Roy’s Sunday Letter for July 21, 2024

** Each Monday, I begin with a blank pad of paper following the sending forth of the Sunday Letter. The process seems to include notes on a news item, a quote on keeping the seams together of society, climate, faith and perhaps a personal sharing begins the slow move from pad to screen. When the draft seems together, with a sense of flow, Beth edits and makes further improvements shaping and adding clarity. Sometime on Saturday afternoon, the SL is published by preparing the Word Press for Mailer Lite distribution on Sunday morning. I think back to editorial writers that published daily; I have total respect!

  • Weather Twilight Zone: The FW high on Monday, July 22, will be 87. One year ago, 106 – 110.

** Robert Frost wrote “Good fences make good neighbors.” I would add the walls that have forever separated church and state seemed to make for a healthy and balanced public policy. The crossing of party lines in Congress can produce the best and right laws and governance. “Doctors Without Borders” are saving lives and providing hands-on care in war zones. While other advocates are placing themselves at risk. Individuals and advocacy groups for peace, justice, and climate sanity can close the gaps of food scarcity, disappearing wilderness and artic ice. Fences, walls and borders…how the definitions have changed through the years.

If we see, hear, or read only of the worst, our capacity to act and make a difference is weakened. If we surround ourselves with those who have magnificence balance, we experience the encouragement to act, to possibly send the spinning of the world in a healing direction, and that is in itself a marvelous achievement.” Howard Zinn, Historian & Author

  • School uniforms can improve school performance, especially for youth living in high poverty regions. Dropout rates can be reduced by 16%; absenteeism by 25%. In the African country of Togo, Payton McGriff’s nonprofit “Style Her Empowered (SHE)” provides 1,500 uniforms annually to students, many of those who may have stayed home.

** In 1951 Eric Hoffer, social observer of his day, published “True Believers,” a writing on the origin and eventual impact of mass movements. Hoffer’s research identified that most mass movements were begun by discontented people, not feeling valued or included, believing what they believed was unheard nor wanted. Whatever the origin, most mass movements exhibited an eventual inherent weakness of intolerance of those with a different view and a slow slide into strict dogmas and absolutism. Hoffer published in 1951. (thanks, Roger, for the reminder)

Roy, with good energy and a determined leaning into Hope!


  1. Marty Hamrick on July 21, 2024 at 7:01 am

    Speaking of School Uniforms, I’m reminded of wearing your “Sunday Best.” I cannot not wear a coat and tie to church. Maybe not a coat in the summer , but always a tie!


    • Roy Bowen on July 21, 2024 at 9:33 am

      Marty….my day by day elder uniform is pull up sports shorts, t-shirt from Hope & Healing Place, summer sandals.
      No tie.
      Sometimes running shoes with laces.

      Always read your respected comments and thoughts….Roy

  2. Frank Long on July 21, 2024 at 7:45 am

    Great reminders of the positive things in life. Thanks, Roy for your shared musings.

    • Roy Bowen on July 21, 2024 at 10:59 am

      I muse easily
      Stumble, mumble
      Turn left, turn right
      Fall over, get back up.

  3. Susan Sarra on July 21, 2024 at 8:27 am

    I recently bought a new Girl Scout shirt at a second hand shop.
    It’s light blue with a collar and chest pockets. Wrinkle free material.
    It has the scout emblem above the heart pocket, Fleur de lis.
    My inner child popped out with surprising enthusiasm, it was a must have. So comfortable.
    Reminds me of my military upbringing and brief time as a scout.
    Thanks for the memory spark. ⚡️

    • Roy Bowen on July 21, 2024 at 11:04 am

      Several comments on uniforms.
      Their history, their importance.
      Your Comments affirms all of that.
      Next Sunday a uniform follow-up….a local church clothes closet gave 5,000 students during the last school year.
      Hero Time.
      Thank you for both memory and Comment.

  4. Linda M on July 21, 2024 at 8:40 am

    Ever since we started placing dogs in the investigation and prosecution of crime against vulnerable victims, I stopped (completely) watching television news. I realized that to be an effective listener, to provide service, and to be able to embrace the innovation that so many were striving to achieve, I had to have HOPE. I feel grateful that the insight of taking spoonfulls of news, instead of tidal waves, has allowed me to make a space for the miraculous, which the canines bring to their human professional partners each and every day. You help us think about the landscape of life each and every Sunday. Thank you friend.

    • Roy Bowen on July 21, 2024 at 9:26 am

      My ears, heart, and humanity are increased and made stronger by the 4 legged in my world, our world.
      and, by and because of Believers as your good and true self.
      I Value you in the highest ways………somehow, together soon.

  5. Maurine on July 21, 2024 at 9:26 am

    As you know I am very committed to a ministry at University Christian Church called the Children’s Closet. Last school year we provided over 5000 uniforms to the children in the FWISD. When a parent has to make the choice of feeding their family or buying school uniforms we step in and fill that need. Children feel better about themselves and perform better in school because of our ministry. We are supported by our church as well as individual donations. Actions speak louder than words and truthfully right now there are too many words floating around. Thank you for recognizing actions and Hope.

    • Roy Bowen on July 21, 2024 at 10:57 am

      The Children’s Closet and UCC will be given space in next week’s Sunday Letter. Honored to have this opportunity.

      I have received an email critical of my not writing about Trump, the shooting, despair and lack of Hope.
      I do not use the SL for my political views. There are many 24/7 panels and microphones. Lots of noise. My noise not needed.
      My words, my writings, hopefully, are about Hope, Transformation, Belief in Others, Engaging, Being Brave.
      I respect you service to make the world better for us all.

      • Peter D. Kleven on July 21, 2024 at 3:35 pm

        Roy, I find my “Memory Page” is often blank when I call it to task. I have found this week that a “Person Without Boarders” had a Most Significant Impact on my week through Gesture, Word, Deed, and Humanity, and I suspect that the person was only expressing their true self and not deviating from their God Intended Self. There are indeed Angels Amongst Us.

  6. Roger on July 21, 2024 at 4:33 pm

    You are welcome Roy. I read his book in the 60’s and it is stunning how much insight and relevance to today. Above all we need hope and a going to place in times like these. Your weekly insights give us all that!

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