Roy’s Sunday Letter for October 29, 2023

** With this Sunday Letteer I return to a weekly Sunday Letter. The rotation will be a traditional Sunday Letter today, next Sunday, a half page of Encouragement & Support. My hope is to provide each reader and friend good reasons to Open, Click, and enjoy each Sunday Letter.

  • Three years after our move to Ft. Worth, Beth and I returned to Santa Fe last week. The New Mexico landscape is forever engaging. We truly enjoyed catching-up by visiting with friends, relishing great foods/menus, and appreciating Santa Fe for being Santa Fe. I had the opportunity to participate in the last session of eight years of education and training for nonprofit board members. Then, we enjoyed The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs for two days. Delightful walks, lobbies, sofa chairs, fall foliage and the mountains. An easy decision is to return more often to both areas for health and wellness.

** Our favorite breakfast place in Santa Fe, Counter Culture, has new signage for all bathrooms … “People.”

  • My collection of short stories, “Let Me Tell You A Story” can be checked out at eight Fort Worth branch libraries, and also the downtown library in Amarillo. If you enjoy a favorite story let me know.

** Lois Ellen Frank, Ph.D., is a Santa Fe award winning author, chef, and native food anthropologist. Her new book, “Seed to Plate – Soil to Sky” describes the Magic Eight foods native culture, farming, and preparation brought to the world: corn, beans, squash, chiles, tomatoes, potatoes, vanilla, and cacao. The Precontact Period with Europeans, the Governmental Period, the Slow Food Movement, and Indigenous farming traditions helped me to grasp the sorrow of unjust treatment and policies, and the excitement of today’s teaching and reclaiming of ancestral foods and recipes. Thank you, Lois, you are a hero.

  • In Santa Fe our host was Linda Milanesi, Executive Director, Assistance Dogs of the West. We shared her home with three assistance dogs, all Labradors. I experienced “assistance” when I laid my writing pad and glasses beside a sofa chair. While Gilly gathered my papers, Violet brought me my glasses. Both doing what they have been trained to do, assist and take care of their people.

** The biblical reference of the Thursday men’s group at Trinity Episcopal was “To love your God, love your neighbor, and not to forget to Love yourself too.” The concept and image of “Neighbor” is not clear or easy in 2023. Fort Worth is building large condos of 300 units; mental health and guns brings caution; many street corners have someone holding cardboard asking for help, and now Israel and Gaza. So, even knowing your neighbors, much less loving your neighbors is challenging. And yet, that is the commandment, how Jesus answered. Even with these difficulties, we are not relieved of our responsibility to love God, our neighbor, and yes, ourselves too.

Roy, your neighbor


  1. carole vernon on October 29, 2023 at 7:12 am

    Beautiful letter and reminder to us all to love each other and love ourselves! Our society has become so critical of each other and ourselves. We need self love first and then e can love others. Thank you and Blessings

    • Roy Bowen on October 29, 2023 at 12:15 pm

      Your words appreciated in all ways.
      Whatever we learn we learn and understand together (and mistakes as well).
      Travel to Santa Fe and Colorado reminds us to not wait 3 yrs. Of course, Covid came along in the midst of all that.
      Best to you and family as you continue to find your path….& never “stay in your lane.” Roy

  2. Maurine K Wood on October 29, 2023 at 7:40 am

    Glad you enjoyed your visit but also grateful you are back. We are commanded to “love each other as we love ourselves”. I think one issue has become we do not love ourselves enough so others are slighted. Thank you for your wisdom.

    • Roy Bowen on October 29, 2023 at 11:38 am

      We all stutter and Stumble on loving and accepting ourselves. And yet, the challenge is there….love and accept yourself.
      Beth and I are the better with you in our world…..Beth is gracious and kind. I require patience and allow for mistakes. Whatever it is, we do so together. Roy

  3. Roger Gullickson on October 29, 2023 at 8:01 am

    So good to see you in Santa Fe!,

    • Roy Bowen on October 29, 2023 at 11:35 am

      SFe so engaging. Memories. New experiences. The highest of enjoyment and wellness.
      Very concerned with Stephanie.
      We know we would not be leaving country if one of us was in that health status.
      But, every couple has to make their own decisions.
      Our best to you and family in all ways…..for me, an honor to be in the hall. Roy

  4. David Hitchcock on October 29, 2023 at 10:58 am

    Thanks Roy for your spirit and words. Memories are fresh this day about conversations that have meant so much.

    • Roy Bowen on October 29, 2023 at 11:30 am

      David, I keep notes about possible future Sunday Letter. You are there!!
      Reference: Japan.Learning how to go Slow. I have forgotten that thought and wise words. We are good on health and wellness.
      We have connected with a universal congregation. Very solid. Maybe our best find since St. Francis. We attend a Monday Buddhist minded meditation group there.
      Lots of good thoughts with you both, and all of family. Roy

  5. Linda M on October 29, 2023 at 12:48 pm

    My pups and I were triply blessed to share our home with you and Beth. The goodness and friendship has permeated the walls, so all I need do is close my eyes and I can feel the love fill the spaces. Love to you from Gilly, Violet, Topaz and now Darcy too, Zumi, Cool and Gucci your new feline friend. We love you!

    • Roy Bowen on November 5, 2023 at 1:26 pm

      I have photos and mind photos of home, dogs, coffee, and words.

      We 3 will continue and continue well in health and goodness. Roy

  6. Peter Kleven on October 30, 2023 at 11:40 am

    Roy, thank you for the weekly connection of your spirit. Drifting back to past connections can be most uplifting. Your presence in life does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. PETER

    • Roy Bowen on October 30, 2023 at 12:16 pm

      Thank you for good words.
      What does your next week look like????
      We will find a day and time and regather……good for us both

    • Roy Bowen on November 5, 2023 at 1:28 pm

      Forever friend Peter…..Whatever we do we do together. Grab your calendar. We have more to say and hear. Roy

  7. FRANK JOHNSON on November 2, 2023 at 9:36 am

    Good words! Glad you had a good, sometimes working, vacation. You went to two beautiful places. Keep up the good work.

    • Roy Bowen on November 5, 2023 at 1:30 pm

      And now we know we can go back….I think they have planes now. You both model travel and “go” for us. We need to learn Trinity Metro to Dallas and back. Day trip to begin. Roy

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