Roy’s Sunday Letter for February 9, 2025


I attend a writer’s table hosted by Broadway Baptist. We writers were invited to draft a short piece for the individual Sundays of Lent 2025. As a Southern Baptist youth, I am not familiar with, nor practiced the historic rituals of the Lenten Season.

For this Sunday Letter readers who also may be unfamiliar with the Lenten Season, here is a brief over-view. Lent represents the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness (Matthew 6) and now the 40 weekdays between Ash Wednesday (March 5) and the entering of Jerusalem, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday (April 20). Lent comes with other names and significant dates you may be interested in to do a further search: Shrove Tuesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.

Below is my contribution for Sunday, April 2 for our writers group effort to a Lenten Season at Broadway. The biblical reference is John 12: 1 – 8.

Pastor Rony reminded, we of the church, to remember Repentance, Reflection, and Fasting this Lenten Season. I can barely remember why I came in the kitchen, much less long-ago criticism and jealousy of Mary’s washing the feet, of the sandal wearing Jesus, and who did what to whom, and why.

I am challenged to practice Repentance in today’s world of me first, me only. Yet, Pastor Rony tells us to read the verses, find the meaning of Reflections of getting it right, getting it wrong. Then there is the third Lenten practice, Fasting. I have gained two pounds since the beginning of Lent, so I guess I can Repent that.

The Lenten Season will soon end. Lent is about opening your eyes, ears, heart, and spirit to learn from sacred teachings and the Biblical text. Lent brings the poor and Jesus together. Broadway people serve the poor. Broadway people worship the holy presence of Jesus. The Lenten Season brings energy and strength to the faithful. Are you ready for the Wonder of Easter Sunday? (end of my writing).

Repentance: Is there an action or communication you know was not your best self? Reflection: Is there a part of your spiritual or faith practice you wish to strengthen (joining a discovery group or attending a weekend retreat)? Fasting is also about giving, making a contribution outside of the expected. What might be your way of Giving or Supporting others this Lenten Season?

The emphasis of Lent does give focus to our acts and communications. Consider parts of ourselves to not continue or to begin and adding to your community or an individual or family through your gifts and contributions. For me, I learned and experienced faith rituals new to me and that is good, and I am grateful.

Roy, ready for Ash Wednesday

season brings energy


  1. Maurine on February 9, 2025 at 7:41 am

    University Christian observes the 40 days of Lent, something like you growing up Southern Baptist, I never thought of. My childhood emphasis was on the crucified Christ and the resurrection not the days before. My Catholic friends would talk about what they would give up for Lent as a sacrifice, usually something they really didn’t like anyway. All of us need to be reflective during this time and willing to sacrifice, if you observe Lent or not, sacrifice of our time and energy makes us better human beings.

    • Roy Bowen on February 9, 2025 at 9:05 am

      Friend Maurine…. you show all of us your giving heart and spirit.
      so many have benefitted and will benefit through your hands on being present.
      We learn from each other. My Reflections in this faith season will open perhaps new paths for me, and Beth as well.
      What we do, we work it out together. RB

      • Peter D. Kleven on February 9, 2025 at 12:46 pm

        Roy, thank you for your communications and reflections each Sunday. We certainly trip on our journeys, and in getting up perhaps a soulful reflection on the next step is necessary to help determine a response that is healing and enlightening not only for ourselves but for each other. We learn as we stumble, amend our quest to continue to redefine our life’s path as we continue to learn to love and forgive ourselves and and each other.

        • Roy Bowen on February 9, 2025 at 1:35 pm

          Friend Peter…..I really like the “learn as we stumble.”
          But, if given the geace of yrs, we sometimes, as 3 have, stumble into each other.
          Meditations on Tuesday is one of the walls I lean into…..and that is good.

          whatever we do, we do together………..Roy and Beth

  2. Beth Kean on February 10, 2025 at 10:03 am

    Roy, I loved the correlation of history and your story words in this very well written SL. Keep writing you are really good at what you do! I love you more each day! ❤️❤️❤️

    • Roy Bowen on February 10, 2025 at 2:41 pm

      You are Senior Editor and rightly so.
      The Sunday Letter has your positive print.
      Simply said, in your graciousness and kindness you make me better, more whole, more centered.
      So, together we continue……….

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