Roy’s Sunday Letter for December 3, 2023

This Sunday Letter is about Encouragement and Support to those young and those not so much so, those who know loneliness, those surrounded by family, those connected and not, and lastly, to readers who find comfort in the Sunday Letter.

My life, our lives are a mix, a blend of the old and the new. December is a blending of the old and new. Perhaps your year ends with appreciation or perhaps with disappointment.

Is there an old shirt, a favorite recipe, individual or even a well underlined book you would enjoy…once again wearing, preparing, connecting, or reliving the comments and under linings? The experience of doing so, can be uplifting, renewing memories of a past meal, conversation, of turning pages and reading comments of a first reading?

In my life the old become new in 2024, David is 85, a new friend, and active member of my church men’s group. Lois Frank PhD., an indigenous food anthropologist, a James Beard award winning author, chef has increased our knowledge of plant-based food and recipes, and lastly, I am mid-way through a print book purchased but not read on aging wisely.

I encourage all of us to reflect and begin thinking of the hope and expectations of a life to be enjoyed, involving others, and making a difference in 2024.



  1. Nancy Tuttle on December 3, 2023 at 7:07 am

    I have found joy in re-reading books I’ve loved and finding new insights.

    • Roy Bowen on December 3, 2023 at 3:01 pm

      I feel the same about painting and art pieces. We were taken by a canvas in the Santa Fe museum. 20 yrs later we stood before the same canvas and frame.
      I hope someone reads one of my stories ten yrs from now and says, “Yes,Iremember this one.”
      You be hero time for me….continue on in the best of ways….Roy

  2. Maurine on December 3, 2023 at 7:36 am

    My dear roommate in college passed away and as I was dusting a shelf I found a book she had given me over 60 years ago. Reading her inscription in the book made me picture us being kids together and enjoying life. I treasure that experience.

    • Roy Bowen on December 3, 2023 at 2:57 pm

      A trasure indeed in all ways. I wrote a sermon long ago titled Surprised By Joy
      This is your bookcase experience in all ways. So, good for you both.
      We will be together soon….bring the book!!


  3. mike davis on December 3, 2023 at 9:34 am

    I have a close friend who died in a boat wreck in ’98. I was fortunate to obtain a few of his personal items, ( climbing rope and gear, rain jacket, barefoot wetsuit……). another item is a long sleeved Patagonia pull over shirt.. somewhat thread bare and frayed at edges…… (Adam was king Patagonia before it became cool..). My wife and I went out for dinner on Friday and I wore Adam’s shirt… my wife overlooks the frayed edges and understands….. I just cannot accurately describe the grand feeling of wearing that shirt.. still, 25 years later…. Thanks Roy for touching on this topic..

    another connection to this weeks letter. I just finished my training ride along for Meals on Wheels here in Central Oregon. I did 15 years of Meals in San Diego and can now begin again here… we delivered about 15 meals on Friday and I was so joyfully reminded of why I like Meals…. visiting with and helping those less fortunate.. or those isolated without help… a warm hello, a short visit, a warm meal.. I am so grateful to be a part of this.. I encourage others to check out Meals on Wheels.. a great outfit.. happy Sunday to all. md

    • Roy Bowen on December 3, 2023 at 2:54 pm

      Yes, dear Adam
      One of those still has to be here individuals.
      Somehow keep that shirt and equipment in tack….a living heritage.
      A big yes to Meals on Wheels….your story book will soon be full.
      You both continued to live it out in the best of ways…..good thoughts to you both. Roy

  4. Roger Gullickson on December 3, 2023 at 12:47 pm

    YOU made a big digital 2023

    • Roy Bowen on December 3, 2023 at 3:20 pm

      Three truths: 1) I am not talented…2) I will be present/show up….3) I will not go away.
      I guess I could add a 4th, I keep at it,
      You are kind to send a thumb-up my way
      Beth and I still contributing to the common good.
      A 1,400 word writing about “End of an era” was just accepted for university journal publication (print and online) in January.
      2023 students wrote of their belief the world is ending. I wroter on my student world and our world ending…and yet, we went out, served, attempted to save the
      rainforests and whales….and maybe ourselves as well. Beth and I will attend a reception Tuesday for authors included in the journal. Roy

      • Richard McBride on December 4, 2023 at 9:12 am

        Glad to learn about the “End of an Era” article. Please share the link, Roy, when it is available.

        • Roy Bowen on December 4, 2023 at 12:59 pm

          I will learn more tuesday evening.
          Honored to be invited to the table
          Morning Joe recommended “Best Of Enemies” movie on Netflx.
          Schools and race in Durham, 1971. Communications. Community.
          Always best to you, indeed one of the good ones. Roy

  5. Frank Long on December 3, 2023 at 3:15 pm

    The latest AARP magazine has a large article about Superagers, people with great memory, ability to work, quite capable of exercising the body and mind. Diet changes, and keeping associations with friends, learning new things, keeping up with people from your past, all seemed to contribute to living longer sustainable lives. I found it fascinating.
    Frank Long

    • Roy Bowen on December 3, 2023 at 3:24 pm

      I am the average 14 yr old in that I cannot imagine not being connected.
      I will read your article of encouragement. I agree fascinating…as are you and Harry.
      We are connected and that is good….Roy

  6. David Yeomans on December 4, 2023 at 6:28 pm

    Every year of our 48-year marriage, Sheila has made cranberry bread, and distributes the loaves to friends, our church, and various charities. Of course, we keep some of it for ourselves, and to be honest, I’ve never tired of it! Why? because it’s as renewing and as part of the season as the Christmas tree, the outdoor decorations, and “Joy to the World.”

    And it tastes pretty good, too!

    • Roy Bowen on December 8, 2023 at 2:46 pm

      the cranberry bread is a true part of you both….a tradition that comes from life and also gives life to others Beth makes her grandmother’s cookies every
      Christmas season. Again tradition and heritage We 3 here value you 3 in the best of ways….may healteh, wellnes, and more cranberry bread in your tomorrows to come. Roy, Beth, Jazz

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