Roy’s Sunday Letter for July 16, 2023

Roy is stepping away from Sunday Letter for the month of July, returning in August.

For regular Sl readers, what do you like best about the SL’s you have received and read??

What about the SL could be refreshed, something new, added to what you have received and read?

I am asking you, my readers, make whatever I send in August, the most entertaining, informative, and looked forward to each Sunday morning.



  1. Frank Long on July 16, 2023 at 6:07 am

    I find the Sunday letter to be refreshing and inspiring even when discussing mundane things like grass, birds, ordinary stuff of life. I encourage you to only use your thoughts about life and the situations in the world as you experience them and as you interact with a variety of people all over the country. You are a gifted writer. Sometimes I read again and again some paragraph because of the profound wisdom it brings. No need to change the apple cart at this time.

    • Roy Bowen on July 16, 2023 at 10:56 am

      I will be back, different but back.
      Thought about a monthly or bi-monthly.
      Not sure I can “hold an audience” with bi-monthly.
      Current thinking out loud:
      Twice monthly there will be a tone or different content than the other two weeks.
      Maybe, 1st and 3rd book, movie, or netflix/prime recommendation. Maybe a short essay
      2nd and r4th a commentary
      Just thinking outloud how to deparate the Sunday’s making them special.

      Thanks for hanging with me. Kind of a “fluid guy” right now…..Roy

  2. mike davis on July 16, 2023 at 7:55 am

    Your letters are well rounded and promote much thought and reflection. As we’ve discussed, I believe most effective when politics are greatly reduced or not present at all.

    Hoping this pause doing you some good and y’all are staying cool.. looking forward to next SL…… sending some positive karma from Central Oregon..

    • Roy Bowen on July 16, 2023 at 9:47 am

      Well lets see…a high school principal in CO was fired for saying killing kids with guns not being a good thing.
      So called donald’s pastor has said often that anyone who disagrees with donald should be shot.
      A pastor in Plano has said often parents of a gay or lesbian youth should be shot in the back of the head.
      Our florida would be dictator to be want to put anyone who disagrees with him in prison
      The donald has said often if eleected he will hang those who disagree with him.
      So, I will continue to seek balance, call out the stupid and dangerous.
      In the meantime every morning my home pages announces the latest in idiots who propblem with a gun.
      Sometimes balance is hard to find, always seeking and findidng.
      Roy on Sunday

  3. Paul Warren on July 16, 2023 at 8:34 am

    I always look forward to your Sunday letter. I love how it touches on a variety of subjects, both local and world wide, in a concise manner. I subscribe to a daily newsletter called, “The Optimist Daily.” I highly recommend it, as it reports on inspiring stories from all over the world. We need to hear more of those types of stories. Keep up the great work!

    • Roy Bowen on July 16, 2023 at 9:25 am

      Sunday morning 7/16
      Story on my home page of school principal fired from speaking about gun violence in schools.
      Messages like his have to fit somewhere in all of our good news, which is always important.
      Beth and I have talked about SL in August. Lots of notes.
      Whatever August will be will be different than my normal.
      My current story draft is The Lost And Found Of Faith.
      Setting: Wkend retreat to reclaim, reconnect with their faith experience, not lost or weakening. Still drafting

  4. Pi Luna on July 16, 2023 at 8:38 am

    I love how you have a variety of topics. It’s fun to read. Maybe you could include one of your short stories at the end of each SL.

    • Roy Bowen on July 16, 2023 at 9:15 am

      There are 2 options on Word Press. I use the easy one, like gmail.
      The harder one allows music, photos, more. I will practice Beaver Builder for my restart in August.
      Good suggestion.

  5. Janice Nourse on July 17, 2023 at 10:30 am

    Writers write. You are a gifted writer.

    • Roy Bowen on July 23, 2023 at 10:09 am

      Your kind and supportive words taken into my sprit
      Thinking through restart of Sunday Letter in August
      I may go to a 1st and 3rd send out
      I may lose readers, or I might have more anticipation or look forward to 1st and 3rd.
      Also, maybe, the 1st and 3rd may have different emphasis.
      Movie or book comment
      Maybe a sort interview
      I seldom write about being an elder, may do so
      More….lots of thinking it through still to come

      Appreciation to you, you both, in all ways….Roy on 7/23

  6. Linda M on July 17, 2023 at 8:16 pm

    Dear Forever Friend. Maybe sometimes the Sunday Letter could be something as simple (and profound) as this. Carrying hope and new maps to greater love and community.

    Love you,
    Linda M

    • Roy Bowen on July 23, 2023 at 10:03 am

      I have benefitted from July back-off. I keep notepad about thoughts of Restart in August
      Unique – Encouragement – Be brave, have courage, you are not alone, more
      My bent on this Sunday 7/23 to shift to a 1st and 3rd send out.
      Hopefully, by 1st and 3rd readers will have anticipation.
      The risk is by backing of every Sunday readers will forget, lose interest.
      I have no fear of the unknown…..tis how I find my path, make adjustments
      Still thinking and feeling my way to August. Roy guy

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