Roy’s Sunday Letter for September 1, 2024
** A true American hero, Senator John Lewis, now has a bronze 12′ statue in front of the county courthouse in Decatur, Georgia. The statue of Senator Lewis replaces a monument to the Confederacy that had stood for 100 years. Younger SL readers may not know the heritage and role of Senator Lewis in making our society a better and fairer place for us all (an easy Google).
- I have several zoom friends with 4,000 Face Book “Friends.” I have 613 Friends, but really only 15 to 20 who regularly Like or Comment on my posts. To say, “I don’t understand…do the other 593 not get my posts?” That would be an understatement. I will accept wisdom and learn from all.
** In a recent medical appointment, my DO told me of her review of a large study of The Health & Wellness of Seniors. In the study the #1 element of health and wellness was being connected, avoiding the isolation that can be so common among seniors. Check-in with seniors in your family, neighbors, civic, and faith center. You may be the reason a senior, an elder, has another birthday.
At those times I feel separated from myself, not on the right path, I walk slowly in the woods or waterway trail. Sometimes I take a back table in a crowded market. I do so to adjust what and how I see and adjust my ears for who and what I hear. I listen to the trees and waterway, nod often to others and find myself once again. Mary Oliver adapted
- Barbershop Books is a publisher of print, eBooks, and videos that celebrate, amplify, and celebrate Black and Brown authors. Barbershop Books purpose is to inspire kids to read to see themselves as readers. Two enjoyed: Trevon’s Globe Trotting Adventure and Gabe’s Green Thumb.
** Netflix Series Recommendation: Beth and I, and so many others, enjoy the landscape of Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico. The Netflix series “Dark Winds” is filmed beautifully, mostly with Native characters and story lines. Be inspired by the open spaces, the influence of wind, and the ways lives are shaped by the land.
- S. A. Cosby is a widely read Southern author of detective mysteries. Cosby has said Southern writing is a mix of class, race, sex, and religion. I would suggest one more Southern quality….food.
My last word this Sunday is Encouragement. Who are you encouraging? Who will be strengthen by your experience, your wisdom? And lastly, who encouraged you to hang in there at a difficult time, showing compassion and support to you?
Roy, thankful for past encouragement
Encouragement is so very important. It goes along with your first statement about connecting with others. Children that are encouraged to succeed normally do. They may not be the brightest child but an encouraging word makes them feel special. During my vacation I asked my daughter why she felt like she was successful and her answer was, “because you always encouraged me to do my best and were proud of my successes. When I failed, you encouraged me to try harder,”. You and Beth are positive influences on so many lives always building up!
What a great, meaningful reply to your question.
soak that one in as a keeper.
With temps now in 89’s and possible rainm it is saf e to come home.
see you soon….more stories to hear of your CO month…..Roy
Roy, many thoughts about your thoughts today. We are responsible not only for ourselves but also for each other as a Community Of Saints. We all have highs and lows. We are here together to heal, to share pain, to share joy, and to help each other find the “WAY”. Thank you for YOU!
This is a time to say “grab a hand, hold tight and long.”
Tis is the only way….& we do so together. Roy
Harry and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary yesterday in the cafe of the Retreat (our senior residence in Grand Prairie). About 55 people attended. We talked about the need for connection with the crowd consisting of people from a variety of cultures and backgrounds. We shared a cake and giggled with one another when the dark blue icing on the cake began to appear on lips and teeth around the room. Several supportive comments and cards and text messages let us know that as a gay couple, we are lauded and accepted because we are kind to each individual here.
I say “Throw a party. Invite your friends. Serve cake. Have fun. Sing, laugh. Connect.
Hugs to you and Beth and to Pete Klevin!
How wonderful!!
Beth and I are numbers 56 and 57.
You two have made your couple life and your Retreat lives special.
Proud of you in all ways……….Roy and Beth
luv the recommendation
will watch, learn, feel
we celebrate your celebration in all ways………Roy and Beth
3:15 9n Monday
We just completed JOHNNY. Beth knew how to listen in English.
& the last 10 seconds and the “for real” chef and family ended he film.
This is not one we would found….an excellent recommendation!!!
Beth and Roy
Your wife Beth and you were two of the most important encouragers for my life and circumstance of December 2020. I will always keep the letter you wrote to me with you hand traced on the page and something written on each finger. X/O Linda M
Sometimes we, even me, stumble into goodness
I “picked up” the hand activity at a grief conference
Rain began 3am….still with us 11 am
The trees and gardens are happy….me too
Linda, you remind me of a friend talking about a friend:
“Saying Yes when he walked into the room”
So, we keep at it do we not?
Roy, no worries about Facebook, not sure we are connected that way but remain connected. I have less “friends” online but few comment or react, just some regulars1
Isolation is a big deal, I walk the line between engagement and relevance. I try to keep engaged, particularly where I remain relevant.
Dark Winds is on my watch list. Remember when there were only 3 channels!
Roger, I have 4 guys, all white, that I have iced tea with sometime in the midst of the month.
I have made attempts of bringing together/joining but not an interest.
We live near walking trails. 2 -3 women walking together
Men, whatever age and race, all singles (sometimes a dog).
I have friends driving to Austin to hear Parker Palmer. If a new name, Google. Hero Time.
If you are in the area I can add you as a 5th guy guy.
Best your way……..