Roy’s Sunday Letter for August 6, 2023

  • Thank you SL readers for appreciating my need, my desire to take July to refresh both myself and the Sunday Letter. My spirit, and my fingers have rested. Readers have emailed or spoke in person of missing the SL, counting on the words and sentences, the smile from a quote or bringing attention to someone or something special in our fast moving and ever-changing swirl of a world. 1st and 3rd Sundays will be the new format.

** Two Words Beginning with A: We are at our best as an individual, family and nation, when we Allow other cultures, values, and faiths to become part of our true selves. Acceptance of others, showing loving kindness, will increase and add to the health of our hearts and our spirits.

  • The heat of 103 – 108 keeps Beth and I inside, slower moving and restless. By midday, we can find that our energy is drained. In these limiting days, we find and act on smaller ways of enjoyment and fulfillment rather than giving way to the temptyation of an empty day. We hope that you, if in the Heat Dome, are also finding ways to add pleasure to your life.

** Two I Fail to Understand: 1) Neighborhood dog walkers in midday heat. Their shoes protect the walker, not the naked pet paws that “fry an egg” concrete or asphalt. 2) In our neighborhoods it is not unusual to see a bike rider with a black bike, helmet, and clothing. The biker is at risk and so are we are share the road.

  • Mini Interview: As I was buying coffee beans the woman behind me said, “I just love the smell and taste of coffee. I geta up at 4 each morning, have a cup of coffee, and then go back to bed.” Each SL will now have a Mini Interview.

Sunday Quote: Flowers always make people better, happier, and more hopeful. Flowers are the sunshine, food, and medicine for the soul.” Author unknown but no doubt a gardener

** Each week friends and members of your family receive both and good lab reports. For many, the next months may be ongoing treatments to repair and/or build-up someone’s immune system and health. I am mindful of friends, family, and so many others sitting in lobbies, awaiting treatment, and the next medical report with eventual health hoped for but unknown.

Last Words: In some way I who write, Beth who edits, and each of you who read my Sunday Letter are a small, dedicated, digital community. My commitment is to include your daily life, thoughts, suggestions, and comments in future Sunday Letters. What we do and be, we do and be together.

Roy, grateful, hopeful


  1. Roger Gullickson on August 6, 2023 at 7:10 am

    Welcome back!

    • Roy Bowen on August 6, 2023 at 12:33 pm

      Encouragement always uplifting and sustaining
      & the same your way as well.

  2. Maurine on August 6, 2023 at 7:41 am

    Allow and Accept, if all of us would strive to do this daily, life would be so much better. Thank you for your insightful musings. High today is 71 in Vail!

    • Roy Bowen on August 6, 2023 at 12:32 pm

      I increasingly believe we will be judged or held accountable by who we include and wbo we exclude.
      Thank you for ongoing notes and encouragement. Roy

  3. Joe Vernon (Jennifer's dad ) on August 6, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    Welcome Back! I missed your Sunday letters. I did find time to read your book ( borrowed from Jennifer ) which I enjoyed very much. Glad you are back and pray for rain!!!

    • Roy Bowen on August 6, 2023 at 12:30 pm

      Joe….great to hear and know.
      Jennifer is special. We attempt to stay close, be available, not intrude or hover.
      If ever interest, W/Ford a brief drive west.
      Ice tea on me any time our calendar work I have a few stories you have not heard, including building Meadowview Assisted Living, Arlington
      Roy on 106 Sunday

  4. Joe Vernon on August 6, 2023 at 12:41 pm

    Welcome Back! I missed your Sunday letters. I did find time to read your book ( borrowed from Jennifer ) which I enjoyed very much. Glad you are back and pray for rain!!!

    • Roy Bowen on December 10, 2023 at 12:22 pm

      I always benefit from your thoughts and comments. I can send 1 or 3 more stories not in book 1 any time.
      If coming my way let me know…we can share a coffee or iced tea or if warm porch time. Best your way….Roy

  5. Chip Henley on August 6, 2023 at 2:11 pm

    Great thoughts, Roy (as always!) Thanks…👍🏼

    • Roy Bowen on August 6, 2023 at 2:20 pm

      thanks chip…..i am glad to have fingers on keyboard again
      what would you add to make it better, more interesting……open to all suggestions

  6. Linda M on August 7, 2023 at 7:30 am

    Good Morning and How Lovely and Loving of you to continue on and share your thoughts together with us all. X/O Linda M

    • Roy Bowen on August 7, 2023 at 8:25 am

      I am stronger from the mental, spiritual rest.
      I am more peaceful, I am more troubled, I am through, I am not through.
      All and more true. I do miss our shared words together.
      Best to you and all tbose in your hallways….Roy

  7. mike davis on August 7, 2023 at 8:10 am

    Greetings Roy and welcome back.. a very nice SL edition.. The mini interview a great addition.. interesting encounters like these are always just around the corner!!

    absolutely we will be held accountable by our inclusions and exclusions.. The Golden Rule is an accurate name…

    Good to have you back, fresh, recharged and chomping at the bit.. thank you very much Roy..

    • Roy Bowen on August 7, 2023 at 8:22 am

      Monday AM….
      Received Comments from several who have never Commented before. A pleasant surprise.
      I am stronger in spirit. I will Attach a one paragraph essay …. a reflection piece.
      I will call Betty today,,,,,staying connected in the ways I can do so.
      Best in all ways….none of us live, walk, worry, figure it out alone…..Roy

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