls since 1902.
     ** Many cities have free, pick-up magazines. FW also. Dolly Parton's imagination library has a half-page ad on how to apply, how to donate. Selected books for children under 5,are mailed monthly. The encouragement and physical support to read will hopefully be life long. Need some "good news?" Just knowing Dolly is making your world, our world a better, healthier place will make your day, whatever it may be, better too.
* Both Beth and I are different individually, and as a couple, than in Amarillo and also Santa Fe. Perhaps by age, impact of Pandemic, less individual 10 hour days. We are together more, volunteering, being with FW friends together. There is a richness in our Now days. This would be a good Blog for next week....the growing into each other in both  new and old ways.
And yes, our nation continues to be a violent, dangerous nation.
The majority of our state and national non-leaders look into no mirrors, choose not to know, feel, do.
Thus, the killing of innocents will continue
By the way, yesterday,  New Zealand, Sweden, Spain, and Argentina reported no mass killings, no gun deaths at a bar or McDonalds,  no school children shot and killed.
Roy, more Dolly, less that other guy
Roy Carroll  Bowen, M. Th.
Writer & Story Teller
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