Roy’s Sunday Letter for May 19, 2024

Last week the most responses and comments resulted from the concept of Pocket Forests. I learned that many of us do have Pockets of joy…maybe in the garden, a nature walks and lunches with family and friends. Maybe the next time I reach into my pocket for my keys, I will remember to include a pocket place in my day.

Some readers also commented on their Sacred place to sit, be quiet and still just to Take a Pause. We cannot always be at Ghost Ranch, NM, one of my favorite sacred places. We all can be content knowing that we have a sacred place if not in proximity, in our hearts.

** Long lunch at Roy Pope’s Grocery with Mike, now living well in Oregon. He attempted to convince me of the redemptive value of “cold plunges.” It can be the ocean, a winter lake, or a cold plunge tub he is installing with its own refrigeration. I think I will pass on this one. Mike and I also had extended conversation about the best, healthiest ways of healing the divisions, noise, and chaos in this America of ours. We listened with each other, felt the sadness of suffering, and agreed we will be active, not passive, in engaging individuals and groups in these same respectful conversations.

  • Thunder, light and heavy rain, more boom, booms and then more rain all day Thursday. Friday, blue sky and sunshine. Clearly, Beth, Jazz, and I will never be Seattle people. Jazz totally agrees.

** Alice Munro, one of my writer heroes, died this week at 92. Her collection of 15 short stories,” Dance of the Happy Shades,” was published in 1968. Munro’s writings showed us the universality of the human experience through the mundane of everyday life. Unknown to me at the time, along with my grandfather, she was the inspiration for my first Roy’s Sunday Letter 3 yrs. ago.

  • Young Sheldon ended 7 yrs. on CBS Thursday evening. The best series endings, for me, were Mary Tyler Moore and MASH. What series endings are in your best of memory?

** On Saturday, Carson Huey, 16, graduated from TCU with a Ph.D. in Physics. Carson first began attending TCU at age 11. Hana Taylor Schlitz, 16, graduated from Texas Women’s University with her degree in Sociology. Also, on Saturday, Beth and I were at The Dock bookstore to meet and listen to Orion Jean, 13. He read from his published children’s book, “Race to Kindness,” encouraging children(and adults) to be actively engaged in a brighter and kinder world. These 3 African American youth are teaching us all, as their achievements and social conscience helps by example to move all of forward with hope.

You are invited to Lake Como Black Arts Expo. This is the 3rd Annual “Best Years Club” senior citizens art show At Como Community Center. I am amazed at the progression each Como senior has made in his/her drawings, paints and creative works. It is so cool, to see our friends have pride in their accomplishments. Exhibition times are 11:00 till 5:00, Saturday, June 1. And yes, this year you can purchase your own senior art at the show as some seniors have become entrepreneurs.

Roy, hot tub, not cold plunge


  1. Nancy Tuttle on May 19, 2024 at 6:12 am

    Ghost Ranch NM is my sacred place. I have a sun visor I bought there many years ago. It stays in my car for use whenever I need it.
    No cold plunges for me. I have a heated mattress protector.

    • Roy Bowen on May 19, 2024 at 10:46 am

      Ghost Ranch forever in our memories continuing to nurture us with images, smell of fresh rain.
      Time for us both to go back….and do it all over again.

  2. Maurine K Wood on May 19, 2024 at 7:11 am

    MY Cold plunge is standing in front of the AC register! I am in Jefferson TX. with 9 ladies that I started college with at East Texas Baptist College. I transferred and graduated from TCU but they all finished and have been back. I had not been back, the campus has changed but the feeling is still the same. I was a mid-western girl thrown into a small town in East Texas, culture shock. We are 60 years older but our basic personalities are the same….some good some bad. Pocket moment!!!

    • Roy Bowen on May 19, 2024 at 10:43 am

      Hero tome between heroes!
      You used your ETBC time in the best of ways

  3. Beth Kean on May 19, 2024 at 7:46 am

    Editors note…I changed Carson Huey’s age from 21 to 16…my mistake not Roy’s error. Lesson learned…always ask the author before changing a fact! My apologies to you Roy! Please forgive my error at your expense!🙏🏼

    • Roy Bowen on May 19, 2024 at 10:41 am

      You be supreme editor
      Contract renewal every Sunday
      We continue!!

  4. Mike Davis on May 19, 2024 at 8:25 am

    Thanks for the letter Roy, and thanks again for sharing your time. We listened, laughed and cried. Time well spent.

    Managed two plunges while in town. The 62 degrees in my boss’s pool felt balmy compared to the 42 in the Deschutes River back home.

    Just cause you think no don’t mean I’m giving up on you!! There may be a dip in your future yet!!

    We will continue onward thru the fog, doing our best to bridge the growing gap between those around us.

    Already putting the PAUSE to work!!

    • Roy Bowen on May 19, 2024 at 10:40 am

      I think that is 5 Yes’s in one e *except for the plunge.
      Calling Betty today Sunday…….

    • Paul Warren on May 19, 2024 at 8:54 pm

      Orion Jean is an absolute inspiration! 2021’s Time Magazine’s Kid of the Year. He lives right here in Mansfield. 13-years-old—feeding the homeless—providing books to children—he’s amazing. I will get his new book for my two younger grandchildren!

      • Roy Bowen on May 20, 2024 at 11:59 am

        And, he was interviewed not by me, but by a 15 yr. old.
        The illustrator of his book and Orion as author, never met in person.
        We first heard him at age 11.
        His speaking is clear, without hesitation. His Kindness web site raises books, meals, and dollars. Amazing times. Roy

  5. Roger on May 19, 2024 at 8:38 am

    Santa Fe beats Seattle day in and out!

    • Roy Bowen on May 19, 2024 at 10:38 am

      Decades ago I was one of those flew a Seattle salmon home in an ice chest.

  6. Linda M on May 19, 2024 at 3:45 pm

    Today, I acknowledge what a kindness and gift you give to each of us Roy through the Sunday Letter. Things to think about. Actions to take (engage, be hopeful, express kindness and so much more). Kernels of goodness that start our weeks.

    Thank you dear friend for sharing your time, your wisdom, your query and your friendship. Love you to the moon and back.
    Linda M

    • Roy Bowen on May 20, 2024 at 12:03 pm

      Kindness and gifts exchanged
      & thank you for giving a nod yo my stumbles forward reaching for the light switch.
      You and those of 4 and 2 legs are warriors, angels, and determined servants of goodness.
      Our connection strong, and of the highest value. Roy

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