Roy’s Sunday Letter for July 14, 2024

** As you know, Public Libraries have always been my safe place. My mother took me to the Fort Worth library for my 1st library card when I was 7 or 8. The library encouraged me to be curious, to explore and to learn. In 2024, (rural and urban) libraries are still community hubs for digital learning, social media, and serve as common ground place to gather. Not everyone had my youthful experience of their local library. If not, give yourself a “Day One” experience. Walk in, look around, feel the open invitation of this being in your library.

  • A favorite go-to web site is Joan Garry Consulting. Recently Joan listed “5 Lessons About Nonprofits.” 1) Nonprofits are messy. Our pace of fulfilling our Mission can bounce into other agencies or policies. The lesson is how to Thrive in the middle of it all. 2) Leadership is shared. The ED, and senior staff, weave, tangle, and untangle with the board of directors. 3) The best ED’s are storytellers. Mission & Purpose can have a background of numbers, but the out-front image is about faces, over-coming challenges and sharing the journey with others. 4) You can’t do everything. The nonprofit wording is “mission drift.” Another phrase is “shiny object syndrome.” 5) You can’t be successful alone. We are at our best with partners in mission, in stable revenue, building partnerships to be the difference with those we serve. I will always love the work of non-profits…I believe it is in my blood.

** A Reminder to Believe and To Have Hope. The 2007 movie Freedom Writers features Hilary Swank as a young educator in a racially divided urban school of at-risk kids. They are deemed incapable of learning by the powers that be. My movie source was Showtime, no doubt available on other platforms. It reminded me to be to Believe and to have Hope during these July chaotic days! It is an important part of our emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

Grieving is like having broken ribs. On the outside you look fine. But, with every breath you hurt. Ribs will heal. Grief healing is best shared with others, sometimes storytelling, allowing others in, and yes, grief, requires you to show up.

** My pattern is to select 3 or 4 library books to review before checking out 2. Friday a, perhaps homeless or street guy, was on the sofa. He had a backpack and a full bag of clothes nearby. Pointing to his stack of books, I asked, “What are you reading?” He did not answer. My sense was he was not used to being asked questions. I asked again in a soft open manner, “What are you reading?” “Science Fiction,” he continued. “It’s a dangerous world out there. The unreal are safer than the real.” This Saturday morning, I thought of my library friend…where he woke up, what he is reading?

  • Thank you, for the many comments on writing about my falling due to not being mindful or paying attention. Most who made comments had also fallen, understood the gradual loss of the security of balance. Helpful comments, “from the fallen,” included: carry less, make 2 trips, turn slowly with your whole body, when walking be mindful of your focus with sureness of your steps and lastly if unsteady slow down. I can now hear the chorus of the “Fallen” each time I go for a walk.

“Just 2 Guys Just Talking”…each month I share an iced tea or coffee with several guy friends. Each conversation is different and yet each the same. Aging, healthy foods, fitness, the spiritual & faith, marriage and family are common themes to our talks. Yes, there are men who run from my invitation, others unsure but willing. Each time, ending the 90+ minutes together, I thanked each friend for the time and the words together. One of my friends replied, “Just 2 guys talking.”

Roy, watching my steps and my words!


  1. Tom Tortoreo on July 14, 2024 at 7:03 am

    As you know, the non-profit world is not unlike the traditional business world in many ways. An ED, CEO, etc. must have the skill set of leadership, integrity, knowledge and the backbone to make very difficult decisions. Leading by example, directional delegation, situational awareness and a “hands in the dirt” mentality in my humble opinion are a must for an ED. An ED must be able to manage/manipulate a board and clearly articulate the mission of the agency. Unfortunately, in some circumstances board members are more interested in being on a board (status, résumé enhancements, etc.,) as opposed to working on a board. A weak/ absent ED with an unskilled/unengaged board is a recipe for destruction for any nonprofit. The nonprofit space from a business perspective, is complicated, unique and a disciplined skill set for ED is a must for the survival/effectiveness of any nonprofit. Make no mistake about it. The nonprofit world is a tough business.

    Just my humble opinion on this surreal Sunday morning.

    I really enjoy these Sunday morning reads!
    Thank you Roy.

    • Tom tortoreo on July 15, 2024 at 4:26 am

      Nothing as yet.

      • Roy Bowen on July 15, 2024 at 8:15 am

        Somehow another Comment reply got in our way.
        Your experienced view and values respected as community and business leader.
        You have been both at the table and on speaker’s stand.
        I pay attention to your words as well as your desire for excellence.
        We will both keep at “getting it right,” go off course, find our way back on path.

  2. Maurine on July 14, 2024 at 8:41 am

    My daughter Stacey has worked for non-profits for 30 years. She laments that they have failed to move into the 21st century. Their technology might be available but the leadership mindset is antiquated.
    I used to take my school children to the downtown library. It was one of our favorite field trips. Libraries open so much knowledge to everyone, they need our support.
    Good read today, Roy, thank you.

    • Roy Bowen on July 14, 2024 at 9:26 am

      Stacy deserved her valued place in a dynamic, move forward nonprofit.
      She presents all I want to have on staff with me and others.
      One element I sense weakening in 2024 nonprofits s Courage, the willingness t risk, a determined Vision.
      You and Stacy represent the best in nonprofit leadership……..Roy

  3. Linda M on July 15, 2024 at 12:49 pm

    One of the most powerful mentoring experience in my non-profit career was your hosting of the Executive Director’s Leadership Circle. You created an envelop of safety and inquiry that let what needed voice to be told and heard. Thank you my forever friend.

    • Roy Bowen on July 15, 2024 at 1:07 pm

      An honoring affirmation in every words and emotion.
      When we returned to FW I had hope recreating the Learning Circ;e.
      2 weeks later Covid shut down began and then continued.

      An affirming, personal, and meaningful wording.
      I had hope to create something like Learning Circle in FW.
      Covid and prolonged shut down ended that hope.
      FW culture values the speed-up more than the slow down, fragmentation more than the whole.
      Learning Circle was catching fireflies on a summer evening.
      Seeing the magic of glow and sending them off and upward to continue lighting the night.

      The Sunday Letter, now 3rd year, is my continuation of the magic.
      Gracious words from a gracious and talented true leader and forever friend.
      On a Monday….Roy

      • Peter D. Kleven on July 16, 2024 at 9:00 pm

        I also met a gentilman who seems to have found himself “at home” on the street. My four legged companion has responded in offering friendship to him. She has a good sense of identifying those of good character.
        In our next meeting, he offers his hand of friendship and she gladly responds in getting her head gently scratched by him. In our next meeting this blossoming spirit is quite elliquent as he identifies his impressive personal position on the then current affairs of the day. Yes, Special Moments. The Pressing of the Flesh, the Pressing of the Fur, and the Pressing of the Spirits.

        • Roy Bowen on July 17, 2024 at 10:10 am

          Peter, there really no other way to live. Yes there are risks…..Yes, there are rewards.
          We both continue on……….Roy

  4. Frank Long on July 16, 2024 at 3:01 pm

    great observations we have come to admire and repeat in other venues. Thanks

    • Roy Bowen on July 17, 2024 at 10:12 am

      we all learn, get it wrong, get it right from each other, with each other…..especially you both…..Roy

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