Roy’s Sunday Letter for August 11, 2024

Opinions do not strengthen connections; Opinions do not carry the power to heal divisions nor hearts. The sharing of our Stories is how we connect; by listening to the stories of others, and telling our own story, divisions are healed, as are our hearts.” Roy Bowen – 2024

  • The College of Constructive Hell Raising: A local DFW nonprofit is conducting training of strategies and tactics for those who are committed to challenge or improve systems of care in animal rights, transit, gentrification, the unhoused, or governmental policies regarding water, and criminal justice. I love the name, and you have to know it has a touch of Texas razz!

** Multiple internet sites provide reasons for the decline in attendance and participation in the traditional Christian church: The Builder generation of the 1950’s – 1980 have aged; increased migration from small rural areas to larger urban cities; growth of choices and interest in personal journey and self-discovery; the rapid expansion of technology of how we “do church;” weakening of denominational loyalty; and millennials are fast moving while traditional churches are slow to respond or adapt worship styles.

  • The positive goal of living together safely and peacefully is having a difficult summer. In addition to frustrations over unmet needs and expectations, there seems to be a simmering sense of anger. My observation is we are less effective in resolving our frustrations and reducing our anger, and we now have accessible guns and other weapons. Perhaps now is the right time to recognize the goodness, the humanity of others by holding hands and together singing John Lennin’s Give Peace A chance….and yes, I know am singing to the choir.

** Two encouraging faith phases: 1) Assertive Spirituality, 2) Engaged Buddhism

** There Is Hope: On the SE Asia Island of Borneo, Health & Harmony (a local nonprofit) is buying back chainsaws from farmers and villagers. This effort is to help prevent the illegal cutting of trees, adding to the island’s deforestation. Along with additional resources and accessibility to health care, farmers and villagers now have a sustainable future. Let there be Hope, always.

  • At The Hope & Healing Place (Amarillo) one activity for 5 & 6 yr. olds is trying to lift a backpack of river rocks. It is impossible. The lesson for the children is they can remove some of the rocks (symbolic of their grief) simply by talking about their grief or other strategies they as a group determine. If you are reading this as a young person, in the middle of life, or perhaps the second stage of life, here is my question: Are there river rocks you are still carrying, at whatever age, that you need to remove and lighten your load? Is there someone who can whisper the permissions you may have been waiting to hear?

Roy, with my own backpack of rocks. I am taking a few out today!


  1. Marty Hamrick on August 11, 2024 at 7:01 am

    Good word(s) today!

    • Roy Bowen on August 11, 2024 at 7:11 am

      Beth is my editor. She makes my draft the better.
      Thank you for encouragement to do it again next week.

    • Maurine on August 11, 2024 at 9:13 am

      Good morning, until the election is over in November we will be bombarded with hateful messages, untruths and digs. I have chosen to not respond with friends, on Facebook and other social media. I would love to give peace a chance, but everyone has such strong opinions that becomes difficult. I will be glad when that rock is gone from my backpack.

      • Roy Bowen on August 11, 2024 at 10:08 am

        The rocks of this time are ugly, diminishing, and wounding without thought or concern.
        However….but… and U can hun our peaceful song queietly,creating our own peace……Roy

  2. Nancy Tuttle on August 11, 2024 at 7:48 am

    I guess you meant John Lennon. Not Lennin

    • Roy Bowen on August 11, 2024 at 8:20 am

      Nancy, tis been a few decades …. fingers and memory fading. Let’s see who else history eyes catch the same.
      I will note the correction next SL.
      But….But, what about the words? the meaning I attempted to write?
      NC people sharper this AM than Texans, or at least this Texan.
      Yeah NC!!

  3. Sue on August 11, 2024 at 8:36 am

    Thanks Roy!
    I love hearing people stories and sharing my own. I feel challenged at times getting a human connection. Seems I am building relationships with robots more than I desire. When I reach an human at the store, restaurant or online
    I am often directed to a computer, robot or kiosk.
    I appreciate the technology in many aspects, it just more satisfying to experience human connections, especially in social settings. My friends attend church, get counseling, attend meetings, buy groceries and work online. No need for real physical human interaction. That is a story.
    I recently tried an audiobook. The speed of the speaker has been accelerated so much it’s not enjoyable to hear. I couldn’t get through the uncomfortable rushed pace.
    At the organic cafe I work at, we don’t have WiFi, microwaves or kiosks. There is a large sign that says, “talk to each other”.
    Community connections are encouraged. We all breathe together and have gifts to exchange being present.

    • Roy Bowen on August 11, 2024 at 10:11 am

      Good for your good place of talking, of listening, of being people……be stubborn about the person to person, create and live in your own space, as best possible.

    • Cinda Hitchcock on August 12, 2024 at 6:14 pm

      The speed of the audiobook can be slowed, on my app anyway.

      • Roy Bowen on August 13, 2024 at 7:09 am

        dos this work for you sue???
        thanks wise one from down south…..

  4. Linda M on August 11, 2024 at 9:50 am

    You and your precious Beth have given permission to me, more times than I can count, to remove the rocks of grief. Your steady and loving presence in my life, your ability to listen deeply, wrapped in your love and friendship has sustained me through some very traumatic times. I thank you both. I carry less, though not empty, but rather aware that there is always an opportunity to lighten the load. I do my best to carry Peace in my heart, even though I was born with a fiery Italian temperament. My gratitude to you and Beth and my Love. Waiting for your next visit.

    • Roy Bowen on August 11, 2024 at 10:05 am

      Beth will agree that you, them there dogs, all the volunteers lighten the load for many, many over decades.
      A unique gifting….and now continuing.
      Gratitude here as well……Roy and Beth

  5. Peter D. Kleven on August 11, 2024 at 11:07 am

    Recently witnessed a remarkable event while on a walk with my faithful companion, a wonderful Australian Shepherd. We witnessed a group of children and adults swimming off a beach on a neighborhood lake. Immediately noticed a group of five baby ducks swimming among the humans in the lake. Occasionally a child would try to disrupt the peaceful movement of the feathered swimmers who would react by immediately swimming away in the opposite direction from the offending child. In each attempted incrusion of the peace of the baby ducks by a child, a parent or a older companion of the offending child would reach out and redirect the energy of the offending youngster into an educational positive learning experience. (No ducks or children were harmed or injured) I then spied the pappa and the mother duck a short distance away observing their offspring interacting and learning about humans. They seemed be aware of and proud of their offspring in their educational experience. Perhaps a spiritual and learning experience for the fragile PEACE in this world.

    • Roy Bowen on August 11, 2024 at 4:14 pm

      Yes, a sacred experience.
      You had to slow down to watch, to notice, Good for you both.
      Stay in the cook a bit longer (i.e.December)
      The healthy, unified parts of you come through easily…..delighted to witness.

  6. Marsie Silvestro on August 11, 2024 at 4:17 pm

    I like the look of your letter. Very professional and classy. Good for you and I am glad to be back on the list.

    • Roy Bowen on August 12, 2024 at 7:43 am

      Professional and classy not my normal comment…..& thank you.
      Somehow, I have published the SL for 3 yrs, now.
      A part of my Friday (draft) and Saturday (polish and publish for Subday sending).
      You are good people, a giver, a changer.
      Blessings your way…Roy

  7. Meg O'Brien on August 13, 2024 at 8:08 am

    Really like the term “assertive spirituality”. Will be researching it, for sure. Thanks!

    • Roy Bowen on August 13, 2024 at 12:29 pm

      Forever friend Meg….
      I am thinking through who U am as writer, at 80, in 2024.
      Lots of ideas
      Staring at the screen more limited
      I will send forth by end of week, 1 page…..Roy

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