Roy’s Sunday Letter for February 19, 2023

  • LARGER FONT COMING NEXT SUNDAY. Numerous reader requests as our eyes age and the small font size becomes a greater challenge. Tim has sent me the 1,2,3’s of how to increase the size, always more complicated than my simple skills. I will practice this week. LARGER FONT NEXT SUNDAY!

** Most of us know the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl. What you may not have noticed is the back of their helmets. Many players have messages of hope. Several I noticed are:

Inspire Stop Hate Together Seek Love Imagine Unity

  • My book, Let Me Tell You A Story, will be on the shelf of the Amarillo Public Library and the Texas Wesleyan University library. An honor for a humble writer of stories.

** From my current morning Fiction: “Give me coffee to change the things I can; Give me wine to accept the things I cannot.”

  • Beth and I are enjoying and learning from Netflix’s Korean movies and series. If you search many are in English. The scripts are well done, tell and describe the story in the best of ways, no guns or blowing up airplanes. Several recommendations to begin: Attorney Woo (series), Cha, Cha, Cha (series), Juvenile Justice (series) and Move to Heaven (series).

** Dr. Alice Wonders was the first chair of a Religion Department of any US college or university. Dr. Wonders taught classes (1950’s – 1970’s) at Texas Wesleyan College now University in Ft Worth. Forty of TWU alumni gathered on campus this week to listen as well as tell stories of student days with Dr. Wonders. She guided, influenced, even changed young lives, still a part of their now elder life. Laughter, tears, and nods of appreciation for each who shared their interaction and instruction from Dr. Wonders. There is a TWU library shelf representing a portion of her vast personal library legacy. Were you blessed to have a Dr. Alice Wonders in your young life, someone who helped shape who you are today? Please share…

  • For good or not, golf is back on TV and will continue through the fall. Most tournaments will be on one of the traditional, not cable channels. Tiger will play with many who are too young to have witnessed Tiger winning championships in his own younger days. My dad and I watched Arnold Palmer win the 1961 Master’s tournament on a black & white television. Many good things have influenced us all and for me golf was a major part of my young life.

Roy, ready for a larger font too


  1. FRANK JOHNSON on February 19, 2023 at 7:52 am

    Great remembrances Roy! And thanks for the Dr. Wonders comments. It was good to see you there. And congratulations on getting your book right up there with hers. Mentors are so important to those of the younger generation, and even for us now!

    • Roy Bowen on February 19, 2023 at 9:02 am

      Alice may have defined mentoring in the 50 – 70’s. She “raised up” a generation.
      I have been certified Score mentor for 8 yrs, beginning in Santa Fe. I have new client who is 31.
      We communicaate by email, attachments, and a weekly cell call.
      Like many, she has a vision but not the construct to implement or achieve the vission. Thus, why we are connected and do what we do,
      These are days of not having to meeet face to face. Tim, my trusted web guy and ia have never met. Jim, a composer friend in
      Amarillo has a partner in Chicago for 3 yrs…and they have not met. A different world….adjust, adapte, and continue on

  2. Nancy Tuttle on February 19, 2023 at 8:42 am

    I’m a fan of Arnold. He started a golf program at Wake.
    My uncle had the pleasure of playing with him and Arnold’s daughter Peg became a friend of hers as she started a gallery here in Durham

    • Roy Bowen on February 19, 2023 at 8:55 am

      Palmer knew how to connect long before FB and email.He had smiles for one and all. Good thoughts on your part and Thank You.

  3. Linda M on February 19, 2023 at 12:06 pm

    I’m still in love with your writing assistant and remember that she had a procedure this past week. How is the Jazzy Girl? Unfortunately I did NOT notice the signs of hope on the helmets but sure am glad that you wrote about it. Love you Forever Friend.

    • Roy Bowen on February 20, 2023 at 8:34 am

      no one notices the back of most things. a surprise and a pleasant one. the other teams do not message this way
      jazz is good. 3inch stitch on one foot and 2inch on another. the hood is needed at night to keep her off bandages.
      we are good….off to annual Medicare MD exame this AM…….and you dear traveler?????

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