Roy’s Sunday Letter for July 28, 2024

Last week’s Sunday Letter described the importance of uniforms to student for improving academic achievement and consistent attendance. I have now learned the members of our local University Christian Church, provided 6,897 shirts, jeans, and shorts to Fort Worth girls and boys during the 2023-24 school year. I am sure UCC would welcome your contribution to support the Children’s Closet at the beginning of a new school year. Beth and I will be contributing this year. Thanks Maurine, a true Hero in our community!

  • Last summer we began replanting our front garden with native plants and added more this summer. The hummingbirds are enjoying feeding on native blossoms and we have the pleasure of observing their coming to the garden. Toss your plastic feeders (it has been marvelous), we encourage you to consider planning and planting as Mother Nature intended.

** Netflix Movie: The Long Game. Many of us have been a member of a team, whether sports, speech, or military service. Team membership can be a life memory of events, travel, the winning, and the losing. In 1955, J. B. Pena, Mexican American, began the school year as new Superintendent in Del Rio, TX. He had a desire for San Felipe High School to have a golf team. Pena recruited 5 Mexican American caddies from the Del Rio Country Club to form the team. Together they faced racial and class prejudices. Pena was attempting to succeed in a system, while trying to change it. This beautiful true story ends with the team winning the 1957 State Championship. A movie for Believers, and for those who still want to Believe.

  • An old man talking to the young about reading: “It’s going somewhere without taking a train or plane it is an unveiling of new, incredible worlds. It’s living a life you haven’t been born into and facing opportunities without the consequence of failure, of learning how to live among others with joy and with hope.” Oh, the wonder of books!

** More readers commented on balance and falling last week: 1) Alan Jackson has ceased performing and touring. Jackson was diagnosed 10 yrs. ago with Charcot – Marie Tooth, a degenerative nerve condition he inherited from his father. His sense of balance and ability to walk have been compromised, along with smaller, weaker muscles in his extremities. 2) Proprioception describes the body’s sense of movement, action, and location. Weakened neurons within muscles, tendons, and joints cannot support our balance or prevent bumping into people and furniture. The recommendation is to avoid stairs, uneven surfaces, and sudden movement and turns.

  • We often end a TV evening with a 19-minute episode of Young Shelton. The scripts are well crafted, the characters consistent, even as Sheldon and his twin sister, Missy, grow and mature. We like ending the evening with a smile, a good feeling. Young Sheldon is our small way of balancing the news and the up and down of the day.

Roy, smiling with Sheldon



  1. Maurine on July 28, 2024 at 6:59 am

    Thank you so much for the shout out concerning the Closet. That ministry is dear to my heart because not only children are impacted but families that have limited resources benefit as well.
    Great minds, I watched “The Long Game “ the other night and found myself more aware of the hatefulness of individuals. My hope is that we have made some progress over the last several years, but at times I still see it. I had a few tears at the end when they pulled out a win but were only recognized in their home town.
    Missy and MeMaw are always good for a laugh on “ Young Sheldon”

    • Roy Bowen on July 28, 2024 at 8:36 am

      MeMaw, John, and cast do add to our lives…kind of gets inside of me/us slowle, 19 minutes at a time.
      We came to Sheldon late so many growth spurts to go.
      I often conclude with no Hispanic crews roods and streets would go without repair.
      Clothes Closet a special and valued ministry….& maybe a dollar or two from this SL.
      Best your way, always…Roy

    • Peter D. Kleven on July 28, 2024 at 10:39 am

      The fragility of nature: Bees, Monarch Butterflies, Whales, Wolves, Polar Bears, etc. I find emense peace when I immerse myself into Mother Nature. We all thrive because of the complex fragile mix of life. Native Americans seem to have encompassed the sacredness and importance of our connection with nature’s world. Many thanks to you Roy……

      • Roy Bowen on July 28, 2024 at 11:40 am

        You two have taken us with you in walking the lake. You have put in place a heakthy, enjoyable life up north.

        tis where, perhaps you need to be 11 months out of 12. we enjoy your enjoyment
        Continue on!!

  2. Mike Davis on July 28, 2024 at 7:15 am

    Good morning Roy and thanks for the letter.. Loo and I watched The Long Game last week.. great movie and story.. it is always shocking to see raw prejudice.

    We use to deal with that in the fence business years ago.. prospective customer would make a comment about not wanting ” wet backs to be building their fence”….. when faced with such a comment I would calmly and politely close my folder and let the person know we would not work for someone who possessed such an attitude.. reactions to my statement were varied, but always felt good to call someone on their prejudice.. We were never called out for being discriminators against the prejudiced!! I believe we have made great progress in many areas. That being said, there will always be prejudice.. just human nature.

    The wonder of books, hand held books.. yes!!

    happy Sunday to all.

    • Roy Bowen on July 28, 2024 at 8:27 am

      I do read a few on my phone at night….not my preference to my morning reads with coffee, observing the walkers passing by.
      A different view of bias would be who we include and who we exclude.
      In FW, with no Hispanic crews, few roofs and few potholes would be repaired, even in 2024.
      The Long Game told a story I knew, without ever knowing.
      So, now we continue on as if the world made sense…..Roy

    • Roy Bowen on July 28, 2024 at 8:20 am

      & thank you!! Always good to learn from another who appreciates the quick flying small gifts of joy.
      Perhaps it is the little things in elder yrs. with the most meaning.
      Best your way,,,,Roy

  3. Linda M on July 28, 2024 at 11:31 am

    The Long Game was wonderful Roy. So glad we “shared” it together. Learning “how to fall” one of our martial arts practices done over and over is super important as well. No banging the head; nor hitting the elbows—-two critical areas. Love you to the moon and back. I’m so grateful for each Sunday. XOXOXOXO

    • Roy Bowen on July 28, 2024 at 11:47 am

      Well, from a 1994 fall with extension ladder, I have no left elbow….
      I do fall well….Only 1 fall in 2 yrs.
      A slow Sunday in FW
      On You Tube searching out “Black cowboy” best videos for Como on Aug 6
      We are packing calendars in the of our decades before
      Changing suet hanger to keep woodpeckers return.
      We both good…..Roy

  4. Joe Vernon on July 28, 2024 at 2:49 pm

    After watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics, I will not be watching any more Olympics coverage. So thanks for the TV tips. I will watch Long Game. Thanks for the recommendation. It sounds like a wonderful movie. Also Young Shelton. I need a good laugh to end each day. Finally, I love Hummingbirds. They are fascinating to watch. Can you send me some plants that will attract them. Thanks….Joe Vernon

    • Cinda Hitchcock on July 28, 2024 at 3:18 pm

      To find native plants best for your particular area, you might go to the following:

      from the Native Plant Society of Texas

      • Roy Bowen on July 29, 2024 at 8:01 am

        Excellent referral….and thank you. All resources are good.
        Tis taken 2 summers but all bursting forth now. A happy garden area a few feet away from front windows.
        We are urban camping, half-way through shower conversion/ Great crew.
        We are learning about straming as opposed to Spectrum cable. The learning curve and all that
        We wish you and all family the best of best…..Roy and Beth

    • Roy Bowen on July 29, 2024 at 8:10 am

      I will send blossom referrals later Monday
      We missed opening ceremonies. I have read more than desired of “Last Supper.”
      Surely there were 20 producers who could have/should have said “this is not a good idea.”
      If you travel to FW iced tea on me…..and if not I can come your way. Beth can tour the market and more.
      Under the banner of “doing our best,” the games continue, mostly over-looking the bad or weaker times.
      All the best…..looking out for and with our neighbor…..Roy

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