Roy’s Sunday Letter for Nov. 6, 2022

  • Beginning With The Positive: There is a sense of the Scared to have coffee with a dear friend and listen as he shares clean and clear “no cancer” medical report received that morning. Yeah!

** Dave is an east coast elder and after reading my stories, he decided he had stories of his own, but how to begin? I asked Dave to list 15 significant events that have shaped his life. Narrow to 5, then to 2. Next, Dave drafted a half to three-quarter page story within 20 minutes. He wrote one, and then another. Wonderful to read and more to come. This approach will work for 90% of you “would be” story tellers….now share.

  • The latest projection is by 2050 all current world glaciers will have melted and be gone….forever.

** Jair Bolsonaro, far-right incumbent president of Brazil, was proud of his plan to deforest Brazil’s Rainforest. Bolsonaro was recently defeated by the election of Luiz Silva, hopefully a more moderate leader whose Values may protect the Rainforests for all of us….maybe,…hopefully.

  • Beth leads elders in drawing and painting at a local community center. Twenty-four Black elders and three Hispanic. The Hispanic elders asked Beth if the Day Of The Dead could be an art activity at the center. Receiving permission, Beth and the three Hispanic women constructed an altar for Nov. 1st and 2nd. Most brought photos and memory items and talked briefly about the important person to be remembered on this special day. If our world would listen, appreciate, and support each other across racial, cultural, and language divisions, as do these elders, we would be a healthier, happier society.

** Regina Smith is African American owner and chef of Mama Gina’s, True Southern Cooking, Regina’s husband is a disabled veteran. She feeds the homeless who live behind a nearby dumpster or the stairway of nearby store. She will host a Prayer Breakfast on Nov. 14. Tom had Smothered Chicken. Me, Shrimp & Grits. Yams for us both. Regina is a community-centered, self-trained chef, business owner who called Tom by name after not seeing him for 3 years.

  • The barrier to receiving your Comments has been resolved, I read and will respond to every Comment. My book of stories will be on the shelf, and I can be Searched by name at local library. When I drafted my first story in 2015 I did not vision publishing or library shelf….Wow.

Roy, Next Sunday the mid-term elections!


  1. Roger Gullickson on November 6, 2022 at 8:04 am

    I believe the mid terms will be the most consequential in our lifetimes. And no idea what will happen!!

    • Roy Bowen on November 6, 2022 at 8:34 am

      My physical body is clinched right now….abit of dread of next week The saying of “The dogs are loose” seems to apply to far right empowerment to limit, to blemish, to disregard, to use force to dominate. The vacuum is for even a moderate Leader to say “All this noise and violence is not the way. Plant trees, join others to clen up a park, go for a walk with someone…..and more. Perhaps a Buddhist presidential candidate would help…..The dogs are loose. Power has shifted, been grabbed away. Time for adjustdments, protecting each other, maybe even ourselves.

      • Robin Easton on November 6, 2022 at 3:02 pm

        Roy, re: “The dogs are loose.” You could not have expressed this any clearer, beautifully and powerfully expressed. I am SO grateful you wrote what you did here. I feel the very same way. It does me a lot of good to hear this stated so honestly. I agree 100% Thank you!!

  2. Jerry Wood on November 6, 2022 at 1:45 pm

    So I guess record inflation (sorry I forgot it was “transitory”), interest rates through the roof (real estate shutdown with repos coming our way as ARMs adjust), begging for oil from the Saudi’s and Venezuela (2 of our good friends), rampant crime (Democratic cities with liberal DAs), massive influx of illegal immigrants (why don’t they stop and set up camp in Mexico), soon to be long-term recession (the Administration will “reinvent” the term by altering the algorithms), upcoming monster unemployment rates (discretionary spending will nosedive in 2023 as the middle class will just struggle to pay essential bills), a President that is unaware of how many states there are (I’ve heard anything but 50), etc.

    What great leadership we have in Washington. Believe one thing, for all of you that live in some utopian world, all of us on the right (and proud of it) know that Tuesday is our only chance to save this country from Socialism. And believe me, we will.

    The last question would be: “How many of you have actually lived in, and understand, a Socialistic society?” I have, and sorry to inform you, it’s not the fairytale land you espouse.

    Two more days!

    • Roy Bowen on November 7, 2022 at 10:51 am

      Friend Jerry…
      We were both raised with true political leaders, who knew how to build up rather than tear down or diminish….whatever the outdated, no real meaning Rep or Dem false letter.
      i have had clerks who are better communicators, planners, problem-solvers than these non-leaders, whatever outdated label

      By the way I wrote about 8 or 9 different topics What would be your comments one1 or more of topics????

      Wednesday morning will not be pretty. I somehow think there will be a pushing away, of power moves of exclusion, not inclusion

      Alway grateful for your thoughts and comments….Thank you!


  3. Robin Easton on November 6, 2022 at 2:59 pm

    Oh, dear Roy, even with the tragedy you share here (“The latest projection is by 2050 all current world glaciers will have melted and be gone….forever.”) this newsletter, and all of your others are deeply moving for me. These Sunday offerings are healing, soothing, and above all SO human and Real. You encapsulate not only your own thoughts and life events, but it’s like you are doing that for all of us….if not the exact same thoughts and events, very similar ones. You so beautifully portray life as…Human BEing. There is something so very moving in that for me, even with the tragedies. We are the whole mix, life is the whole mix, the tragedies, the accomplishment, the shining, courageous risings of humanity amidst all the suffering or potential suffering. It is really so beautiful the way you share it all. It makes me feel more human, more okay, and even safer as I navigate both the tragedies and highlights of my own life. Thank you, dear friend. You are quite a remarkable soul, one who inspires me every week. Robin

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