Roy’s Sunday Letter for September 17, 2023

September 17 is 3rd Sunday for the Sunday Letter. Remember 1st and 3rd Sunday Letters in 2023.

  • The traditional Lord’s Prayer begins, “Our Father, who art in heaven.” I am broadening the Lord’s heaven to include wildfires in Canada…the destruction of lives, homes, and businesses in Maui….earthquakes and deaths in Morocco….and now the coastal floods, destruction, and deaths in Libya. The Lord’s presence, and Mother Earth’s too, is called upon to bring all of heaven possible to these people, their land, and their tomorrows to come.

** Daily life in the Southwest is not always easy. We learned a new weather term, Heat Dome bringing 4 months of high heat and dry land. This week fall rains and overcast skies have many people smiling, moving around, and eager to return to fall colors and the outdoors….me too.

  • Isn’t this Great: As I entered my branch library, a mom was helping her 4-year-old son return his books. As he stood on a provided library step for children, I listened as he whispered a soft “Thank You” to each book before pacing the book in the return. Bless the children!

** On Face Books, online interviews, and news panels, I am beginning to gain a sense of the value of saying and remembering what we as a divided, noisy American public have in common, what we together believe and act on, rather than the tiring, draining reporting of ongoing mistrust, blaming, and disrespect of other Americans.

  • Millennials (1981-1994/6) have changed our communications, shopping and marketing, prioritizing the climate, and now AI. From my reading and observations, what millennials are not interested in is our geriatric, inadequate, and unresponsive political non-system. Good, I’m with the young ones!

** Two new nonprofits caught my attention: 1) Under The Bridge volunteers provide food, comfort, and fellowship to those living under the interstate bridges in east Ft. Worth. 2) Hope Squad provides support and personal and group problem-solving skills for enrolled high schools in FWISD. There have been 12 suicide deaths in Fort Worth for ages under 18 in 2023.

  • What Would You Have Replied? I have a hat with a red “I Read Books” pin. At the check-out at our pet store, while entering my PIN, the young woman assisting me said, “I like your I Read Books pin. I have never read a whole book in my life. What book would you recommend?” (long pause while 50 titles whirl). I chose to remind her of a library branch 2 blocks away, then recommended my own book of short (2 – 3 pages) stories and gave her my card. Now, more customers behind me. I will go by and see if she is in the store for follow-up. You meet the most interesting people in this life that give you opportunities.

** Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” Helen Keller. Making and keeping connections deduces stranger danger, builds a sense of community, wellness, and health. In either darkness or light, with a friend you are not alone.

Roy, we are friends together


  1. Frank Long on September 17, 2023 at 6:51 am

    Excellent as always. Hugs
    Frank Long

    • Roy Bowen on September 17, 2023 at 8:14 am

      “Recognizing” becoming a lost art. You practice this art and craft in the best of ways.
      With respect and ongoing appreciation….Roy

  2. Roger Gullickson on September 17, 2023 at 7:20 am

    Love the Helen Keller quote!

    • Roy Bowen on September 17, 2023 at 8:13 am

      I told Beth we are going to have to explain Keller and others I quote….younger ones most probably do not know of her life, courage, and achievements.

  3. FRANK JOHNSON on September 17, 2023 at 8:01 am

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, . . . . . . . . . thank you! Great observation.

    • Roy Bowen on September 17, 2023 at 8:11 am

      You both are two with whom seek the Light
      Whatever the days ahead we walk, run, crawl together……and that is good

      • Paul Rainbird on September 18, 2023 at 9:28 am

        Each of us is put here in this time and this place to personally decide the future of humankind. Did you think the Creator would create unnecessary people in such a time? Know that You yourself are essential to this world. Understand both the blessing and the burden of that. You yourself are desperately needed to save the Soul of this world. Did you think you were put here for something less?”

        Chief Arvol Looking Horse,19th Generation Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle

        Just some encouraging words I also recommend that you check out the seeds of wisdom foundation

        • Roy Bowen on September 18, 2023 at 1:14 pm

          Seeds of Wisdom on my LinkedIn, if that is same entity.
          I wil; check.

          Unnecessary persons are on my Home Page every morning. Open mouth, no brain. The T guy indeed.

          My home university, theh a college, as a student publication/journey titled Aries.
          The 2023 students believe our world, the world is going to hell, falling apart.
          Responses were requested “how to fix” on that.
          Their title is End Of An Ear.
          I have sent in a 1,522 response. Will not know until November is accepted.
          I begin with my own “falling apart world” as 1960’s college student and then on to 2023.
          If you want to give my response a glance, I will send your way.
          Always walking beside you, mostly trying to keep up. Roy

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