Roy’s Sunday Letter for October 13, 2024
** As Hurricane Milton pushed to the Florida coast I was amazed. I watched the Tampa Zoo, Clearwater Aquarium, and others protect the birds, reptiles, the small and large animals in their care. Penguins and smaller species were crated and taken to higher, safe places. Elephants and larger animals stayed in their storm protected “homes” along with food, water, and watchful staff who stayed as well. As of Sunday morning, the precautions, as best I know, kept all safe. Inland tornados sadly devasted neighborhoods, lives and dreams. Long recovery ahead.
- The PBS News Hour reported on a creative opportunity by event sponsors placing 12 pianos in separate places in a San Francisco park. Visitors were invited to play any 1 of the pianos, or all 12. Young in age to elders, skilled and those who are simply less talented enjoyed what the organizers titled Sunset Pianos (You Tube).
** Jimmy Carter is 100, our dear friend Elizabeth is 100, and Opal Lee, Ft. Worth’s hero grandmother is 98. Each wise, each with clear minds and words of encouragement. On page 355 of my current fiction read an elder grandmother offers this wisdom to her 28-year-old granddaughter: “The secret to happiness is to welcome change, accept both the good and the bad, and with courage live your life with an open heart.”
- Summary words for our 5 years in Fort Worth: 2020-Coved; 2021 – Emergence of drones and AI; 2022 – Frozen pipes and heating bills; 2023 – Heat Dome; 2024 – Hurricane, storm surge, election challenges
** There are now twelve CEO’s who have joined Amazon requiring employees to return to an office and a five day a week schedule (Dell, Zoom, JP Morgan). As nonprofit CEO how would work with my board and staff for the best approach for staff, their families, and to the youth, families, and elders we serve?
- Roy’s Sunday Letter has 122 individuals registered. The report from Mailer Lite shows an Open rate of 65.47 % (Open the initial email) and a Click rate of 35.78 % (actually open the Sunday Letter. Yes, I would like to increase both Open and Click numbers. Yes, my report details the Open and Click % for each individual. All suggestions welcomed. Thank You for giving this weekly offering a glance.
** My dear friend Scott has been reading with elementary children for eleven years. So many wonderful young and old quietly show up, stock food pantry and clothing shelves, make a wellness calls. edit an agency newsletter, walk dogs at rescue centers, teach elders art and digital skills, and write notes of comfort and encouragement to grieving hospice families following a death…..and more.
Roy, Amazed and in awe of volunteers
Volunteers make the world a better place. My volunteers at the Closet range in age from 92 to 48. We work together, laugh together and enjoy socializing while we work. One of my older volunteers commented this week, “Thursday is the best day of the week because I get to see all of you,” In the areas that were ravaged by hurricanes, tornadoes and floods it is volunteers that make such a difference. Find something you love and do it, your whole outlook will be better.
You and your peers model “being the difference” to and with us all.
I hope to hear next of 30 yr, olds joining you.
You, dear friend, are a treasure in all ways…..& thank you for being so.
Lunch and Learn soon……Roy
Roy, you won’t be surprised with my volunteering tech support for seniors at the local senior center. Seniors have a range of issues that go “unfixed” because most of the time people do it for them instead of teaching them how to do it. From getting misunderstood error messages to learning how to use a specific app there seems to be an unlimited supply of Seniors on need.
Speaking of senior tech support….I am renewing my Word Press web site before Tuesday.
Pull up a chair…..rescue needed!!
You be hero for others. My hero too.
We both now live with deplorable political realities.
TX Gov. and legislature (white schoools only)
Chicago mayor. gun deaths
We are both hopeful people. So, we continue onward dear friend……Roy
always comforting when the neighbors show up to help after a natural disaster. Not necessarily those neighbors in your own town, but neighbors across the world who are moved by your plight and contribute money, clothing, food, water, and in many cases manpower to clear away debris and help communities return to a new normal. My family was touched when neighbors and strangers showed up to help us when Carla destroyed many homes, schools, churches and businesses in Palacios Texas.
Summer of soph. year I was Recreation Director at Palacios Baptist CaMP.
Young, thin, I learned how o yell a lot, keeping the weekly turn-over of kids safe.
A memory summer of forever.
Yes, isn’t it good to be surprised when those unexpected show-up, make the difference.
And you have done the same
Somehow we got the “servant” gene early on…..and still hold it close.
Roy, think of you every week but how would you know it. Prompted today by empty response screen. I have been a rural Methodist pastor for about 17 years. We have not jumped
off the Methodist ship. My grandson at 18 is driving, Olivia Kay still working around the clock at helping kids with challenges find, work, education, hope. She is good at it and loves the interracial environment of colleagues. Soul medicine for older southern white folks. Forever thanks for who you are for me, us and others.
Two surprises,1 from you, one my letter to Olivia Kay Brooks Clyde.
I saw recent post of this good person and my regret of not knowing/following her as we have over yrs.
So, I wrote my 1st letter to Olivia Kay Brooks Clyde. Slow mail Thursday.
You are my favorite rural Methodist pastor of 17 yrs+.
These good people have changed you, as you have changed them.
I will slow mail your own letter Monday. New, Old, Continuing.
I am blessed by your Comment this Sunday afternoon. Grateful!
…with courage live life with an open heart. Thank you for sharing such a marvelously simple, yet sage quote from the elder grandmother in your fiction read. I see you and Beth tomorrow! Hurrah!
Hey Roy –
Getting your newsletter both on and also on Generally read one but not the other -May not even open the second- Hope this isn’t upsetting your stats ———–
I do not write for the numbers. no issue or concern’.
If there is a sense of my observations let me know, and yiu are good for doing so.
So, how is your eldering doing for you???
Coffee together would be good.
Always good to read your thoughts,,,,,,,Roy