Roy’s Sunday Letter for September 25, 2022

  • Beginning Positive & Meaningful: John Cena may be known to you for "cow commercials," movies, or WWE wrestling. You may not know John Cena has been the "face" of Make-A-Wish, fulfilling Wishes of children, making their lives better, and their days of being family fuller. Cena has fulfilled 650 children's wishes since 2002.

** Fort Worth ISD may give students a day away from school on the voting day of November 8th. Not the right time for strangers roaming hallways of a school.

  • A morning read taught me, "Stopping a bad habit is harder than starting a good habit."

** A note to younger SL readers: 60 Minutes began their 55th broadcast year. I was in front of TV when Mike Wallace ambushed his first bad guy...Tic, Tic, Tic.

  • 1) Bjork is an Icelandic actress, musician. After living in the US 20 years , Bjork has moved her family back to Iceland. "America is just too violent," she said. 2) Speaking to an economic focused audience in Chicago, the CEO of McDonald's said, "the violence in America is not good for business."  Ah, Mr. CEO, the violence in America is not good for children, teens, adults, families, and elders too.

** Two excellent Netflick shows to enjoy, learn from, share. 1) Linda & The Mockinbirds: A 41 minute filming of Linda Ronstadt and Jackson Brown taking a performing group of Hispanic youth into Mexico by tour bus (music, dance, storytelling), and 2) I Used To Be Famous. This London based excellent script is a film about a once known musician and an Autistic kid, a talented drummer. Their story is painful, challenging, inspiring and Hopeful.

  • Booksigning at Lazy Daisy Tea & Coffee. From 2 to 4 on Sunday afternoon, October 16, we hope to host a time to sign books, greet readers, and read a story. If you already have my book, come and meet other readers. Coffee or tea on me. More on book signing next Sunday.
  • The Sunday Letter is sent to 70 readers. My mailing account is up to 1,000 names. If you have friends or family that might enjoy, "The Sunday Letter" please ask them to sign-up on my home page (, no cost to anyone.

** Zoom is a communication tool, often critized. Last week 4 of us (artist - healer by use of oils - musician/artist - and myself as writer) were on Zoom together for an hour. Unplanned, we affirmed the capacity and developed talent of each. We offered encouragement, marketing suggestions, and listened as we each talked about our work, commonness of stories, and the value of each to the whole of us. Perhaps a use of Zoom at its best

My generation understood we had to go in search of Wisdom, perhaps grandparent, conference presenter, or travel outside the US.  There was no Googling Wisdom. We gained wisdom by listening to the stories of others, and the telling of our own. Stories can be funny, sacred, of our limitations, or our going beyond to achieve, to learn, to grow. What is your story? Who and where will you share your story?

Roy, Storyteller



  1. Roger Gullickson on September 25, 2022 at 7:35 am

    Thanks for the Netflix rec! Love the thought on Wisdom. Zoom story inspiring, too often pedantic or worse!
    Have a great day from beautiful Santa Fe!,

    • Roy Carroll Bowen on September 25, 2022 at 12:51 pm

      Roger, i have rebalanced from over-load of all I “don’t know” list as I plunge into social media marketing. Open mic night Wednesday. i read on open mic in Santa Fe when I only had one story. Went home, wrote a 2nd. i smiled when I wrote “you can’t Google Wisdom.” I was disappointed/frustrated with fundraising performance by two experienced true professionals…I had private words with Mike he will share with you. I miss Harry’s, Chef Amid, and so many wonderous flavors of NM. Ft Worth is a clean, well-cared for city, ever changing cultural. If SFe 4 or less hours away, like Amarillo, perfect. But not. You are good people….

  2. Linda M on September 25, 2022 at 1:36 pm

    A snail mail from me is in your future. In it I reveal my favorite story from your delightful book. I’m sorry I’ll miss an October visit, but will plan another after graduation. X/O

  3. Robin Easton on September 25, 2022 at 2:54 pm

    I thoroughly enjoyed this SL, dear Roy. I am so impressed with all you are doing. Your active willingness to continue to learn, grow, and bring your dreams to fruition inspires me more than you probably know. As a writer and author myself, and being of a similar age to you, this inspiration is invaluable to me. It has kept me going more than you might imagine. I’m so very proud of you, my friend. Keep up the excellent work, and keep those heartwarming stories coming. The world needs your stories. We all do. Robin E.

  4. Frank Long on September 25, 2022 at 4:15 pm

    I think you might enjoy a Netflix series called Merli. Filmed in Barcelona, the story of a philosophy class and its various faculty and student personalities. Some of the discussions reminded me of deep talks and late nights at both Texas Wesleyan and Duke University. Very well written, Originally filmed in Spanish, but excellent dubbing into English, memorable actors and sweet redemption stories woven throughout. Harry and I binged over 3 days to not miss a moment.
    Frank Long

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