Roy’s Sunday Letter for April 28,2024

** Monday was Earth Day; HBO gave us the documentary “Trees and Other Entanglements” (1hr. 22 minutes). This film shows our sad, poor treatment of trees as a product, and today’s partnership respecting and valuing trees. Trees play an essential role in cooling and protecting our climate. The HBO documentary teaches, encourages me to take a walk, find a favorite tree, pay attention/listen. This year we had two friends whose birthday fell on Earth Day…both Diane and Scott are dedicated to helping save our planet!

  • With all of the new software and products to consider, a reminder of several heritage items somehow still available. A box of wood matches…A box of wood toothpicks…A folded paper map of a state. What other “still here” items you would add???

** Protesters and advocates are camping out, marching, demanding change of polices or leadership whether Pro-Palestinian or not, abortion pro/con at Supreme Court, or school closings. Current protests are familiar to elders of the 1960’s and early 70’s. Yes, many similarities. Maybe, it would have been best then and now to take away the microphones and bullhorns to quieten the noise, encourage listening, allowing differing views and appearances to share space. A thought: Our American media, officials, and educators seem now more geared to quick response and actions, not practicing patience, cooperation, and unity formed from caring and compassion.

  • Being Positive can be delivered with words either spoken or as I have observed used in a false, empty, unsustainable way. Being Positive, like Kindness, is a renewable life-giving resource. Even in this period of cruelty to others, intent to harm, and distortions and confusion, all of us have the collective capacity to trust, to sustain hope, to declare kinship with each other, Mother Earth, the salmon, whales, and animals around us, whether pets or wilderness. (adapted from CNN’s Good Stuff).

** Last Sunday I introduced SL readers the Homeless World Soccer Cup. This week’s discovery is “The Black Opry” that began with a blog in 2021. The Black Opry promotes country song writers, singers, and bands through live performances and social media platforms. Beyonce has taken this genre to a new level. Dolly has given her approval while others seem to fear acknowledging the many talents of Black Country Music singers and musicians.

Beth and I have dear friends under medical care for critical, life limiting conditions and diagnosis. We express our caring in cards, calls, and in person visits. We also sense our own life limitations of age, health, and energy. We remain curious, believe in the goodness of others, and see angels and miracles in our daily life together and with Jazz.

Roy, being a witness this Sunday morning!


  1. Sandra Soria on April 28, 2024 at 6:09 am

    Thanks for the reminder that being positive is a worthwhile effort—more difficult than being negative or critical, but it changes us all.

    • Roy Bowen on April 28, 2024 at 7:17 am

      A thought: The easier negative drains energy; the less popular positive promotes energy, like going to the gym of Hope. You are soon off to UCC and your leader role there. I hope to zoom the 10:10 service. My notepad for next week’s SL will lead with the search for, and interest in, spiritual and sacred places in FW or DFW. Where and What would you know about such places. or sounds???? Roy

  2. Maurine on April 28, 2024 at 6:15 am

    I well remember the protest of the 60’s and 70’s, they were generally against the war in Viet Nam and the civil rights of all people. We once again see protests that involve a war and civil rights. We obviously haven’t learned much in the last 60 years. History is repeating itself with social media fanning the flames. We are strange creatures. Still here are books you can check out at the library and smell the printed words as you read.

    • Roy Bowen on April 28, 2024 at 7:20 am

      There is a big difference between our earlier days and now in terms of protest. We had nationally recognized leaders who had the developed gift or craft to bring us together around a cause, policy, or question. Today we have mini non-leaders in front of microphone or yelling into a bullhorn. Poor, indequate. My thought…Roy

  3. Roger on April 28, 2024 at 10:27 am

    Positive and kindness, they are mysteriously mi9ssing from so much of today’s conversation!

    • Roy Bowen on April 28, 2024 at 1:16 pm

      the only way i know is to stand up and declare/proclaim
      truth to power
      truth to the uninterested
      truth to those with the microphones
      a young college aged ask me if there was a risk in doing so/saying so?
      Yes my answer
      I know no other path
      So, we each continue on, finding our way together……..Roy

  4. Peter D. Kleven on April 30, 2024 at 5:59 pm

    Loving, careing, compassion, nuturing, listening, and understanding, seem to be much more powerful instruments in connecting to start the healing process for ourselves, for our sisters and brothers and for saving our home, the earth itself.

    • Roy Bowen on May 4, 2024 at 9:52 am

      Friend Peter….you are becoming clearer, more determined. always faithful with others, now trusting yourself more.
      You know, I think you are going to make it through all to being the person you were meant to be, and all in the best of ways. Roy

  5. Susan De Mars on May 4, 2024 at 2:21 pm

    Thanks for the Sunday Letter. It’s nice to know you are there in my email to visit with. I am reminded to sit and be quiet more. To savor my path and be glad for my vision and the delight in all that reading can bring.
    Infinite love and Gratitude 🙏

    • Roy Bowen on May 5, 2024 at 9:40 am

      Dear Forever Friend….
      You have made your way in returning to home town. In some ways easier to go to a ne place, history to over-come.
      Your eye and creative spirit show forth in your art. Delightful and wonderful.
      Let’s keep “talking,” even if from afar….Roy

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