Roy’s Sunday Letter for November 27, 2022
- Why wouldn’t we push Yes to watch Netflix’s Korean language series, about a retired 70 yr old retired mailman, who wants to take ballet lessons so he can be on the stage and dance Swan Lake?? Actually, NAVILLERA is one the best scripts, characters we have stumbled over in years. A gift to you.
** For sports golf watchers Gary McCord, Peter Kostic, (CBS), Roger Maltbie, Gary Koch (NBC) will not be describing 5 irons to a right-side pin placement in 2023. Fresh young faces will attempt to find the 1st tee. I never experienced the professional shoving aside of today … Jim Nance, I think I saw a grey hair!!
- Beth made her traditional Friday 6AM trip to Lowe’s for Poinsettias. She has done so each Thanksgiving Friday for decades. Beautiful add to our home, and her gracious gift to me.
** The LGBTQ motivated gun deaths in Colorado Springs have brought forth the meaningless “thoughts and prayers.” However, others have more than hinted “got what they deserved,” and a so called “pastor” gave a hate filled sermon about those killed “going to hell.” Disregard the haters. They are not our future, nor our true soul, heart, and spirit.
- Carnoustie is one of Scotland’s finest golf courses. Prolonged rains placed Carnoustie under water. There was a site on my home page “asking for prayers for Carnoustie.” Now understand this is a golf course, not a mass shooting at a school, club, or Wal Mart. Our odd world continues…,
** Buffy Sainte-Marie was a part of my 1960’s. A recent PBS 3-hour film, You Got to Run, documented her forced removal from her Canadian Indigenous home “to educate” her, beginning her life-long career as songwriter, musician, digital artist, and social activist. J. Edgar Hoover blacklisted her and tried to stop her music career. In 1976, as Sesame Street cast member, she breast-fed her infant, Cody, on international live television. No one complained! She remains the only Indigenous artist to be awarded an Oscar. Buffy has shown courage, resiliency, as an ever-expanding musician, educator, and artist. Find it…Watch it…Life lessons…Buffy Sainte-Marie will be a part of my 2023.
- ER and Illness Follow-up: Several friends wrote their concern I pushed myself too hard. OK, they are right. Friends reminded me I am no longer young. OK, they are right. A nurse in ER told me recovery would be slower than I wanted. OK, she is right. This Sunday we are both recovered and still recovering.
Roy, using the down of last week to live up
Glad you are on the mend! Hope to get together soon…
Tia Monday restart day 11/28. We both be well and weller still. Hope family and Odessa good for you both. As calendars and December energy allow we will find ways to say Hello.
WAIT!!! How did I miss knowing that you were in the hospital? What happened, and are you okay now? We have been friends for 49 or so years, and if something is going on with you or Beth, then I want to know. You are both important to me………actually to all of your Sunday Letter readers. You keep us informed, challenged, gently fussed at, and encouraged. We all care about you, more than you know. So, right after you let me know what is going on, continue taking care of yourself.
This was a one day deal, taking 5 days to recover. 78 yr guys don’t throw up. I did. Beginning 6am Friday….every 30 minutes. Many a shirt and towel in dumpster. In Baylor Scott White ER Noon to 5pm. IV bag and anti-nausea add-on. Plus more. Lost a week. Friday first day out a little. Sunday morning all good. I did a brief summary on FBook. Beth is on track caretaker. I did want to go to ER. I did not want to stay in ER. I did. Just one of those odd medical deals. Cause could have been anything floating by. All good now…..thank you for good thoughts of wellness.
We have greatly enjoyed the Korean series The Extraordinary Attorney Woo. Recommend using captions rather than dubbed English. Better to hear the actors’ voices and emotions. Of course there’s also Kim’s Convenience.
Buffy Sainte-Marie must be an angel of some sort – certainly an amazing human being! Universal Soldier is the song I remembered best as the war in Viet Nam impacted our lives.
Attorney Woo indeed! Last night episode was on sexual assault and disabled. Tough topic, well done!
We are always ready for more Kim. He is a slow learner but with coaching he is moving along on his own pace.
Buffy has been with me all of my life, except for the 40 yrs I lost her and her herself as well.
Tonight Howard Stern interview another hero of us all, 9pm.
Important connection with we 4….& thank you for reading and your good thoughts.
Buffy Saint-Marie: “We continue to carry the medicine until it is time to administer.” Aho.
Hope you are both feeling better. Important to remember the body is a miracle, so any healing is possible. At least that’s what I always mention to myself. X/O
Warming day in FW today, Sunday. I still run out of energy about 2 and take a 20 minute lean back….health good. 90 minutes Saturday with a male friend facing 2 possible surgeries to begin 2023. I am not, Beth is not. I am in recliner, somehow with lap top and Jazz altogethe. Special Sunday afternoon. Best thoughts your way in all ways possible.
I am greatly relieved that you are recovering, dear Roy. That news makes me very happy. The longer I live, the more I realize how important dreams are in my life. They give me incentive, and make life worth living through often crazy times. You are loaded with dreams, and you are living them. I also was deeply touched that Beth goes to Lowe’s for poinsettias at 6 AM. She sounds like me. I too love them, as well as house plants. I am probably Lowe’s number one plant customer. My home is filled with plants. After living in the rainforest for so long, I had to have plants all around me if I was going to be indoors. In the Australian tropics, I used to see poinsettia ‘trees.’ plants that started out small, were planted outside in the yard, and grew to ten feet. In full bloom they were gorgeous. As usual, this SL held my attention from beginning to end. Thank you for taking the time to write them, and more importantly, thank you for sharing them. Here’s to your continued recovery. Your friend, Robin, putting one foot in front of the other.
Lowe’s indeed! I will send photos this week. Beth is the magical one. Tireless on behalf of others and beauty.
So, the lady of the rainforest winds up in the NM high desert… amazing journey indeed. Our paths so different, so much the same. If here for pecan pie, we would talk long into the night.
Happy to hear you are better Roy, what a nasty bug that was. I can imagine how beautiful all those poinsettias are and appreciate Beth’s annual pilgrimage. Holidays are difficult for our family so we take as much pleasure as possible in the small rituals that bring beauty and moments of joy to the season. May all good things be yours this Christmas!
We have a 40 yr friend whose son died in a boating accident on July 4. She dreads the months before and then also the months after.
So, We know “holidays” come with life events not always of our making.
I still recommend a house plant or three to have around you….amazing how something small can add so much to our environment and fmaily.
Always benefit from your comments and sharing….Whatever it is we do so together. Tis the only way I know….