Roy’s Sunday Letter for June 2, 2024

A calendar turned my page to 80 on Friday. Grateful for Beth’s grace, memories, the giving of herself with others by her caring, art, and meditations. Alongside photos of younger days, I am curious about my tomorrows. I know I/we are not through. Our determined efforts today are focused on eating better environmentally friendly foods, recognizing justice/ scarcity, praying for our environment, and touching and being touched by communities of colors, language, cultural, and faith.

No matter the age, gender, or race that may give my words a glance, you have your own individual or family challenges as well as life-affirming opportunities. My 80 yr. proclamation is to be brave, be fierce, to show-up, and become my truer self.

  • I am writing this week about two heroes: 1) First is Dolly Parton. Her sponsored of “The Imagination Library” sends a monthly book to 850,000 children and parents, worldwide, from birth to kindergarten. At 78, she has created “Threads, My Songs,” an innovative symphony and multimedia experience of her life, stories, and songs. She continues to be her best self. The second hero is Bill Walton, NBA player and award-winning announcer. Bill’s life, and sad recent death (due to cancer) serves as a reminder of his joy not sorrow. He shared smiles and the fun he enjoyed in bringing forth those smiles throughout his work in entertainment, sports, and charity work. Both Dolly and Bill have/are fulfilling their common wish to bring life’s joy, and smiles, to everyone. I consider this to be “Love in Motion!”

** Fort Worth’s Botanic Gardens and the Union Gospel Mission have combined their mission and purpose in the garden. They are committed to sharing fresh fruits and veggies from those who have to those who have not. More “mission sharing” encouraged, promoting communications and understanding across culture, economic, and families. What a grand idea!

  • TV reporting can be magical and rewarding; however, in this week’s TV reporting, I felt sadness and grief. I watched videos of tornados that destroyed much of Valley View, TX. Lives were lost, life-long dreams scattered and crushed as were pets, and the memories that make our homes a home. The image of a daughter searching for the urn of her father’s ashes is still with me. And then, one channel click away is the bombing, loss of life, injuries, and utter destruction of Gaza and Rafah. Where is the spiritual faith fits within this physical and emotional “brokenness” that is no longer to be found in a place or building. This is the time for us to find “the spirit within us.” Yes, I do grieve for those unknown by name or family, somehow sharing the experience of harm and of lost seems to be common ground.

** CNN’s Good Stuff presented an article on the “Value of Art.” Research in this report indicates that visiting a museum or gallery, doing an art project or a neighborhood craft fair will help rewire your brain. These endeavors can release endorphins and neurochemicals to fight many physical diseases and illnesses. On Saturday, June 1, the third annual “Black Artists Expo” with “The Best Years Club,” at Como Community Center was an example of how art can be transformative. Beth has coached and taught art to this group of elders, on Wednesday, for three years. At this annual show, there were 252 pieces of art on display. The oldest artist is 100; the youngest 60. Here is a community of artists, each with their own paints and canvas, lowering the sense of isolation so often identified within elders. On Wednesday, at Como Community Center Art, all are invited and welcomed. How long has it been since you bought a box of crayons just for you?

Roy, joining Elton John in singing out loudly and clearly…“I’m Still Standing.


  1. Maurine on June 2, 2024 at 6:21 am

    I am so grateful that you’re still standing and can draw all of us up with your writing. The world has so much good news we often focus on the bad. Beth has always been a blessing sharing her talents in not only Art but people skills as well you two make a wonderful couple, dedicated to service and life. 80 is just a number and one that certainly doesn’t define you.

    P.S. thank you for refraining from political comments, we get enough of that on a daily bases. Your writings are uplifting and I look forward to them each week.

    • Roy Bowen on June 2, 2024 at 7:43 am

      I like very much your naming the SL as Uplifting.
      Matches and fits my unspoken outcome purpose.
      I have been given a hand-up by others, pulling me forward, even upward.
      As do you.
      We 3 are connected in the goodness and respect of the other.
      Thus, we continue on…..Roy

  2. Frank Long on June 2, 2024 at 7:52 am

    One of your very best Sunday notices. You continue to amaze me with your sage words. Thank you

    • Roy Bowen on June 2, 2024 at 9:11 am

      Its time for you to come visit your son.
      That way we can a second porch time together,,,,Harry too.
      I appreciate your encouragement. I do feel, after 3 yrs, of writing the SL I am in a comfort and deepening place…..Roy

  3. Paul Warren on June 2, 2024 at 8:26 am

    Roy—continue to inspire others! You and Beth are a blessing to humanity. I will also strive to be brave, fierce, present and authentic! I am so glad that we have connected back here in Fort Worth. Happy Burthday!

    • Roy Bowen on June 2, 2024 at 9:08 am

      We are engaged, connected, linked.
      And that is good, hopeful, thankfulness…….Roy

  4. Roger Gullickson on June 2, 2024 at 8:59 am

    Happy 80th! What a week. Be well.

    • Roy Bowen on June 2, 2024 at 9:07 am

      Friend Roger….
      Yes, many a “Happy” wish
      Others words may fit me easier: Satisfying, comfortable, forward leaning
      & thank you for your good wishes as well…….Roy

  5. Nancy Tuttle on June 2, 2024 at 10:23 am

    Have the happiest birthday

    • Roy Bowen on June 2, 2024 at 11:55 am

      I will send a few photos from 3rd Annual Black Artist Art Show.
      Beth coaches, teaches art each Wednesday to 24 elders at Como Community Center.
      There were 252 art pieces in the show.
      These are good days of health, events, faces. Roy

  6. Marcia L Swain on June 2, 2024 at 1:49 pm

    Just when we think, Roy, that you couldn’t be wiser, that your heart couldn’t be bigger and more enfolding – you always surprise. Thank you, love to you and Beth and Jazz and to the growing community of your Sunday Letters devotees.

    • Roy Bowen on June 2, 2024 at 2:03 pm

      Friend forever Marcia….
      A local reader, also an elder, called my SL today “uplifting.”
      A tag I had not considered. Felt right, felt right.
      At Saturday, at the Black Artist Expo, Beth was asked to b on a 3 person panel.
      One white woman. Looked different. All part of her/our new normal.
      We have 2 friends on the edge of life. Sept. seems a long way away.
      The faces, the pace of week, so different than SFe. Both good, important in the big picture.
      We are engaged, always….Roy

  7. Linda M on June 2, 2024 at 4:16 pm

    In the Italian household that I grew up in, we not only ate a Mediterranean diet, but also stirred in love when we were cooking. That love makes the food a blessing for all who partake in its nourishment. Can’t wait to cook for you and Beth again. Happy Birthday again.

    Linda M

    • Roy Bowen on June 3, 2024 at 6:26 am

      Yes on the chopping, fragrances of preparation. Cod and veggies Sunday. Easy words back and forth. Dogs waiting for their fair share. We have never been to High Hope…..Yes, a June travel. More offer 3 to unfold.

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