Roy’s Sunday Letter for January 22, 2023

  • Beginning With the Positive: The Tom Hanks movie, “A Man Called Otto” has an excellent script, developed characters and wonderful story line. I highly recommend going to a real time movie once again.

** David Crosby, 81, is singing in a different choir or rock group now. Crosby was one who’s music raised me up. Not an easy life, but a good one. David, I will always hear you in my heart and spirit. Is there someone you will always hear, who helped “raise you up?”

  • News reports covering military planning by Ukraine, Russia, and US. I did not notice a Minister for Peace & Justice. at the planning table with the generals. When we change the mix, we change the outcome!

** Brad Prasely sings these words in the closing of the wonderful film “The Same Kind of Different As Me”… “You’ve come a long way…. You’ve had a blessed life…. Now, go the rest of the way.” I had a blessed career in nonprofit leadership with staff, boards, and volunteers. Now, with 2nd career as writer and no longer in the world that was my life, I also have had a blessed life. Now, for me, it is the right time for me to go the rest of the way.

  • I have donated two of my books of “Let Me Tell You A Story,” to be used by volunteers at our local James L. West Center for Dementia. I am not sure how dementia residents will receive my writings. We will find out together.

** The University of Southern California has a department titled The Greater Good. USC is applying resources to The Science Of Awe. Initial findings are the intentional seeking and experiencing Awe can and will change your brain (and I will add change your Spirit). So, this week seek and find your Awe.

  • Today Beth and I will place our 3rd slip of 2023 in our Goodness Jar, recognizing something that was good about the week. I am grateful these goodness slips have already become an ongoing parts of our week.

** One of my goals for 2023 is to reconnect with a Faith Community. I have attended one Open Discussion group at a local Unity church. My next reach out will be a Folk Mass at a local Episcopel church. Finding “a fit” of style, content, and sense of belonging is not easy nor found in one weekend or experience.

Roy, appreciating my past, anticipating my future!


  1. Linda M on January 22, 2023 at 2:22 pm

    R*E*S*P*E*C*T Aretha Franklin—–not only a powerful message, but a shake your booty song. Saw her in person. Yup that lifts me up.

    • Roy Bowen on January 22, 2023 at 3:21 pm

      she not only raised us up but brought us out of our seats.
      Her scene in Blues Brothers classic in every way.
      There is a YouTube of Pete Seegeer singing
      Forever Young with child=ren….again, a classic in every way
      All good memories of how we gotto be us Roy

  2. Robin Easton on January 25, 2023 at 11:51 am

    Oh, dear Roy, this is SUCH a powerful line. >>> “I did not notice a Minister for Peace & Justice. at the planning table with the generals. When we change the mix, we change the outcome!” —- That is SO true. It is not only startling (albeit expected) that there is no Minister for Peace & Justice, but if we really feel that reality…it is tragic beyond belief. But then…there is no money in Peace and Justice. How many wars have really been about freedom, human rights, etc? And how many have really been about boosting the economy, or simply to gain control-over? One wonders.

    And I really am feeling this line in my own life, right now. Thank you for this.> >> “Now, for me, it is the right time for me to go the rest of the way.” Yes!

    This thrills me no end, and I know it has been true in my own life. Without AWE, I feel dead and purposeless. Awe inspires wonder, curiosity, hope, and infuses me with vitality. You wrote: >>> “Initial findings are the intentional seeking and experiencing Awe can and will change your brain (and I will add change your Spirit).”

    Beautiful and rich SL, my friend. As always, I am grateful for your inspiration. You have enough overflowing-spirit in you to inspire people of ALL ages.
    Keep anticipating your future, dear Roy, You do not walk alone.
    Robin….walking with you.

    • Roy Bowen on January 25, 2023 at 2:20 pm

      Good words returning and is always importanet to our spirits
      We all stumble towasrd the light, I think.
      As SL host I never know the hit and miss of my sending forth……you, dear friend, help me know my path is right and true
      So, we both contine….Roy

  3. FRANK JOHNSON on January 25, 2023 at 11:57 am

    Just now reading your letter after our train trip. Tell Beth thanks for going along with us! “A Man Called Otto” is definitely on our list. One of the last audio books I listened to was read by Tom Hanks, and he was great. The book was “The Dutch House”. I think your books would be great at any nursing/assisted living facility. I’m sure they are always searching for ways to keep their residents occupied, and many volunteer groups go in and read to them. Your stories have a great blend of the old and new which speak to the older generation. I know as I “is” one. GREAT LETTER!

    • Roy Bowen on January 25, 2023 at 2:16 pm

      My self esteem register just went up. Thank you for the gracious words. Beth will be back aet James West Dementia tomorrow…I am interesteed in how my short writings are received.
      I have not heard of The Dutch House. I will Google. I think a tennis guy and a golf guy are doing and being great. As I said, I want to renew with a faith community. Attended open discussion group at unity churc…..15 of us. Half on zoom and half in chairs. one of the faces on zoom, to my great surprised, was Roy HIll, on golf team 1965 era, We are exchange emails and will share iced tea soon. Amazing no? Our best to you both……Roy

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