Roy’s Sunday Letter for October 2, 2022

Real time TV the week that was:  First, the images of grandeur, such a different background than my own, priests' words, musical magic, and stories of the life of Queen Elizabeth. Now, before, during, and aftermath of Ian in Florida, South & North Carolina. Lives, homes and boats, dreams, pets, animals, whole neighborhoods gone, storm surged away. Whatever the future may be, we are a year away from knowing and seeing.

** One-half of the world's birds are moving toward extinction according to the report, State Of The World's Birds. What local or regional birds are you missing? A quick Search will let you know local birds at risk. Are you ready for a quiet back yard or garden without the color and patterns of birds?

  • Summary of recent readings: 1) His rage is a symptom of his pain; 2) Pain that is not transformed will be transferred; 3) You can best lead people that you first love.  Valarie Kaur - Richard Rohr - Van Jones

** Say What? Richard Branson, Virgin Atlantic, is allowing "gender fluid uniforms (i.e. men's skirts)

  • Donating my story collection, Let Me Tell You A Story, to local library. Soon I will pop-up on FW Library search by name, short stories, or book title. First time for me will indeed be a Wow moment for this kid who received his 1st library card at the same library, when I was shorter than the counter was tall.

** I went to Open Mic night at Lasy Daisy Coffee Bar. College aged guitar players, song writers & singers, poets and creators of verse...I read one of my grandparent stories. Oldest one there by 35 new normal.

** I am enjoying David Gergen's "Hearts Touched With Fire, How Great Leaders Are Made." First chapter of Greta Thunberg, age 8, beginning her climate change advocacy, telling UN officials, "You have failed us with your blab, blab, blab." Youth at Parkland High School, pledging Never Again," The young women bringing our focus to Me Too, and the young Black women who had a primary role in the forming of Black Lives Matter.

  • My weather delayed book signing will be on Sunday, October 16, 2 to 4 pm. Lasy Daisy Coffee Bar, 6435 Camp Bowie, 76116. Buy your book before and bring, or bring your already signed and reconnect with others. I will talk about how writing stories came to be a book, and a brief read also.

Roy, life is exciting, seemingly transforming me every day...


  1. Cameron McRostie on October 2, 2022 at 6:38 am

    Yes with your courage to write, to go public, your determination to publish, your compassion during devastation and Yes, loving acts. Yes to the subtle encouragement to come out of our shells of protective fear. It is by living in the light that fears dissolve and we can be our true selves.

  2. JOHN MEAD on October 2, 2022 at 7:05 am

    Good morning Roy! I will put Oct 16 on my calendar. Have a wonderful week! John Mead.

    • Roy Carroll Bowen on October 2, 2022 at 8:54 am

      Delightful to know and look forward to seeing and being with you in a new way. Remarkable is it not how life can continue to unfold in ways we never expected, and in some ways never planned for??? I will look for you as you and your good partner walk by…

  3. Nancy Tuttle on October 2, 2022 at 8:05 am

    Huge step of courage, going public. Your second half of life is most daring,
    God speed


    • Roy Carroll Bowen on October 2, 2022 at 8:52 am

      and you have show courage as well….courage i do not know but I do know your good heart, magical eyes and hands. i would say “God slow her down,” not to miss a moment of it all…..Blesssings in every way

  4. Roger Gullickson on October 2, 2022 at 10:07 am

    Always a thoughtful and inspiring way to start Sunday! Thanks!!

    • Roy Carroll Bowen on October 2, 2022 at 12:11 pm

      Your comments help me to stay motivated, to not accept a minimum effort from myself…to reach out beyond. I have a quote next week from a Harvard Law student (2nd year 2011) who challenges us to never lose the capacity “to imagine,” (events, relationships. dangerous strangers).
      Best to you and all of family.

  5. Linda M on October 2, 2022 at 1:39 pm

    Richard Rohr—LOVE

    Our graduation theme this year: Come and Get Your Love. Opening song by Redbone, same title—you will love it; you will get it.

    I LOVE that you are now part of the FW Library Collection. Still my favorite story, that of your wearing a priest’s shirt and collar to eat prison.


    • Roy Carroll Bowen on October 3, 2022 at 10:20 am

      I was very, very young…..just trying to find my way into hearts and minds and spirits.
      And, it worked!

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