Roy’s Sunday Letter for June 25, 2023

  • Beginning with Goodness: Writer Parker Palmer’s book linked me to Carrie Newcomer, singer & songwriter. See U-Tube for her music. Two of her heart songs are recommended to SL readers: 1. “There Is Room At The Table For All Of Us” (upbeat, inclusion) and 2. “Sanctuary” (touches my Spirit and reminds we need each other).

** We have intentionally planted to attract bees and butterflies. Google says the butterflies have a life-span of two to four weeks, some less or more. Accessible and available nectar is vital. Thank you to the summers’ butterflies for blessing us with your beauty and grace.

  • I receive ads to learn and use AI Chat. Can you imagine the SL as AI written, in minutes? I think I will stay with my week’s notetaking, drafting, editing again later on Saturday, and then touch the Publish button.

** Philanthropy journals are reporting a 25% decline in charitable giving in past 2 – 3 years. The decline impacts foundations, civic organizations, faith centers, and national and local nonprofits. Your gifts create new and continues possibilities in someone’s life.

  • “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books have a common theme quote: “Changing your life one story at a time.” True for Chicken Soup, true for me as well.

** Public Theology has been slowly developing for decades. Now Yale, Duke, Christianity Today (magazine) are applying resources, leaders, and pages to its research and study. The focus is with political and public policies, bringing common interests together to build common ground. Societal issues of ecology, violence and war, economic fairness, social media, and healing our fragmented communications are included the discourse of Public Theology.

  • Two small comments: 1) My new toothpaste contains Charcoal and 2) I am beginning to miss going to a video store and leaving with a movie rental. Yes, I have many, way too many channels; but sometimes a simple choice is enough.

** This week I want to broaden my knowing and experiencing other cultures, foods, persons, and families. Diversity adds to my creativity, my enjoyment of daily life, and allows me to share who I am with others.

Roy, Appreciating individuals, events, and butterflies


  1. FRANK JOHNSON on June 25, 2023 at 4:02 pm

    Thanks for the great words! And thanks for introducing us to Carrie Newcomer. What a voice! We have broadened our knowledge and experience, and hope to do more of that this week.

    • Roy Bowen on June 26, 2023 at 7:18 am

      Her word and voice push to our center and also our edges. I have more to know and hear from her.
      Let me add on more: H. Haywood, Moody Blues player and song writer: Children Of Paradise, UTube.
      We Learn together…..Ears on. RB

      • FRANK JOHNSON on June 27, 2023 at 11:06 am

        Thanks! And let me throw out one for you. Linda Webb-Khakaba on UTube singing In This Room and How Many Times Must I Have a Miracle. Your suggestion made me go back and listen to a lot of my old New Thought friends. Linda is my favorite, but there is also Michael Gott and Karen Drucker. I’ll check out your add-ons.

  2. Sharon A Strange on June 29, 2023 at 3:50 am

    “Chicken Soup for the Soul” (while a great book) has nothing on my friend Roy’s book, “Let Me Tell You A Story.”
    Just FYI.

    • Roy Bowen on July 2, 2023 at 11:28 am

      you be gracious and kind in comment back
      i do wish i had thought of the Chicken Soup universal quote first. But misssed it by 20 prior books.
      Chip was gracious to me this week. i thanked him in all ways I can do so. (RE a fake FBook posting)
      Best to both….

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