Roy’s Sunday Letter for April 21, 2024

**A SL reader recommended the Homeless Soccer World Cup, and the Cup inspired Netflix film “The Beautiful Game,” with British actor Bill Nighy is England’s team coach. The Homeless World Cup was first held in Graz, Austria in 2003. The 2024 Cup will be in Seoul, South Korea with 68 member countries. Soccer is played on a reduced size court. Both the Cup website and the Cup inspired film have been opportunities to learn, watch individuals become teams and succeed in ways perhaps not before. Thanks Marty.

  • Beth saw a Face Book post of a ripe banana wrapped in art wire and attached to a tree. She did so! As the banana ripened butterflies of all types found and enjoyed a new food treat. She also checked to see if it would harm the butterflies and it is recommended as a food source. Each banana will last about a week. Great for close photos, postings, and making new butterfly friends. All we can say is wow!

** We attended a friend’s Ordination to Ministry last Sunday. I heard a new song to share with you. Rascal Flatts Trio, “I Won’t Let Go.” These Supportive words and the commitment of what one person (or group) can mean to someone else is humbling. Add this one to your play list and give other Rascal Flatts music a listen as well. We are so happy for our friend Deanne.

  • A TV commercial announced, “AI Transforms Business.” I would add these hopes: AI transforms schools…Transforms prisons…Transforms neighborhoods…Transforms faith centers/worship.

** Too many parts of our communications and policies are intended to hurt, harm, put down, and limit our knowing each other by age, gender, faith practice, financial capacity, or life-style preferences. Perhaps we individually cannot stop all harmful communications. What we can do is reframe our individual, family, work, faith communications and policies to give witness to compassion, gratitude, and generosity. In this way, we each are saying this is how we see the world and our practices can change the world or support our part of the world.

Monday, the 22nd, is Earth Day. The products we use, supporting more gardens and more trees are one part of treating our Mother Earth as a kind, protective, and engaged citizen. Earth Day, our day, our Earth. I plan to take a moment and just have a prayer for our beautiful home. She gives us life!

Roy, this is how I see my world


  1. Maurine K Wood on April 21, 2024 at 7:02 am

    Our Beth is so ingenious! I love butterflies, might have to give this a try. Making the Earth better should be everyone’s goal. I so enjoyed the article you sent me. The wheels of change move slowly but they do move.

    • Roy Bowen on April 21, 2024 at 10:41 am

      Yes, Beth is the creative energy.
      She replaced her banana due to the all day rain.
      A cheap sport….butterflies will come,
      Where will you place yours??
      We are checking 2 new places for next gathering.
      I am going to a UCC Men’s Burger Bash at 5….new faces and a feel of UCC in a different way.

  2. John Mead on April 21, 2024 at 8:23 am

    Love the yard! I’m quite sure that you will have butterflies on Earth Day!

    • Roy Bowen on April 21, 2024 at 10:36 am

      The all day rains took out the banada.
      Beth replaced this Sunday morning…..butterflies will come.
      Miss our talks on the porch; stop by anytime.
      I will watch for you and your small walking partner……Roy

  3. mike davis on April 21, 2024 at 10:50 am

    good morning.. the banana effect.. marvelous.. will give it a show..

    I have a long time friend who referred to the negative communications commented on, as ” stinking thinking”. His point is in line with yours.. we should be striving to build folks up, not tear them down.. jump at the chance to compliment, when constructive criticism is needed, , making it palatable is the way to go..
    this theory is all encompassing..

    Earth day.. right on.. but everyday should be earth day.

    banana acquisition on the list for today!!

    happy Sunday to all..

    • Roy Bowen on April 21, 2024 at 2:14 pm

      banana 100% in about 3 days or less. i think our butterflies becoming demanding now on third banana.

      my view: any office seeking person who will not endorse treating kindly, with respect, choosing compassion…..then PR their lack on kindness humanity.
      You either are or you are not. this is a “calling forth” their best, not their worst.

      Drafting 3 stories this week:
      1) Matthew new pastor of small urban church. his repeated message are about kindness, promoting peaceful communications/treatment of others, being servant to others. New congregation bored, tied of this weekly “weak” sermons, men especially. there is a growing effort to quieten, get rid of him. sound familiar??

      2) Jacob’s world is becoming smaller and more limited. In recent time his father, spouse, and 15 yr old dog died. he is less confident in urban traffic, he has learned to shop online for home delivery,he now zooms Sunday service. For days he does not leave the house. Now, Helen from the senior center, is calling him each Tuesday morning. Jacob is not lonely. But, people will not believe him, leave him be. Marianm his wife would not his life now.

      3) Marcus, 3 yr. pastor at Josuha Church, was in mid-sermon when he simply stopped speaking, turned off the microphone, left the hall, walked down the street, going nowhere, going somewhere. No one knew what to do. Neither did Jacob.

      4 hour lunch soon………Roy

  4. Linda M on April 21, 2024 at 2:48 pm

    Here is the opening paragraph about Butterfly as told in the Medicine Cards:
    The power that Butterfly brings to us is akin to the air. It is the mind, and the ability to know the mind or to change it. It is the art of transformation.

    Butterfly….that flutters
    in the morning light
    You have known many forms,
    Before you e’er took flight.


  5. mike davis on April 22, 2024 at 7:37 am

    some good stories developing .. let us know when ready.. lunch soon!!

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