Roy’s Sunday Letter for September 15, 2024

I would like to encourage you as a Sunday Letter reader to use the Comment box at end of each Sunday Letter. All that is needed is name, email and touch the Submit button. I truly look forward to reading them and respond to every Comment. Your Comments guide me in selecting topics and my personal sharing as well. What would be your Comment this week? I guess it is like a little reward and I say Thank You!

  • “A vote is kind of a prayer about the world you would like to live in.” Rev, Raphas Warmock, Baptist pastor and member of the U.S. Senate from Georgia.

** The owner of Bob’s Red Mill whole grain products resisted the sale of the business to a fast-food corporation. Instead, he sold the business to the 700 employees, empowering Red Mill to be a 100% employee-owned company. Join me in looking for Red Mill grains and other products.

  • I am on page 172 of Mary Alice Monroe’s book “The Book Club,” the story of five women, their families, challenges, and their coming together over time as a book club. I am making notes about the story I would write if these were five men. First, we men, and most importantly would be the book to hold. We would get to the challenges of family and health, perhaps not as quickly as the five women, but the five men would indeed do so. I have iced tea with several individual men during the month and meet at church with 12- 16 men on Thursday mornings for a traditional Bible study and discussion.

A Facebook image of a Honeybee with the caption, “If we die, we’re taking you with us.

** My social platforms and emails were suffering from an imbalance of the political and blaming/shaming of others. I began my search for consistent positive, healthy, and encouraging sites and reporting. I started with “CNN’s Good Stuff” on Saturday mornings and added “Mindful Christianity,” “Unworthiness” and “American Indian Soul.” All of which has attracted even more newsletters or reporting on happiness, joyful living, and connections with others. We become our choices, do we not?

  • When speaking to civic or church groups, I am often asked about my role as an Executive Director. My consistent answer, “I ask questions.” I close this Sunday letter with questions I ask myself, and now you as SL reader. When was the last time you said “Yes” to someone about a volunteer or civic opportunity? I have 3…7…or 12+ close friends (circle one)? In general, are you Happy….Mostly Satisfied….or Up and Down Depending on the Week (circle one)? Is there someone from long ago, or current now, that you need to forgive? Is there a reason for you not to do so this week? Are you a current reader (print books, eBooks and /or audio? If not, are you ready to begin again?

Roy, I be Happy


  1. Frank Long on September 15, 2024 at 6:34 am

    My new slogan “Stop hatin’ the Haitians.
    Too much hurtful language and myths are endangering folks. Let’s return to civility and kindness.

    • Roy Bowen on September 15, 2024 at 8:36 am

      “Stop hating…..” are the right words and heart.
      The harm we do to our own hearts by hate not measures.
      Perhaps a bit like pounding ny ball of pizza dough rather than gentle rolling the dough out.
      Good and accepting words by a good and loving guy friend.

  2. Mike Davis on September 15, 2024 at 6:38 am

    Good morning Roy and great letter..

    We all must vote!
    yeah for Bob’s Red Mill.. thanks for the heads up..
    a man’s book club.. never heard of such, but would be interesting
    all last summer observed a yellow jacket nest entrance in a juniper log , in my woodpile. This summer, nest long gone, we split that log and the intricate nature of that yellowjacket nest was revealed.. truly fascinating.. honeybees can be mean.. yellow jackets are vicious!!

    12+ close friends, choosing to be happy EVERY day.. bear no grudges towards anyone, including my sister with life long chemical dependency issues.. voracious reader.. next book Oreilly’s ” Confronting the Presidents”, just out…

    and to close.. God has placed me in the position of caretaker for my neighbor across the street.. until a month ago only a casual acquaintance . he had diabetic problems and all toes on right foot amputated.. blood sugar was over 500 and barely got him to ER.. he is much improved.. I’ve learned insulin shots, glucose monitoring, cat litter box care, laundry and bed linen changing for a ornery 68 year old hermit of a man.. I can not describe to you and all your readers, the grand benefits and blessings I’ve received by being in this position of service to what was previously a near stranger.. I don’t view this as volunteering.. seems God threw this in my lap and there was no way to avoid jumping right in..

    my two cents.. happy Sunday everyone.. and again great letter Roy.. thank you.. md

    • Roy Bowen on September 15, 2024 at 10:21 am

      Friend Mike….
      Most times the caretaker responsibility is right in front of us and other times more like your neighbor.
      His life and your sister’s life made the better through your heart and hands.
      Grateful for and with you brother guy. ROy

  3. Marty Hamrick on September 15, 2024 at 7:34 am

    I have been in a Men’s Book Club (dubbed “The Wise Guys) for probably 8 years. I’m the youngest at 68. The group I joined 8 years ago ranged from 10-12 and over the years it has settled in to “5”. Lots of good books, various topics , lots of laughter! “He who must not be named” comes up each week. I refuse to say his name.

    Kari and I will be doing our civic duty come early voting and election day as have been working the polls for several years now.

    • Roy Bowen on September 15, 2024 at 8:39 am

      Friend Marty…..I have been in various men’s groups in different cities, different ages, but not a book group.
      I think I missed something good and glad to learn of your experiences.
      Good Comments and thank you! Roy

  4. Maurine on September 15, 2024 at 8:08 am

    This week’s read is thought provoking, Roy. I always respond to your Sunday Writings because I know writing them gives me a part of you and gifts should be acknowledged. This week my volunteering took so much time and effort that I questioned “ is it worth it” and the answer was a resounding yes. The work is hard but the rewards are great. When you quantified your statement using “close friends” I would have to say 7. I have several acquaintances but that is a different degree of commitment. I am mostly satisfied with my life, some days happy and some days not so much but generally grateful. I learned long ago that forgiving others is more about me than it is about them. I do not harbor hate for anyone. Let’s all have a wonderful week, thank you for challenging all of us.

    • Roy Bowen on September 15, 2024 at 8:56 am

      Friend Maurine….
      Delightful to have you as “always respond” reader.
      I am learning there is 1) physical energy and 2) spiritual energy.
      From your volunteering the physical may shorter than the heart and spiritual that moved you /day One and still Day Now.
      Being grateful helps us glide thru the trouble parts of aging, along with the letting go of forgiveness.
      Blessings….lunch soon. Roy

  5. Martha Richardson on September 15, 2024 at 9:18 am

    Enjoyed this newsletter and love, “voting is a kind of prayer” especially this year!

    • Roy Bowen on September 15, 2024 at 10:17 am

      I was taken with this one also…..part of life’s goodness is when I/we stumble over an inspirition to keep going, keep making a difference.
      thanks Martha an encouraging Comment….Roy

  6. Beth Kean on September 15, 2024 at 9:44 am

    Roy, I often do not comment and yet I too enjoy the comments people leave…I view them as gifts. I truly believe your Sunday letter makes a difference in my life and the challenges you offer us makes me think and reflect.
    Yes, you have mastered the art of asking questions and I am often amazed at the answers that come to you. Thank you for being you and doing something for all of us!🙏🏼

  7. Linda M on September 15, 2024 at 10:09 am

    Dear Roy,
    With me, every day, is the envelop and letter hand-written by you of the questions that I asked you to send to me. It’s in my Western computer case—-I only make note of that so that the context is visual for you. It’s soft sided with good leather trim.

    I scan and use the ones that come to light for that situation. I realize that my fiery personality requires I feel the tempest ( but not express it) and then get to the place of kindness, understanding and compassion. Phew, maybe one day the tempest will subside. And maybe not. Love you to the moon and back, sending that to Beth too! Linda M

  8. Roger on September 15, 2024 at 12:40 pm

    Yes, VOTE, as if our future depends on it because it does.

    Great questions, I tend to fewer closer friends, mostly choose to be happy and content, veer occasionally. Will talk this week to a dear old friend in Texas who just turned 93 and is always happy in spite of loosing his wife a few years ago. He is an inspiration! As are YOU , Roy!
    Have a JOYfull week!

    • Roy Bowen on September 15, 2024 at 12:50 pm

      Continue on in the best of ways…..Roy

  9. Nancy Tuttle on September 15, 2024 at 3:25 pm

    I just made a young man’s day. He was looking for a flute Mine was bought in the 1950’s. I was in the orchestra and in high school in the marching band.

    • Roy Bowen on September 15, 2024 at 4:09 pm

      now that is indeed amazing

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