Roy’s Sunday Letter for May 28, 2023

  • Harvard University began studying Happiness in1938. Their research has identified an investment in social relationships as more important to future health than genetics, education, or social class. Although not always social, in my elder years, being social is a high value and life priority. Maybe, the concept of “Old dog new tricks!”

** Thursday marked 365 days since the gun deaths of 19 students & 2 faculty in Uvalde, south Texas. My Texas Legislature turned away from the pain, the challenge, of leadership, of courage, to take common ground steps to make schools safe. Dallas ISD has distributed “Stay Safe,” a Winnie-The-Pooh book teaching 5-year-olds to “run, hide, fight” in an active shooter situation. A sad day when gun deaths are all too common and we are teaching 5-year-olds about active shooters.

  • 1966 Wisdom Words from a letter of Thomas Merton, Monk: “There has to be clean water in the mind for the spirit to drink.” (Note: And how do we each keep our mind nourished with clean water for our spirit to drink?)

** June 3 will be a busy, wonderful day. First, Beth and her elder group at Como Community Center will be hosting their 2nd Annual Art Show from 1 to 8 pm. Over 150 pieces of art will be on display. For those in FW area please come, meet Black and Hispanic elder artists, the oldest being 99. Second, June 3rd is a National Wear Orange Day for gun violence awareness. Westside Unitarian is host to those who wish to stand against gun violence and harm to innocent people. A panel will present information and actions being taken to keep children, schools, churches, and civic gatherings free from the danger of deaths by guns.

  • I will watch the Colonial golf tournament final round today. My father took me to Colonial to watch Hogan, Sneed, and Nelson when I was (about) 10. Golf, a central part of my family in those days, helped me graduate from Texas Wesleyan University. I still have clubs in the garage, and I can still “hear” the click on the ball on a 5 iron from 170 feet out.

** Beth and I have joined the board of directors of the Tarrant County Coalition for Peace & Justice. I was raised, schooled in FW, unaware the of the physical harm and eventual hanging of Fred Rouse in 1921. The Coalition wishes to tell the story of Mr. Rouse, using education and action to encourage dialogue and build Community.

  • Joan Garry is a respected nonprofit consultant. Joan has written hybrid meetings are our new normal. The blending together of Zoom and in person gatherings require different skills and focus. To leaders of staff and groups, pay attention.

Roy, adapting and paying attention


  1. Roger Gullickson on May 28, 2023 at 8:19 am

    Best wishes on June 3! Sounds great.

    • Roy Carroll Bowen on May 28, 2023 at 9:07 am

      how can 2 “retirees” be so involved? this is all goodness but still surprising

  2. FRANK JOHNSON on May 28, 2023 at 9:02 am

    You guys are getting busy(ier)! And in great ways! Keep up the powerful presence and the sharing of such with us all. Enjoy a beautiful day at the Colonial.

    • Roy Carroll Bowen on May 28, 2023 at 9:10 am

      we are surprised of how we adopted or slipped into old ways of involvement. all goodness…..even on this small scale we wonder “how did we do all that for 50 yrs.????

    • Roy Carroll Bowen on May 29, 2023 at 6:58 am

      my Colonial day was on tv
      days may be gone to walking he miles, and listening to 22 yr olds with beer yelling……..

  3. Linda M on May 28, 2023 at 1:17 pm

    Congratulations to Beth and her marvelous artists at Como! Here’s to a magical day spirited with friendships and good cheer. I still have the feelings of the goodness that permeates that center and all the artists.

    Here, here!

    Love, Linda M

    • Roy Bowen on May 28, 2023 at 3:13 pm

      she is magical with these elders, as they are with her. together, awesome!!!
      I am but a passenger…..impressed and supportive

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