Roy’s Sunday Letter for June 30, 2024

Nature report from Pershing: Our street is blessed with an abundance of trees, and birds. Two Common Flicker Woodpeckers come daily to the suet basket on our front yard Red Oak. A Red Headed Woodpecker, my first, is finding food in our neighbor’s large but aging tree…Stunning!

A neighbor joined us in taking down their hummingbird feeders due to no summer hummers. Friday evening brought a hummer to enjoy the natural flowers in our garden. It seems that nature’s blooms out score the sugar feeders, for now.

  • Older teens aged 15 to 21 can be a hard group to engage in healthy, healing activities from the loss of a parent, sibling, or peer. In Fort Worth, a former professional boxer and a licensed therapist founded the gym-based Therapy Boxing. Paul Avala and Jamie Corona provide individual therapy and group education, through boxing and training. Teen participation in Therapy Boxing can strengthen their self-confidence, lessen anxiety, and reduce suicidal ideations. Therapy Boxing has created new opportunities for teens. The creativity of people is amazing and in this case helping!

** “If you find yourself retracing the same steps, but still end up not where you wish or need to be, perhaps you need a new path.” Words from my current Fiction book.

  • National and international weather is in a destructive and dangerous pattern. Some say world citizens have waited too late. All agree this is an urgent time to replace what harms with what sustains. We can begin with the home products we use. We can begin by learning your city’s water and recycling policies. Also, we can financially support a local, national, or international organization that is making a difference on behalf of us all.

** CNN’s Good Stuff reminds us that all persons are fascinating. A recent post encourages us to listen and pay attention to a person’s culture, work, or civic volunteering. The life stories, events, and decisions of the young, and now perhaps as elders this can indeed be fascinating. Slow down, look again at those around you, and then smile at your own fascinating self.

A scripture in our Thursday’s men’s group is still with me. In his 2nd letter to the young church in Corinth, Paul wrote of the importance of fair balance. “Let those who have much, have not too much. Let those who little, have not too little.” I believe Paul would encourage our presidential candidates to announce their own plan of fair balance and address the American gap within “too much, too little” with the American public.

Roy, my tip of the hat to all you fascinating readers!


  1. Frank Long on June 30, 2024 at 7:29 am

    take your readers on the magic ride on the backs of tiny hummingbirds, you interweave Scriptures, and CNN. You bring joy and tremendous observations of senior citizens and young boxers. Your title might be “Word Smith, Deluxe.”

    • Roy Bowen on June 30, 2024 at 7:40 am

      and your presence might be titled “friend indeed.”
      your Comments meaningful and appreciated.
      All our best to you and Harry this TX morning. Roy

    • Maurine K Wood on June 30, 2024 at 9:41 am

      I am reading you post a little later than usual but enjoying your observations just as much. We are all experiencing change of some sort in our lives, embrace it and chart a new path that is easy for you to navigate.

      • Roy Bowen on June 30, 2024 at 11:02 am

        I stumble over new paths more than “charting” a path.
        However, we continue on together. Both today and tomorrow. Roy

      • Roy Bowen on July 7, 2024 at 7:56 am

        Always good to read your good words and to listen to your spirit.
        Beth and I are grateful to join together in this “adapting” part of life.
        We keep each other honest walk the path, crooked or straight, together.

  2. Linda M on June 30, 2024 at 9:52 am

    I have a nest of little mud swallows in my barn and this morning the tiny ones started chirping away. Blessings on all our feather people. X/O LM

    • Roy Bowen on June 30, 2024 at 11:04 am

      I admire your swallow neighbors….and yes, bless our feather people……and you too! Roy

      • Peter Kleven on July 2, 2024 at 11:18 am

        Embracing and sharing the joy and beauty and majesty of the moment can bring healing and hope. This is a community that chooses to recognize goodness. Thank you Roy, and thank you “COMMUNITY’!

        • Roy Bowen on July 2, 2024 at 2:56 pm

          Peter, you bring hope and goodness as you walk in the door.
          No one has all the magic answers, sometimes not even the hints.
          But, we continue do we not……Yes.

  3. Roger on July 3, 2024 at 9:00 am

    Absolutely agree that our leaders need to understand we are all connected to each other and the planet!

    • Roy Bowen on July 4, 2024 at 9:45 am

      Roger….I have a wonderful quote from Wendell Berry on this same topic. Look for it in Sunday Letter 7/7.
      I am also writing about “there are Land people and there are Ocean people.”
      I posted FBook this morning on July 4th not about 2 old men or two meaningless “parties.”
      July 4th is about what kind of society, what kind of neighborhood we as Americans want and choose.
      See you Sunday……Roy

    • Roy Bowen on July 7, 2024 at 7:52 am

      Yes on the “need to be” awareness. To me, there eyes and their spirit are dim.
      This I regret. Doesn’t have to be.
      The “we” of us out here have to retain our own healthy heart and spirit.
      We do so together… grandfather would say “you are good folk.”

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