Roy’s Sunday Letter for April 30,2023

  • If life was a parking lot: Most of us park between the lines, take our carts back, allow others to enter and exit, and say Good Morning as we pass someone while parking. We all seem to share a common purpose. So, why is it our American communications, values, and behaviors become so crossed, unpleasant, or harmful once we leave the parking lot?

** The New Testament (Matthew 6: 9 – 13) gives us the traditional Lord’s Prayer: “Give us this day our daily prayer.” I now know more of how we are all connected, the interdependence of climate, crops, support to both large and small, urban and rural communities. I suggest this updated wording; “Give to all of us, each and every child, family, and person their daily bread.”

  • I wrote recently of the closing of the CCA theater in Santa Fe. Now, donations and pledges shout out the importance of CCA as an important community resource. CCA is now open, saying Yes, we still matter in shaping our lives together.

** Barbie’s new doll model, reflecting the look and feel of a Down Syndrome child is selling out. The doll was planned in partnership of the National Down Syndrome Society. A 9 year old girl was said: “She is really pretty; I am pretty too.”

  • A feel good, 100% joy experience: Search “Playing For Change,” an international multimedia music project. You may listen/watch free, or decide to join to support something truly magical. Suggested first watches would include: King Claven, Planet Drums, or Clarence Bakker and Roberto Lutz, I Shall Be Released.

** Jean Twenge has assisted the CDC for 20+ years in tracking generational trends of teen girls considering suicide. The latest research reports one-third of teen girls considered suicide in 2021. The biggest change or impact has been social media, an unregulated continuous flow. Given their attachment to their phones, teen girls are talking with each other less, and getting less sleep and rest. The report’s recommendation is to get social media out of middle schools, however challenging that would be.

  • Beth and I attended a presentation and sharing of “Sounds of the Black Church.” The presentation and sharing reinforced our belief that true Faith (and music) is a horizontal experience, an experience of community, not the traditional, vertical up and down, individual experience.

** In 1968 Thomas Merton wrote that we have forgotten that life can be simple. I am not how he would describe our fast, faster, complex world in 2023. Each of us, the we of us, can still find and know there are simple parts of our life, of our family, work, and worship. Grip, hang on, and be grounded by the simple, straight up parts of daily life. The complex will always be there. This week, live well, find your simple.

Roy, a simple guy, sometimes


  1. Paul Warren on April 30, 2023 at 8:47 am

    Possible sociological study: Gather data about what percentage of people return their carts to their proper place. It may not be as high a percentage as we might think. We taught our children that they could make choices as long as it didn’t create a problem for someone else.

    • Roy Bowen on April 30, 2023 at 9:26 am

      From a VP Trust officer and Navy father i got that “responsible” gene. In Santa Fe I would hold mail or put up dumpsters for neighbors who travel.
      I frown at those who do rack their carts (a small frown, Texans have guns now). You did well and good with your children and choices. If I could have 5 minutes with the father of Donald Trump, I would ask/challenge as to why he did not tell his son he was not the only one in heaven. Roy, but a pilgrim

  2. Linda M on April 30, 2023 at 2:18 pm

    Leave your phone at home. Or somewhere not available to you. Look someone in the eyes. Stay present. Listen to the birds. Take your dog(s) for a walk and enjoy nature.
    Simple advice.

    Love you.

    • Roy Bowen on April 30, 2023 at 2:26 pm

      birds???? what birds…..o those birds.
      for 13 – 15 phones/me all linked as unbreakable one
      I am going to write eyes Wednesday morning in my shprt FBook prompt….

  3. Frank Long on April 30, 2023 at 6:56 pm

    What a thoughtful and heartwarming commentary for today Sunday’s Letter from Roy. Thanks so much.
    Frank Long

    • Roy Bowen on May 1, 2023 at 3:01 pm

      Just think how much better it would be if you and I drafted the Sunday Letter at kitchen table together……your encouragement helps me to keep moving forward……Roy

  4. mike davis on May 1, 2023 at 10:22 am

    Good morning Roy.. thanks much for the wonderful letter and important topics.. these weekly exchanges are so much better when the raw politics are left out. The zinger in your comments is easily overshadowed by the beauty of the letter proper….. thanks very much for all the positives.. have a great week.. Mike Davis

    • Roy Bowen on May 1, 2023 at 3:03 pm

      Always good to Open Comments and find you on the page
      I am unsure as to “zinger.”
      I am not really a zinger kind of guy, or writ3er.
      Give me a hint and I will admit my sins….Roy

  5. mike davis on May 3, 2023 at 11:45 am

    Good afternoon Roy,, I was incorrect, the zinger was in your comments back to Paul at 8:47 am.. all in good fun it appears, days later.. just reread your Sunday letter and want to say thanks again for your efforts and thoughts and topics.. we have discussed our not seeing eye to eye on many things, but we listen to each other. I am grateful for the help you’ve provided to my listening abilities.. very grateful Roy.. happy Wednesday..

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