Roy’s Sunday Letter for December 25, 2022

The Sunday Letter for Christmas Day I will recall “The Best Of” Sunday Letter postings in 2022. Enjoy reading a favorite again, or a first read if you joined us during the year. My hope is that the January SL will inspire and support all of us as we step out and into 2023.

February 6: (overheard waiting for chickens at Sam’s) “I’ve been waiting for someone or something all my life. Now, here I am waiting on a chicken.”

February 13: “Whenever we pick something up or point something out, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe. We are all part of everything, and everything is part of us.” John Muir

March 13: Broken crayons still color. We share our broken parts with each other, creating wholeness as best we can do so.

March 27: Nationally respected artist Sedrick Huckaby has opened Kinfolks House, featuring his portrait of his mother, Big Momma. Huckaby said, “The west side of Fort Worth has enough museums. Kinfolks House is my gift to the east side, the neighborhood of my youth and family.”

May 29: A SL posting on the importance of paying attention, and The Importance Of Awe. The writer calls us to not miss both large and small of what is really important in the midst of our coming and going.

June 26: I announced my first web site, and the publishing of my collection of 32 writings titled Let Me Tell You A Story. The Sunday Letter shifted from Gmail to publishing and reading on the web site.

July 3: “We will not be successful in making changes unless we face the question or the challenge and work it through together.” James Baldwin

August 21: “We are facing unlimited expectations, but with limited resources.” Local school district superintendent. Reading today sadly validate, “Local school districts are facing layoffs due to lack of funding…(12-24).

September 4: DFW classical station WRR sends forth a daily Road Rage Sonata at 5:15pm….a moment of sanity and calm no matter the urban surrounding at the time.

August 28: A meditative writer reminds us of the need to “clean our windshields” of the build-up and the mess of life events, the faces, memories of achievements and disappointments. Without doing so, we attempt to see and act on dirty and smeared windshields of life.

October 16: An advocate for the underserved and climate challenges calls us to imagine the world as we want it to be, ought to be, not just as it is now.

October 30: Sharon Salsburg reminds each of us “We connect best when we recognize ourselves in one another.”

November 27: Beth was at Lowe’s at 6AM to purchase Poinsette’s for the holiday season and to add to the beauty of our home. She has done so for decades, and I treasure her for doing so.

The calendar pages turn quickly. I believe it is important to Remember, not allow the Good Parts of our 2022 to slip by us unnoticed. The Best Of is my way of paying attention, of saying our Sundays together have been and are special, and that we will continue together in in our special and unique way in 2023.

Roy, Sunday Letter creator and friend.


  1. JOHN MEAD on December 25, 2022 at 8:35 am

    Merry Christmas.

    • Roy Bowen on December 25, 2022 at 9:14 am

      Thank you John….I do hope enjoyed my SL during 2022. Always good to see you up and down the block. With warming weather we will talk again soon.

  2. Jerry Rekow on December 25, 2022 at 10:42 am

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year t both of you. You are right in there with the major publications with your “Year In Review”.

    • Roy Bowen on December 25, 2022 at 11:25 am

      We mentioned you and Nancy and family often, especially with the deepening snow and roads. We are too soft Southesterns……appreciation for decades of frienfship

  3. Linda M on December 25, 2022 at 12:15 pm

    Blessed is the Season which engages the Whole World in a Conspiracy of Love. Hamilton Wright Mabie

    Love to you both.

    Linda M

    • Roy Bowen on December 26, 2022 at 10:05 am

      We wrap ourselves and the Season in love, gratitude, and respect for others, their culture, and values. We continue together into 2023….

  4. Roger Gullickson on December 25, 2022 at 1:34 pm

    Happy Christmas Roy and thank you for all you do and who you are!!🙏🙏

    • Roy Bowen on December 26, 2022 at 10:03 am

      Very gracious of you. i “belong” to a special group of heart-led, creative, good people. Best to you, one of the true good ones,

  5. Sandra on December 25, 2022 at 6:51 pm

    Hope to see you next week or so! Are you in good health? Good ish?

    • Roy Bowen on December 26, 2022 at 10:01 am

      Health is returning…day 3 of recovery path. I am “the never sick” guy. Yeah ZPack, miracle meds.
      Yes, on this week. Today Monday I “put it all away” day. We will look at calendars today….hellos soon.

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