Roy’s Sunday Letter for July 2, 2023

I am taking a July break from composing and sending forth The Sunday Letter. The SL began as friends wanted to know how Beth and I were adjusting to our Apri, 2020 decision to return to Fort Worth from our days in Amarillo and Santa Fe. There have been 159 Sunday Letters, never missing a Sunday.

My desire is for the SL to be words of freshness, to continue to appeal to those who open and real my weekly thoughts. Somehow, I want each SL to “touch” your spirit and your heart with 1) information, 2) encouragement, 3) small or odd items you may have missed, and 4) personal updates from our 79- and 74-year-old selves. Beth is my esteemed editor, making each SL clearer and better.

In July, I will broaden my print and online reading, research, have a more consistent opportunity to write, whether short stories, verses, essays, or a retelling from a life and marriage well lived. I hope to have some iced tea with friends.

As I close the 159th Sunday Letter with these thoughts and word.

From my current Fiction read. “Planting a garden is showing your belief in tomorrow.”

I am angry and disappointed so many of the legislative decisions and programs that have been my life’s vocation and faith have been weakened or disappearing.

  • I am sad for the residents of Matador and Perryton, Texas. Tornados destroyed homes, businesses, all they owned. Sad for the families of East Palestine, Ohio and the derailment of chemicals creating generations of medical and emotional illness and preventing their return home.

** In France, a police shooting of a 17-year-old, and then the arrest of 1,300 is disheartening. A recommendation to President Macron would be to declare a National Day of Mourning Prayer and Meditation. France has to grieve and find themselves again.

  • In this month’s Westover Hills magazine, Beth is so thrilled that two programs she dearly loves were included. The first article is about Project 4031, where she serves as Volunteer Coordinator. The second article and photos are for the Black Arts EXPO at Como Community Center. Beth is teaching us all about marketing and content placement.

July is now before us all. I will send a short reminder each Sunday so all will know.

Roy Carroll Bowen


  1. Joel Koff on July 2, 2023 at 7:17 am

    Enjoyed your Sunday letter for July 2nd

    • Roy Bowen on July 2, 2023 at 11:36 am

      really good to hear from you and thanks for your good comment
      159 Sunday Letters…amazing looking back (which i rarely do)

  2. Nancy Tuttle on July 2, 2023 at 7:40 am

    Good idea to take a break.

    • Roy Bowen on July 2, 2023 at 11:30 am

      A first for me. Kind of like plow horse looking up and seeing sunset
      Have you done similar????
      I will look at other options and models for August forward……….

  3. Frank Long on July 2, 2023 at 7:50 am

    Everyone needs a respite from routine. Your SL are thought provoking, and inspiring. And you are paying attention to your mind and body which are telling you to take a break. I honor that. I honor you.
    Peace in your heart.
    Great job.

  4. Shelley Winship on July 2, 2023 at 9:21 am

    Roy, what is your current fiction read? Very interested in that quote, as you might imagine!

    • Roy Bowen on July 2, 2023 at 11:34 am

      I turned that library book back …. not remembering title/author. A one time read.
      I very much like the “garden – tomorrow” link. Gives me a new point of reference.
      We kept cover of winter leaves on part of garden all winter
      And, we have multiplied our butterflyes many times over….

  5. FRANK JOHNSON on July 2, 2023 at 10:29 am

    I totally agree with the other Frank!

  6. owen kunkle on July 2, 2023 at 1:02 pm

    What a sweet image: the plow horse taking a break for the sunset, maybe knowing that the plowing would be ending soon. Of course, that would depend on having an accommodating farmer. I hope your farmer is, but know that another day is coming. Blessings to you both.

  7. Linda M on July 2, 2023 at 7:29 pm

    Your presence in my Sundays has been a joy each week. I wish you good rest, fine respite, renewal of creativity and spirit, a journey of happiness and joy. How I love you BOTH so very much. Guess who is here until September—–someone from High Hope Ranch! My other Texas family.

    Love you,

    Linda M

  8. mike davis on July 3, 2023 at 5:19 am

    Well deserved pause, Roy… thanks much for all you’ve provided.. Have a great Independence Day..

  9. Roy Carroll Bowen on July 3, 2023 at 8:15 am

    Checking comments as to who is there and who got blocked.

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