Roy’s Sunday Letter for November 26, 2023

** Beth has served two years as the part-time Volunteer Coordinator for Project 4031, a nonprofit providing care and support for hospice patients and their families. She has helped to develop the volunteer program, helped trained volunteers, and work with Nicole and Kristina to begin this important part of the Mission of this wonderful agency. Beth will leave this position in December, and at a young 75, ready for new opportunities.

  • When Jimmy Carter was asked if serving as President was his greatest honor. He replied, no. His greatest honor was when Rosalyn accepted his proposal of marriage. They were tender with each other, allowing the space for each to be their own person. What an inspiration for all!

** I have been blessed to be a part of various groups in Amarillo and Santa Fe, all in person. I have not found a group in Ft Worth. So, why not begin an online men’s group (7 of us have agreed (living from the west coast to east coast and in-between). With the “Blue Zone” as inspiration for living life to its best, we will begin. There are several that are “anti” Facebook Groups…we will begin with basic emails to share about daily life, perhaps a movie, book, birthday, concerts, or other event. This is new for all of us…may work, may not.

  • There are those of us who care about the environment and yet there are those who seem to not connect the dots. Two SUVS and Truck company’s regularly feature tear up the environment advertisements to sell their metal machines. Kia and Land Rover seem to be the worst the worst. Honda ads are about being carbon free 2025. I have begun paying attention to which companys push destroy and which do not. Mother Earth will appreciate our efforts.

** I have been reading a writer’s books about aging and choices for the 2nd half of life. Here is a summary of what some of us, of age, may be seeking for aging wisely: Communal living…Like-minded people…Sane, efficient communities…Learning environments…Promoting meaningful relationships…Care & compassion for others…Gardens, shared equipment…A spirit of collaboration and cooperation…Sustainable practices…Commitment to justice and fairness…Humor, understanding the long view. Sounds like Heaven to me!

  • A Thanksgiving Prayer: Lord of this day, of all our days, we ask for your forgiveness in our pursuit of the myths and untruths of Thanksgivings beginning. We do pray for your blessings for today’s goodness of gatherings of family, friends, and a common meal. We know not everyone in your kingdom was invited or found their place at today’s table. We seek balance and righteousness in our practice of loving kindness for those alone or facing emotional or health challenges. We turn away from those who wish to divide. We who believe and live with faith accept your Grace. Lord, there is more to come in this season, in the telling of the Christ story. Stay with us, as we work through the unreal to find the real. We are a troubled people. You are our true Peace, in you, we touch each other and our common ground.

Roy, with seasonal faith and always hope


  1. Sandra on November 26, 2023 at 7:31 am

    Roy, Kristina is telling my Sunday School Class today about Project 4031! So glad to hear of Beth’s connection. Also, good info on the cars. I recently learned The Orange Store supports a political candidate I do not, so will only shop at Lowe’s from here on.
    Happy Thanksgiving Season to you and Beth!

    • Roy Bowen on November 26, 2023 at 9:32 am

      Our “no” list wo give trumpster and other dollars include:
      home depot
      chick fil a
      hobby lobby

      home depot ceo/founder has been often quote saying his employees are lasy, don’t want to work.”

      but the, what do we do with our TX governor?

      hope for longer, lean back conversation soon……Beth hasbeen and always will be the better of the two. Roy

  2. Maurine K Wood on November 26, 2023 at 9:13 am

    Roy, you and Beth always add so much to the communities you reside in, a blessing to be sure. Giving back is a great part of aging, since work no longer burdens us. Thanks for your continued insight.

    • Roy Bowen on November 26, 2023 at 9:27 am

      You are a part of our story.
      Leaving groups/friends who knew us in Amarillo (18 yrs) and Santa Fe (10 yrs) has been harder than first thought.
      Covid. No paycheck and thus no office patterns.
      Now, better. easier.
      Whatever it is now or will be we will find out together.

  3. David Yeomans on November 26, 2023 at 11:44 am

    I’m sure I share with others concerns, feelings of helplessness, even fears about these next twelve months. I am certain that joining this proposed men’s online group would give us the solace, spiritual uplift, and a spirit of fellowship and solidarity that will be much needed in the days ahead!

    • Roy Bowen on November 26, 2023 at 2:02 pm

      You are registered and honored to have you. I will send you the list of 7 after your return home and wellnes.

  4. Jerry Nanna on November 27, 2023 at 9:03 pm

    Roy – although early on with your Sunday letter format, I am enjoying the fresh relevant perspectives. Particularly like your phraseology; “aging wisely, todays’s table, find the real and with seasonal faith and always hope”. Wonderful acuity of thought.

    Indeed the online model would be of interest should it go forward.

    • Roy Bowen on November 28, 2023 at 10:11 am

      Jerry, from college to leaving paychecks behind for Santa Fe I have lived, worked, and learned in groups/causes/mission.
      Now, still no paycheck but also no group beyond Trinity, I look into a screen and keyboard. I have learned not to chase words.
      I have learned to wait, even show patience, allowing my experiences translate into a character or story line.
      The Sunday Letter is a passion, my attempt to communicate, to connect.
      This Sunday I will write out a half page on the art and practice of Habit (as best I know now).
      I am staying close to David Y. We visited in his home Wednesday…on Thursday he was inpatient at Harris for series of tests.
      David is 85, not liking his earthly limitations. His image is as concern pianist.
      Your comments are kind, appreciated, and help me to prepare my next Sunday Letter. Roy, backchair guy

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