Roy’s Sunday Letter for October 15, 2023

  • As all of you know, the format for the Sunday Letter to 1st and 3rd Sundays seemed to be a good plan. But wait! A decision suggestion by SL readers seems to make sense…I listened! Now, I think it would be important to bringing back the Sunday Letter to include 2nd and 4th Sundays. These Sunday Letters will focus on ways we can all encourage and support each other. So, the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s will be the traditional Suday Letter and now the 2nd and 4th will be shorter, encouraging, and supportive.

** Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood have taken a national leadership role with Habitat for Humanity. Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter have been Habitat leaders and sponsors for decades, now not able to continue. Good to know Habitat will continue to be responsive with families with a need for stable housing, this good legacy continues in the best direction. Thankful for legacy of this amazing organization as it continues with new energy and love.

  • Two brief updates: 1) After an enjoyable summer together our 3 Hummingbird guests have departed for Mexico. 2) Beth and I have received our RSV virus protection shots.

** A daughter responding to her mother in a Fiction read: “You only see what I can’t do…You don’t see what I can do.” All of our eye and ears…see and hear what we expect. So, it is important to be reminded to look at friends and family with fresh expectations.

  • We have made a new garden bed around our front tree. We wanted to place small rocks around the garden edge and found a local rock place and to our surprise our 280 lbs of garden rocks cost $9.80. The cost of grounding seems to be so little in today’s world.

** A heading on my home page, “How to talk to your kids about Garza and Israel.” Can I get in line with the kids? This is a complex situation, the context of pro – con, yes -no is becoming less clear with each report.

  • I have begun outlining writings and stories for a 2nd book. Two of the fiction writings are 4,000 and 3,500 words…much longer than in my first publication. On Friday, we return to Santa Fe to see friends and co-lead the last session of training of “Effective Nonprofit Board Membership.” So much of Santa Fe, for me, happened at and through the Santa Fe Community Foundation.

** Beth’s mother, Mary, wrote her daily thoughts in a simple spiral notebook. We found her notebook after her death. Beth and I were listed in her prayers, line 1, page1 every day. So, in your own spiritual notebook, who has your heart, caring and concern? Prayers on behalf of persons close to you or someone’s situation at your church or civic group is a true and real way of connecting, promoting emotional as well as spiritual health.

If words and thoughts of Encouragement and Support will be helpful, then I will look forward to Roy’s Sunday Letter on October 29.

Roy, more to say


  1. Maurine K Wood on October 15, 2023 at 6:55 am

    I so Iike the idea of a letter every Sunday. It gives me the boost I need to make it through the day.

  2. Sandra on October 15, 2023 at 7:28 am

    The spiral notebook with prayers is a treasure! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Frank Long on October 15, 2023 at 7:31 am

    You touch so many lives with your Sunday letters. Thank You.
    Frank Long

    • Roy Bowen on October 29, 2023 at 12:05 pm

      We had an over-night in Amarillo on road back from Col. Springs.
      In our time there ww were on Washington Ave. …. there is a Methodist church there.
      My fuzzy memory is we met there at one point in time??? Have I lost it (again)???
      Next Sunday I am writing about the “holiday” season.
      Always the best for you and Harry…..Roy

  4. Roger Gullickson on October 15, 2023 at 9:15 am

    Thanks for the updates on Habitat, it is a great organization,

    • Roy Bowen on October 29, 2023 at 11:52 am

      Habitat accepts my bad hammer, mistakes, and giver credit for good effort……all neededd in my world. Roy

  5. FRANK JOHNSON on October 15, 2023 at 11:01 am

    Keep thinking! Your deep thinking, and sharing is rewarding, and hopefully contagious. Save me a place in that line that will teach us what we need to know about the struggles around the world.

    • Roy Bowen on October 29, 2023 at 12:01 pm

      Your words back appreciated always.
      Quote from current print book: “How come there are so many old people, and so few Elders (wise, wisdom)?
      We learn together, with the Grace of stumbling about searching for the light switch.
      Next Sunday: Preparing for the “holidays”…..Roy

  6. Paul Warren on October 15, 2023 at 4:49 pm

    Prayers of gratitude for Garth and Trisha. God bless you both for carrying on the inspired worth of of Jimmy and Roslyn! And, prayers of gratitude for hummingbirds who cause us to pause and admire the wonder of nature!

    • Roy Bowen on October 29, 2023 at 11:51 am

      Reading new wise book. Early page quote: “How come we have so many old people, and so few Elders (wise, wisdom)?
      You have wisdom even in your young life stage.
      I am seeking “sacred” times, events, moments, music.
      If you find a calendar hole, then more moments and words with you as well.
      Best to you both, and Jan’s mother always. Roy

  7. Linda M on October 15, 2023 at 7:53 pm

    Your grace and experience have nurtured so many. May we all follow your example and that of Beth’s to nurture and be present for those who cross our paths. Aho. I cannot wait to make coffee for you in Santa Fe. x/o

    • Roy Bowen on October 29, 2023 at 11:44 am

      I have your 20 Questions. Will slow mail Monday.
      I miss the 4 companions….& you too.
      Violet was so gentle in bringing me my glasses…..good parenting.
      We 3 do well together…and will do so in the weeks to come.

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