Roy’s Sunday Letter for April 14, 2024

** Millions in the US, and around the world, viewed Monday’s Eclipse either through approved eye wear, television or other safe ways. The anticipation of the sun’s eclipse grew from cities gatherings from to the south the to north. Children, families, and seniors rose, shouted, were silent and as the four minutes of darkness passed once again to the light of hope. Together, we shared the common ground of Wonder, and Awe. Our earth is precious, and we are so lucky.

As the Eclipse ended a friend’s 4 yr., old son asked, “Dad, can we do this again next week?” What if we could? What if, our political, civic, faith, and cultural leaders could come together to bring us a similar, positive experience on a monthly or quarterly basis? If so, would we speak with others with kindness, or extend ourselves in response to the needs of an individual or family? I believe our society would be more kind, forgiving and bring us together, rather than divide or tearing down.

  • A current media commercial challenges us to Renew…Rediscover…Reconnect. I would add these similar challenging words: To Believe…Act…Be Still…Engage and Seek Balance.

** The board and staff of the Tarrant County Boys & Girls Clubs conducted an evaluation of their food services to the 3,500 children who depend on their local club for nutrition. Their evaluation reported that processed foods (none made locally) failed to provide essential child nutrition. Today, there is an innovative program called the “Blue Door Kitchen” that prepares locally prepared foods that are made with the freshest and healthiest of ingredients. This is what true leaders do, this is how excellence in organizations and programs services are provided. My hope is to keep the goodness going.

  • A closing return to the Eclipse. The routines and demands of the day-to-day of family, work, volunteering, individual wants and needs are important. These needs can dull or take away our sense of Wonder and Awe. This does not have to be! Push forward, search out people and experiences that give you energy, hope, remind you of the goodness of others, and do so in your own goodness.

Roy, A witness to the Wonder and Awe of Monday’s Eclipse


  1. Marty Hamrick on April 14, 2024 at 6:40 am


    I don’t comment often, but I was struck by your “story” of the nutrition of the meals served for the Boys and Girls clubs. So important for evaluations to take place! That said, completely off topic, but I want to recommend an Netflix movie that Kari and I watched this past week called “The Beautiful Game” staring Bill Highy. It’s a story about the Homeless World Cup Soccer Tournament. A real thing. I didn’t know! A wonderful story about the England team and the struggles of the player being homeless etc. Check it out. I think y’all will enjoy it. – Marty

    • Roy Bowen on April 14, 2024 at 11:13 am

      Beautiful Game a new one for us. Highy not….will watch him any time. Will easily find, and enjoy.
      Here is my trade: You Tube – The Last Repair Shop. LA Schools loan instruments to LA students….most need repair. Hero time!!
      We enjoyed and learned in our 18 yrs in Amarillo, then total 10 yrs. in Santa Fe.
      We now have been back in FW 4 yrs. 1st 2 yrs, Covid.

      Beth teaching art with 24 black elders at local community center, more.
      I am leading a story telling group, more.
      I am preparing my 2nd book of short stories, maybe ebook or audio.

      Our health is good. We met in 1977. Still good together.

      We leave soon for the orientation of a young lesbian woman and friend.
      A different day, no?

      My tshirt message, Believe anyway

      Good to connect. More to say and do together.

  2. Maurine on April 14, 2024 at 6:45 am

    We were all in awe of the wonders of nature. I saw families taking the day off to share the experience. It would be wonderful to have a nation wide experience that does not include hate, weapons and division, one person at a time. Thankyou for keeping us grounded, Roy.

    • Roy Bowen on April 14, 2024 at 11:20 am

      Kind and gracious words. I was on a zoom Sunday morning. I was asked what I believe. My tshirt message: Believe anyway.
      What I know: We live in community, we will best solve our issues in community, with others, finding common ground.
      We figure it out together. Roy

  3. Frank Long on April 14, 2024 at 6:47 am

    About 35 of the residents here at the Retreat gathered in the courtyard with our special eclipse eye wear. Lot of laugh and chatter as we had not seen some of the folks in many weeks, so it was a community celebration. But as the moon began to cross the sun, the chatter diminished into a whisper. When the shadow was in totality the crowd went silent as we wondered at the beauty of the corona. The skies darkened to dusk. The courtyard light sensitive sensors brought those 18 lights into full blast giving all of us a little giggle. After it was over people stayed and chatted, but clearly changed into wonder and a sense of play. For a moment we were all one. A lovely, once in a lifetime experience.

    • Roy Bowen on April 14, 2024 at 11:26 am

      You said it perfect. Well done in every way. So glad you had this common experience.
      You are living in community.
      We are thinking 2 more yrs, of independent living…….then consider the options.
      Beth and feel the closeness with you and Harry.
      All the best…..Roy

  4. mike davis on April 14, 2024 at 8:18 am

    I have been puzzled by all the hype about the big E.. wasn’t that way as a kid growing up.. we watched and thought it was cool.. but no big hype.. this last eclipse was something else.. I had friends from California and Wyoming travel to the hill country..

    y’all’s comments above help provide an explanation.. the coming together of folks.. the sense of community and sharing an event.. perhaps folks are craving this interaction with other folks and the big E provided this space in time, no politics, hate, division, social media, devices. , for a few moments all were one.. beautiful.

    thanks for sharing these thoughts..

    • Roy Bowen on April 14, 2024 at 11:37 am

      We live best in community. The American culture of independent males was never the best choice or path.
      My tshirt: Believe anyway
      A friend recommended a Netflix movie about a homeless soccer team (England), “A Beautiful Game.”
      4 hour lunch together soon……Roy

  5. Linda M on April 14, 2024 at 8:55 am

    We have had and have marvelous Leaders, Mystics, Enlightened Ones who share a Hopeful message. Unfortunately, unless we seek, they are drowned out by the inane nonsense of our current political landscape and those who inhabit it. I have been watching several series on Gaia TV, where the thinkers of new paradigms and the scientist of quantum provide a different lens. Thank you dear Roy for your consistency in inquiry that we might start our Sundays with query and kindness. Love you and Beth to the moon and back.

    • Roy Bowen on April 14, 2024 at 11:42 am

      I do not know Gaia TV…I will Google..
      How to grow new leaders: take away the microphones.
      My tshirt message: Believe anyway
      We best live and work in community.
      Iced tea on me anytime in the area.
      All the best in all ways…..Roy

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