Roy’s Sunday Letter for October 27, 2024

** The annual State Fair of Texas is now over and with no gun shootings and death as compared to last year. The Fair banned all guns from Fair entry. The TX AG, of course, filed suit on behalf of gun advocates to allow gun entry. The AG lost his appeal. Fair goers, venders, and employees experienced a safe State Fair.

  • There is a busy 4-way stop on a street I often travel. Even with busy morning traffic, drivers of ages young/old, big/small cars are courteous, allowing everyone their turn. There are lesson we can learn from a 4-way stop: 1) Our car is not the only car on the way to work, market, or school; 2) There are enough streets for all of us; 3) Courtesy for other drivers to enter and leave the 4-way keeps us all safe.

** Mary Alice Monroe published “Summer Guests” in 2019. The fiction writing is about a hurricane approaching the Florida coast with residents, horses, pets and the drive to the safety to western North Carolina. Two weeks ago, Hurricane Milton created that same endangerment, flooding, and death. I was amazed to read of 2024 hurricane and storms in Monroe’s fictional 2019 story.

  • The new, start-up writer’s group at Broadway Baptist was rewarding and enjoyable. New faces (8), unique prose and verse. A comfortable gathering for all who have written and those who want to be writers.

Next Sunday’s The Sacred and the Relational will recall a 2009 Silent Retreat, at a Dallas Catholic Center. The writing will be about the blending or mix of noise, solitude, and silence. To begin the thinking about all that, these words from Thomas Merton may be helpful: “Not all of us are called to be hermits, but all of us need enough silence and solitude in our lives to enable the deeper voice of our own self to be heard.”

The Sacred and the Relational: At a time when I was between positions, Beth and I were in conversation about my possible shift from board president to a staff (of 1) role with The Hope & Healing Place. I knew, we all knew, HHP had little cash money, perhaps $7,500 to pay utilities and insurance. Therefore, HHP would be a place of service, not salary. In 2006, I went to Social Security to apply for early benefits at age 62. Thus, between Beth’s work as therapist at Harrington Cancer Center and the monthly SSA benefit, we could do what was necessary and important to us in support of the mission and grief services at HHP. Over the next years HHP did grow financially, expanded and deepened child and family services, and now in 2024 the board and staff are planning a continued and brighter future. Remembering back…those were, and still are, special days in our marriage, our commitment to service, and being supportive to healing steps taken by children and families.

Roy, knowing more about noise than solitude and silence


  1. Nancy on October 27, 2024 at 6:21 am

    Thanks for the words from Thomas Merton

    • Roy Bowen on October 27, 2024 at 8:29 am

      48 yrs
      a life time
      Memories floodingall no doubt
      and now, a new morning, faces, events fast approaching
      being brave+
      Respect in all ways

  2. Maurine on October 27, 2024 at 6:28 am

    I so admire the commitment you and Beth made to the HHP so many years ago. Lives were changed because of that pledge and so many people benefited, even you. I find myself in silence most of the time. When I am subjected to noise I react in different ways; sometimes I am annoyed, other times I am nervous and finally at times I am rejuvenated. I often choose solitude, but am blessed with friends that draw me to the other side.

    • Roy Bowen on October 27, 2024 at 8:31 am

      We understand the noise in our lives
      Preferring the quiet
      Let’s keep talking, listening to our own noise too

  3. roger.gullickson on October 27, 2024 at 5:44 pm

    Your story about the non profit is amazing.
    What an incredible sacrifice you made and how gratifying is the outcome.
    It does not surprise me however it does inspire me!

    • Roy Bowen on October 28, 2024 at 7:30 am

      At the time we both were short sighted, really only looking at our “now.”
      No regrets. HHP mow 23 yrs I think.
      Beth and I trail who we have been
      Who we will be still unfolding before us.
      I am grateful

  4. Linda Milanesi on October 27, 2024 at 5:57 pm

    Roy, you and Beth shine with the light of service. Your devotion to the human condition of loss and grief inspires. You extend a hand, when it is most needed to stay steady and you share experience, trust, love and goodness wherever you go. And, for me, whenever I have the privilege of being in your presence. Love to you both. Linda M

    • Roy Bowen on October 28, 2024 at 7:27 am

      whatever shine may be is a together shine
      We polish each other, whether rough patch or smooth
      Shine on Linda…..Vi too

  5. Debbie Gardner on October 28, 2024 at 10:58 am

    Thank you for your insight and words of wisdom.

    • Roy Bowen on October 28, 2024 at 11:03 am

      And yours as well
      Our experiences have bee different, but still common grouns shared.
      Have you written???
      If not, and will to try out a one pager, topic,? area of interest?
      pen, paper,,,,,go!

  6. mike davis on October 29, 2024 at 5:01 am

    HHP.. good work Roy and Beth..

    the 4 way, what a great observation and application to our lives and our world..

    keep writing Roy..

    • Roy Bowen on October 29, 2024 at 11:51 am

      I am always pleased about a word or phrase that touches a reader .
      & the encouragement appreciated…..we both will do well to continue on……

  7. Peter Kleven on October 30, 2024 at 6:50 am

    I enjoy and learn something new each Sunday. Thanks for consistent writing Roy. And, more to come. Peter

    • Roy Carroll Bowen on October 30, 2024 at 6:51 am

      Thanks Peter. Good words to read as Comment. Add a new one next Sunday….Roy

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