Roy’s Sunday Letter fot February 11, 2024

** In a recent Fiction read, a man in his 60’s is asked. “Are you happy?” He did not directly answer but talked of a life of purpose, of achievements and fulfillment. The man was asked a second time, “Yes, all that is good, but are you happy?” I remembered Robert Green Ingersoll’s better answer. “The time to be happy is now…the place to be happy is here…the way to be happy is to make others so.”

  • I enjoyed my second “story hour” with elders at a local community center. Reaching back to their youth, personal stories of foster care homes, a too early death of a parent and choices of brothers and sisters. There were stories of close friends and several still connected today. Favorite places and persons most admired added to the morning. If you were a member of our little group, what story would you tell?

** The 11th Annual Sony World Photography Awards 2024 will be announced on April 18. 395,000 entries from 54 countries, all ages, cultures, and backgrounds were entered. Do a search, be surprised, and amazed.

  • From David Brooks. “I came to the conclusion we have a shallow view of human nature. We are good at talking about material things, really bad at talking about emotions, really good at stuff we can count and really bad at the deeper things that actually matter.” I believe that Mr. Brooks is encouraging all of us to engage in the deeper and more meaningful conversations.

** Beth and I are Co-Chairs for Project 4031 “Lanterns on the Trail.” This early spring event will be to remember loved ones no longer with us and to honor someone important to your life. The March 3 event is free and will be held at The Keith House located at Clear Fork in Fort Worth near the Trinity River. Project 4031 is an unduplicated nonprofit that assists terminally ill patients and their families with financial assistance and fulfilling dreams. We want to invite you to share the sunset with the twinkling lights of lantern sacks, beautiful guitar and Indian flute music to provide you the opportunity to reflect with love and to listen to some words of wisdom.

For more information, please go to then find the Events post and scroll down to “Lanterns on the Trail.” Lantern sacks will be available for purchase online and at the event.

This week “hope and encouragement” will be found on Netflix and the Queer Eyes series, Season 8, ” The Sweet Life.” “The Fab Five” are based in New Orleans for this season. The “Doctor of Clarinets” and her French Quater street band have played for decades in the Quarter, nationally and internationally known. Her passion was to reopen her mother’s “Sweet Shop” in the Treme neighborhood flooded by Hurricane Katrina. The “Fab Five” each have a different skill to help which includes hair styling, clothing, food, environment and life coaching. In each episode, over five days, many lives are transformed, and dreams fulfilled. “The Sweet Life” is one of the best transformations of the 8 Seasons.

Roy, planning with Beth for March 3


  1. mike davis on February 11, 2024 at 8:11 am

    good morning Roy and thanks much for the letter..
    I would tell the story of Betty and her sons.. loss, love, memories and with the end of the trail approaching trying to walk the fine line of how to behave and be.

    Also the story of Rustic Fence. The founder a WWII vet, serving on the USS Pennsylvania in the Pacific. He was age 51 when I began at Rustic in 1975. I was 15. After many years away I am back, working for and with 5 of the grandsons. Derick passed away last summer at age 99. I am the oldest working for the company now. The company is family, the grandsons are like my kids.. I am so very grateful and thankful to be allowed a small spot in the organization Rustic Fence has become.

    Big applause for project 4031.. happy Sunday to all.

    • Roy Bowen on February 11, 2024 at 10:27 am

      All good and health giving history and stories.
      We all have stories….creating he safety for someone is first step in most groups.
      Thank you for your shairng this Sunday morning. Roy

  2. Maurine on February 11, 2024 at 8:32 am

    “Lanterns on the Trail” sounds like a perfect project for you and Beth; you get to mix a little Santa Fe flavor into a wonderful memorial. I have so many stories ,as does everyone ,it is difficult to choose one to share. Some stories are best kept in your heart. Happy Valentines!

    • FRANK H JOHNSON on February 11, 2024 at 8:44 am

      Good words promoting good thoughts and memories. Pets while growing up during school age years, friendships created while participating in sports, and many more. Happy to support your lantern project and wish success for you and Beth in all your endeavors! Peace and love to you both.

      • Roy Bowen on February 11, 2024 at 10:22 am

        could not ask for better, more fulfilling response……& Thank you. Roy and Beth

    • Roy Bowen on February 11, 2024 at 10:25 am

      Hearing ourselves talk, tell stories, is one way of knowing true selves……we 3 do well in saying and listening with each other,
      Did you see Toby Keith died 2 weeks ago?? Stomach cancer of 2 yrs. Lunch soon an that is good. Roy

  3. Linda M on February 11, 2024 at 10:57 am

    There is nothing so life affirming than to light up a light in memory and honor. It reminds me of the goodness and fullness of lives well lived. X/O

    • Roy Bowen on February 11, 2024 at 1:03 pm

      so many comparisons of light and darkness.
      The OT Jewsishfaith kept these two separate
      The NT writings of Paul’s writings pulls these together, both light and darkness unified.
      I have always worked in and in the middle of the dark side
      Comfort zone (ER, sheltrs, courts)
      And you the 4 legged ones… light sidde in every way RB

  4. Paul Warren on February 11, 2024 at 3:35 pm

    Alisa and I look forward to providing the Native American flute (NAF)and guitar to this wonderful event that you and Beth have planned, Roy. I pray that this event brings peace, joy and love to those who attend. Thank you for inviting us!

    • Roy Bowen on February 11, 2024 at 7:40 pm

      I will be prcticing my breath control for my back porch or parking lot plalying as well.
      My prayer tonight is those aettending are touched by remembrance….and that the touch iwll bring peace as well.

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