Roy’s Sunday Letter for June 9, 2024

Sunday, June 16, is Father’s Day. I am posting a Father’s Day thought, early, to promote connections within a family, a call, maybe sharing food and a memory or two. If not near, slow mail a personal note. Mostly, pay attention and allow a special weekend to not slip past. We may go to the cemetery and say our thank You’s.

In our neighborhood, there are fathers to be, grandfathers, young and middle-aged fathers, and memories of fathers no longer with us. My father was a War II Navy officer and then had a long career in banking. A 1960’s son, a Navy officer and banking Vice- President, came with our own gaps, flaws, and conflicts. We didn’t figure all that out until much later in our separate lives, coming together for a right and good end of the life cycle. So, thank you Hollis Harold Bowen. You did good!

  • The PBS re-broadcast of the 1981 Simon & Garfunkel Concert in Central Park was among our T.V. viewing this week. Long ago sounds and images of two young song writers and singers creating forever messages. Their meaning was important to us as a young couple, to a generation, and Player our first dog. Gratitude for those days of our lives.

** One of my SL readers wrote that she no longer was receiving the SL. I found out 15 SL readers had been “bounced” by my mailing service. Each now “Active” for a total of 114 who receive my weekly SL to read when best for them. Thank you, Martha, for letting me know.

  • On Saturday morning we are greeted with “CNN’s Good Stuff.” Another online publication which includes acts of kindness is Mindful Magazine. In her book “Real Change Sharon Salzberg added the LA Times, the New York Times, and the Washington Post which provide a weekly “good news” posting. There are other “uplifting” opportunities for you to find through what is now titled Solutions Journalism. Let the “Good News” become part of everyone’s read.

**As we know, all communication report Good Stuff. Many of our systems are over-whelmed by today’s fast developing and complex challenges. It seems each waited, too long, to adapt, to be current and responsive to local, national and international pressures. Examples of organizational struggles might include; public schools, universities, prisons, hospitals, churches, faith centers, and many newspapers. That said, there are examples of local systems of care/service that are striving to adapt and reemerge. In Fort Worth there are changes happening in our libraries, museums, community centers which even include coloring books for adults. Who would you highlight in your location?

The closing word today is Balance. Achieving a sense of Balance physically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially may be a goal for all of us to attain. Achieving Balance may come and go even with our best of efforts and experience. Which of the four is easier, which one more difficult? Conversation with others (book club, coffee group. gym buddy) is one way to strengthen your ongoing points of Balance.

Roy, practicing my own sense of Balance


  1. Maurine on June 9, 2024 at 6:13 am

    Balance means so many things to us, the older generation. I have to work diligently to walk in a balanced state. With so many different news sources, we have to listen or read several different articles to get a balanced perspective. I am striving for balance in all phases of my life. Thanks for the reminder, dear friend.

    • Roy Bowen on June 9, 2024 at 7:38 am

      Perhaps narrowing down sources or streams of news might help, less effort to be current.
      Even PBS news at 6 can overwhelm. There ending of a Canvas (arts) interview inspiring and new faces for me.
      I use my hiking stick for physical balance.
      I have iced tea at Cental Market or Barnes & Noble for social balance (& monthly lunch with Beth & you)
      The Thursday Trinity men’s group is one part of spiritual balance.
      A complex web of entanglements….most times moving smoothly along.
      We keep at it, do we not??? Roy

  2. Martha Richardson on June 9, 2024 at 9:29 am

    Thanks, Roy for putting back on the Sunday Letter email group. Enjoyed this one very much and it prompted me that today was Fathers Day and I hadn’t sent a note to the fathers in my family. Very difficult to achieve balance, but certainly a worthy goal.


    • Roy Bowen on June 9, 2024 at 1:43 pm

      so far, Balance is winning the Comments today.
      I have diverse, individual ways of gaining and losing Balance.
      Men’s goup Thursday a d Meditation group Tuesday at 10……..Spiritually
      Iced tea or coffee with several over a month.
      I keep wanting to form a 3 – 4 person group but not. Men, what can I say
      Your calls with Beth important to continue
      Connections and Balance an essentia; part of our Now…….Roy

  3. Linda M on June 9, 2024 at 8:15 pm

    There are so many balancing points in my life that I am fortunate to hold and cultivate. Many of them are because I live with a bunch of animals that require attention, nourishing, activity, fresh air, sunlight, serenity, fun, capitvating excitment. What I noticed recently is that I needed to expand my social engagement—beyond the huge work engagement, but rather my own. This was tough and a conscious choice that I needed to make since coming home each night with my pups and horses and very special cat, whom you share, is relaxing and good. But does not afford me the moment of discovering new men and women not related to my work, but rather my social network. I’ve done it. Taking two classes from Santa Fe Community College + going to a Meet Up social group of older people, in person, here in Santa Fe. Phew. Life evolves. X/O

    • Roy Bowen on June 10, 2024 at 8:12 am

      You are brave and showing courage in your stepping out.
      Don’t forget to tell your pups, cat, horses why time expectations have changed.
      Not giving into isolation is a challenge. You are aware and doing what is good for you at this life stage.

  4. Paul Warren on June 12, 2024 at 5:16 pm

    Thank you for sharing your experience with your father. All’s well that ends well! I subscribe to the Optimist Daily. It’s a very interesting and encouraging look at work beyond done around the world. I will check into your CNN’s Good Stuff. Thank you for your encouragement!

    • Roy Bowen on June 13, 2024 at 1:08 pm

      I know about the half empty glass. Will not nurture or sustain my emotional or spiritual health,
      I am good with a glass, knowing some other persons or family benefits from the other half.
      Knowing when “enough” is enough is Blue Zone wisdom.
      I will write once more about fathers, dads on Sunday.
      glad you are leading out at Trinity next week; I will do so on 27th.
      I will find a way to have us personalize the dusty pages of II Samuel. Otherwise, what’s the point?
      You and Jan recommend best day/time. Then, we will see if weather will support our good effort. Roy

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