Roy’s Sunday Letter for Dec. 11,2022

  • Jaylen Smith, 18, is the recently elected Mayor of Earle, Arkansas, population 1,785, Jaylen is the youngest Black mayor in US. Jaylen is dedicated to bringing young and old, all races and gender, together to promote the economic, neighborhood, and family health in Earle. Go Jaylen!

** My friend Martha recommended that I offer my short story print book to small, rural libraries outside of Fort W0rth. I seem to have become lost in the larger FW Library system. Good idea Martha!

  • The term Biodiversity appears more and more in my news and reading. Biodiversity applies to the variety of plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi that live and grow among us. More of the land surface, ocean and freshwaters have been shifted to crop and livestock production. We know we are losing animals, birds and forests to extinction. Becoming a dues paying and active member of national or international advocacy group is one way of saying No More.

** I found this wording in a Fiction mystery: “I had this crazy idea; I could change the world.” An older character in the village responds “So, how’s that working for you?” In my young years I said these words, as did most young ones I met along the way. At 78, I am still a Believer….a few wins, a few losses. Sill Here!

  • My artist friends have made me aware of the increase of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the arts and also writing. The current #1 face seen in magazine and marketing is Shudu, of a young Black woman. Actually, Shudu is an AI creation from a group of white techs. So, no revenue to Black models or companies. An upside-down world is it not?

** Howard Stern interviewed Bruce Springsteen for 2+ hours (HBO). I was fascinated how a 15yr. old, Jersey kids, learned guitar and piano, wrote lyrics, totally immersed in rock & roll, formed bands, toured the world, and now somehow is 73. Bruce plays and shares the story of many he has known. Over and over in the 2+ hours the issues of wanting and seeking approval by their fathers, which never happened to either. There are life lessons in the interview for both men and women.

  • As this last 2022 month pushes us, pulls us, makes us soar with choirs and celebrative music, and then makes us want to say Stop. December can bring an implied responsibility of supporting the American economy by buying what may not be needed.. So, be wise, the gift of you (in person or digital) will always be the most special gift in the push – pull of December.

Roy, grateful for your friendship, comments, and allowing me to show-up each Sunday


  1. Meg on December 11, 2022 at 10:40 am

    Consumerism has drives our economy. We fail ti distinguish between need and want.

    • Roy Bowen on December 11, 2022 at 11:39 am

      We were trained early to “want.” I am glad to see younger ones keeping Visa accounts and enjoying and using what they do have, not just responding to the 24/7 ads of more, more.
      You be one of the good ones in my world……I will send you a new Walking Prayers today. Best in all ways.

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