Roy’s Sunday Letter for January 1, 2023

  • I know not everyone in our families, friends, or pets will enter with you into 2023. Their memories and their stories added to the unique ways we became our emerging selves in 2022. There will be new memories, stories, both good and not as good, that will continue the shaping of who we are and will become in 2023.

** Beth and I will follow a Facebook suggestion in 2023. We will individually write something good about the week on a slip of paper. The slips, week after week, will go into a jar. From time to time, we may decide to pull a slip from the jar to brighten the day and remind us of the goodness of our lives and all those who make it so. At the end of 2023, we will pause and read our year of goodness.

  • Have you heard of the Purple Lease Project? Purina is sponsoring a program for women and children to be safe in pet friendly Domestic Violence Shelters and to heal. Only 15% of current DV Shelters are pet friendly. The goal in 2023 is 25%. I can verify the physical abuser will harm or threaten to harm a pet to get the woman and children to leave a safe shelter. Purina has funded grants, developed education and training, and support states promoting pet friendly DV Shelters.

** Beth and I will return to this Christmas gift for years to come. Barlett’s Familiar Black Quotes from literature, poems, passages, and other writings. 725 pages of words of meaning, of challenge, of inspiration, and of comfort.

  • A City Update: Fort Myers on September 28, Hurricane Ian destroyed or damaged the harbor, large and small businesses, schools and churches, and neighborhoods. The harbor has yet to reopen but so much of Fort Myers has been restored and back to whatever “normal” may be after Ian.
  • Memphis is taking steps to close the wealth gap between the banked and the unbanked. Black residents all know too well the planned Red Lining program that has prohibited loans and destroyed trust. There are areas of Memphis with more fast loan and title companies (300 – 400% loans) than fast food. Now, nonprofit community banks are providing financial education, low interest loans, and the neighbor-to-neighbor connection we all value. Change is slow but sure.

** My paper calendar has turned the page to 2023. 1) I wish to reconnect with a faith community…a too long missing part of my heritage; 2) 2023 is the time to broaden my 2nd career as writer. Add new audio recordings, shift from blog to podcast, consider ebook for new stories and writings not included in my print book; 3) We do miss Santa Fe….Fort Worth was the right decision, right life stage.

  • My 2023, your 2023, will be a combination of who and what you Include, more than who and what you exclude. Much will depend on who you Forgive, and who forgives you. Smiles, Compassion, Trusting, and Goodness will build you up. Yes, the haters and blamers will create noise, but their attempt to distract you from all you know to be spiritually and emotionally true will keep you in balance and healthy.

Roy, Together with you for all of 2023


  1. Nancy Tuttle on January 1, 2023 at 8:01 am

    Years ago my daughter Susan gave me a blank journal.

    To write each evening something for which I was grateful. Some days it was hard to think of something- then one evening I remembered how wonderful a peach was that I had that morning. To focus on seemingly little things make like meaningful,

    • Roy Bowen on January 1, 2023 at 9:19 am

      If we can write out and place a slip in the jar each week that would be good and positive over months to come……the small notes and daily journal keep us alive spiritually, emotionally, and physicallly…..Thank you for the good note

  2. Nancy Tuttle on January 1, 2023 at 8:04 am

    Makes life meaningful.

    • Roy Bowen on January 1, 2023 at 9:17 am

      that would be a big YES

  3. Linda M on January 1, 2023 at 12:33 pm

    Your wonderful Beth once told me, “Forgiveness is for you.” I wrote it in my journal, so I would never forget the profundity of those words and the truth held within. Happy New Year my forever friend.

    • Roy Bowen on January 1, 2023 at 3:44 pm

      We are grateful for you just being nearby, or at least not in New Jersey
      we will continue to find same ways, new ways of being together, whether near or far
      you are unique…..a difference maker in the lives of the 2 legged and the 4 legged…..

  4. Martha Richardson on January 1, 2023 at 12:47 pm

    Happy New Year to you and Beth! Your suggestion of the slips of paper of goodness is one I should try also.

    • Roy Bowen on January 1, 2023 at 3:41 pm

      one slip, one week at a time….the same for us
      any bigger “want to’s” for you in 2023???
      We have friends who will be on a cruise (with 4,000 dear friends), or off to Italy or France
      whatever it is we are connected and that is that is the important part
      so, we 4 continue on (pets too)

  5. mike davis on January 2, 2023 at 9:53 am

    Very happy new year’s to Y’all.. the paper slip in the jar, wonderful! a structured version of searching for the silver lining. always present and often just right around the corner.. thanks much for all the hard work and sound wisdom.

    • Roy Bowen on January 2, 2023 at 10:53 am

      “sound wisdom” is not an isolated achievement or experience
      this comes from rubbing edges from all kinds of people, cultures, language
      We had breakfast 1/1/23 a favorite, old style country menu place
      At the table behind us two younger guys had guns on the hip
      All somehow a part of our normal texas morning

      just wondering: how is the remote fence development/design working in 2022? a brave next step for both you and local rustic fence.
      “work” and how we work is upside down, under new design everywhere
      not all will make it through; we notice 2021 start-ups closing; most older established places of all types making it through covid to 2023.
      and nothing for sure for anyone.

      i learn by and enjoy your comments….

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