Roy’s Sunday Letter for April 16, 2023

  • Beth and I made an airport run at 6AM for her Amarillo flight. Heavy traffic, reading signs in the morning dark, changing lanes, finally seeing planes. Stressful. She is assisting a dear friend following hip surgery. Home Tuesday.

** Anne Lamott writes in Traveling Mercies, “I was raised by parents to believe that you had a moral obligation to try to save the world.” The Sunday Question: What message, if any, did your parent/s give to you? If not parent/s, who taught you to believe, and what was it you were to believe, act or be?

  • I have not swung a golf club in 4 yrs. Now stiffer, less flexible, not confident with balance. Several golf team members of the mid-1960’s have invited me to play a round. Should I, could I? I will go hit some balls, putt. I will let SL readers know about the invitation.

** The Center for Contemporary Arts (CCA) has presented films, concerts, and the best of creative arts to the Santa Fe region for 44 years. The pandemic presented economic challenges, people resisting public settings, and the hold back of traditional funding sources. The CCA board of directors, by a vote of 7 to 3, approved voluntary dissolution of the nonprofit organization, ending employment for 13 staff. In today’s complex world, no matter the Mission, 44 years does not assure year 45.

  • Best book title of the week: NEXT: Reinventing Our Lives Through Everyday Changes, by Joanne Lipman (No, I have not read it. My response is to the emotion and commitments of the title).

** Christian Nationalism is often talked about in Texas, especially the north Texas region. Pay attention to what is being declared, faith and governance positions promoted or taken. We will be hearing more as the issues and months of election continue.

  • AT&T has an often seen commercial: “Connecting Changes Everything.” A Comment: For the millions who are not connected, what can they count on, be trusted, feel or know they are valued? The gap between those who are connected and those not connected continues to widen. This concerns me. As an elder, as a writer, as a person of faith, I am hanging onto the edges of tech, being connected is important to me, however well or poorly done. In spite of all, I continue.

Roy, Valuing every reader, every comment


  1. Dave Steward on April 16, 2023 at 6:30 am

    Growing up, and when I said “I can’t do that”, my Mom would reply ” Can’t never did anything!” When in the Navy I was a member of the Seabees – their motto “Can do!”

    • Roy Carroll Bowen on April 16, 2023 at 8:01 am

      I will add to your Mom.
      You have done
      Can do
      Woll do
      Count on that guy standing in the shade
      Of course you can, you will
      A YES guy

  2. Nancy Tuttle on April 16, 2023 at 6:47 am

    Stand on one foot while brushing teeth
    Find a good physical therapist
    Strengthen your core
    It’s never too late to gain confidence
    Don’t give in to being “old”
    Practice swinging a golf club. The swing will give you a good stretch
    The little engine who could. I think I can , I think I can

    • Roy Carroll Bowen on April 16, 2023 at 8:06 am

      And you model every truth saying above…..& good for you in all ways
      Best book title:”Its never too late to begin again”
      Clint Eastwood: “Don’t let the old guy in”
      I do believe golf range will help me on balance and not fall over
      O well, I have fallen over before…..get up, dust off, continue on!
      Loved you then, love you now

    • carole vernon on April 16, 2023 at 1:24 pm

      I’m older and my parents grew up in post war era”the can do time” they worked hard and always taught me to do the same and look forward ~ don’t give up!

      • Roy Bowen on April 16, 2023 at 7:34 pm

        Carole….my parents both raised on east texas farm, 60 miles apart until they met in Ft Worth….married….me.
        Their highest value was Safety, No Risk, one job, one life.
        As a 1960’s kid, I was comfortable with Risk, Stretching, the Unknown.
        We young ones trusted each other, our music, peace & Justice.
        Changing or saving the world still within me, whatever the outcome.
        Glad to have you as a SL reader. I will get you register.
        Easy to find. Always near by. Roy

      • Roy Bowen on April 23, 2023 at 2:34 pm

        Carole, I did get all the 1950 work hard, be truthful and more truths of that day.
        Somehow I also got “include others, don’t walk away, maybe there is something you don’t know about a difficult person or situation.”
        I can sum that “raising” as don’t react, wait till you know more, maybe you will be surprised.”
        Good thoughts on your part. Thank You!

  3. Beth on April 16, 2023 at 7:36 am

    Like Dave, I was told “Can’t never could!” From my mother. My grandmother always said, “when like gives you lemons make lemonade!” Finally, my stepfather,who was an alcoholic, and I often ignored his wisdom did tell me over and over”You are the most creative person!”

    I did take these words inside and I am grateful for the words today as they have shaped my life to I can; life does give us real pain but the wisdom from it is so valuable if I continue to make lemonade; and finally being creative has limitless possibilities and opportunities!
    Thank you Roy for this beautiful Sunday letter!

  4. Roy Carroll Bowen on April 16, 2023 at 8:10 am

    You are indeed a creative, lovely, fiercely loving and giving woman of truth and wisdom. you
    We somehow make each other better.
    I do deeply know there is no me without you
    Hang in there as Amarillo caretaker
    Miss my editor

  5. Linda M on April 16, 2023 at 9:16 am

    My Dad, who was an enlightened individual, always told me, “Don’t judge other people’s priorities.” My Mom, who was a shining star right up to 102 years, always told me, “Make a memory, because when you’re old, that is what you will always have.”

    Love you Roy—-you’ll do great on the golf course. Just remember your little ole lady kick ass friend in Santa Fe. Keep going.

    • Roy Bowen on April 16, 2023 at 9:27 am

      Linda, you are a Memory, you give Memories, you enliven memories in others…..and memories
      My golf memory, not my 2023 body, says go, do be….thus I am

  6. owen kunkle on April 16, 2023 at 1:54 pm

    Re: CCA in Santa Fe (Center for Contemporary Arts), many of us here in SF who have been loyal to the center for years were blindsided by the closure and felt if only we had known, we would have donated to keep the venture going. One board member has started an online campaign to raise $300,000 by this last Friday (4/14), when the board was scheduled to meet again to reconsider closing. As of 4/12, $160,000 had been pledged. I’m sure many (including us) have donated since. There are private matching funds which will match the $300,000, if it is raised. So it is possible that a way to keep CCA open will be found. We will await to see what happened at last Friday’s meeting.

    Interestingly, one of my mother’s favorite phrases was also “Can’t never did anything.” It must have been popular back in the day. Another of hers, “You’ve got to stand on your own two feet.”

    Roy, I remember when I first saw your sweet swing on the first tee at Marty Sanchez, the first and only time we played golf. I said to myself: this is a man who has played a lot of golf and played well. I hope you will find that your shoulder will again accommodate that sweet swing. Blessings

    • Roy Bowen on April 16, 2023 at 7:42 pm

      Hero time with Owen….
      We would leave Amarillo 6:30am
      Trader’s Joe, CCA, a shop or three, home at 8:00
      We thought that was normal
      I went to practice range today, small basket. Finding a swing, not fall over. Memory chip golf.
      Putting green OK.
      I will go back…..ball by ball.
      Never what it was….just want it is.
      Tis OK.


  7. David Hitchcock on April 16, 2023 at 3:38 pm

    Roy, Golf comments reminded me that one of my going to sleep methods (long ago) was imagining the golf course I was raised on as a kid. Nothing like viewing that 9th hole back to the clubhouse or the hole that led up to the base of a prominent hill or hitting a long one (never dreamed about putting or short shots – too tense).

    • Roy Bowen on April 16, 2023 at 7:52 pm

      David, I heard this story recently. A teen player drove the cart up to #9 tee. He had his father, who I knew well. The dad was dying of cancer. He wanted to come back to play 1,2,6,9 (a natural loop). Love the story of father/son/golf.
      I grew up on a golf course. John Kennedy shot/killed on my black and white TV; Mississippi race riots, voting denied.
      Golf began to slip back … justice work leaped forward.
      But, here I am at 78 banging balls, finding a swing that works. Trying to not fall over.
      These are good days. Beth back Tuesday. I do miss our path, our rhythm together.
      Miss you both…..Best to in all ways….Roy

  8. Jen on April 17, 2023 at 9:58 am

    My parents taught me everyone deserves courtesy, but respect has to be earned, regardless of position or power.

    • Roy Bowen on April 23, 2023 at 2:26 pm

      Sometimes individuals or families respond by growing into, rising to the showing and giving of respect just to do so.
      Of course, often not as well.
      Courtesy does not require agreement or even words. A free gift, given with good heart and best of intentions.
      Good thoughts on your part and thanks for sharing, always

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