Roy’s Sunday Letter for December 17, 2023

This mid-month Sunday Letter is intended to Encourage and provide Support for all readers as we turn the pages of 2023 to the fresh challenges and possibilities of 2024.

  • Take time to create calendar spaces that allow a slower pace, for rest, in the busy December holiday season. Keep your connection with the true meaning of the season. I encourage you to maintain a “seasonal balance” in the midst of holiday receptions, open houses, meals, and gift exchanges. Although not always easy, I support you and your family to hold tight to all the goodness November and December can provide.

** It is my hope you will begin 2024 with renewed energy and belief in all that is possible for you. We do this best when we are connected to and share time with family and significant others, whether near or far.

  • Some readers of the Sunday Letter may use a spiral notebook to journal or have done so in the past. January is the right time to begin your journal with even a few lines or half page. Write about your day, what went right, what you can do to make day better. Then, on the next day, January 2, you can complete your second journal entry for this new year on a fresh page.

Let someone know what encouragement you may need or want, and also the best way for you to receive encouragement and support.

Roy, thankful for all who shared their time and wisdom with me in 2023


  1. mike davis on December 17, 2023 at 9:59 am

    Great suggestions Roy and so agree with journaling.. I had a class in school, ’81… 1/4 of the grade was based on journaling for the semester, ( we were studying Thoreau)… I’ve journaled since and have them all on the shelf.. .. not an entry everyday.. some months long lapses, but still at it and such good therapy.. Merry Christmas to all..

    • Roy Bowen on December 17, 2023 at 5:18 pm

      Good memory and perhaps a restart for you. Tis worth the effort. I have notebooks from Dollar General… expense, nothing fancy. Pen, paper, and me.
      A compliment: You continue to evaluate you and adjust life and goals. Not everyone willing to do so. So, continue on…..Roy

  2. Linda M on December 17, 2023 at 10:13 am

    Darling Friend,

    How I love you and am grateful for your enduring presence in my life. Time together either in Fort Worth or here in Santa Fe is always a blessing. You and Beth are among the most favored gifts of all.

    X/O Linda M
    PS: Thanks for teaching Topaz how to take up all the real estate on the couch. He’s perfected it!

    • Roy Bowen on December 17, 2023 at 5:21 pm

      Topaz and I are tight.
      I have drafted a individual or couple survey about staying or relocatiing. The more we talk, wait, talk more, we are staying.
      I can send if interested in how my brain and spirit works it out. Thoughts your way, always. Roy

  3. Roger on December 17, 2023 at 10:57 am

    Thanks for the reminder, Roy! Happy holidays.

  4. David Yeomans on December 17, 2023 at 3:57 pm

    Advent should be a time of quiet reflection and patient waiting, not succumbing to the stress and hassle of pre-Christmas shopping, social activities, and making sure the presents get off in time for the big day (we do have the 12 days of Christmas to fall back on in case of late arrivals!). But in keeping with Jesus’ message to the church elders: “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars, and unto God, those things that are God’s.” (Matt 21-22). It’s OK to give in to catalogues, shopping malls, and Christmas cards and letters, as long as we take a big chunk of time for worship, prayer, and above all heartfelt thanks to God and his many blessings!

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