Roy’s Sunday Letter for March 3,2024

** Today, from 5:00 to 6:30, Lanterns on the Trail, an event of remembering loved ones and those we honor will be held at Fort Worth’s newest conference and retreat center, The Keith House. Music, readings from wise women and men, lighted lantern sacks are all part of this first year event in support of terminally ill patients of Project 4031. This is a free, come and go community event. If you can do so, please come, see, and be part of a wonderous afternoon!

  • Sadness and sorrow for the Smokehouse Creek fires, destruction of homes, crops, livestock, creatures, and Panhandle grass lands environment. Beth and I lived in Amarillo and the Panhandle for18 years. We know the power of the wind and remember well the many small towns. Our hearts are sad for the suffering and loss from the fires.

** Soon the daily mail of political mailings and commercials will end, I hope! Most ads seem to puff up how mean and tough one person can be, while discounting the contributions of another. Clearly, there are healthier, more productive ways of messaging values, beliefs, and a brighter tomorrow. I hope for a candidate of courage that will respect and includes others, admitting they have as many questions as answers, and ask, we voters to join in that person’s desire for a better, happier, respectful community.

  • From CNN’s weekly ‘Good Stuff:” Every day 27,000 trees are cut down to produce toilet paper. Good Stuff reports there is a 3-ply bamboo toilet paper available that feels the same and saves trees too. I am checking it out. Our friends Debbie and Charles have been doing eco-friendly products for years as well as others. Thank you

** “It is nearly impossible to become an educated person in a country so distrustful of the independent mind.” from the wisdom of James Baldwin

  • 32 alumni, faculty, family, and students at Texas Wesleyan University gathered in a library conference on Thursday. We were there for the unveiling of a sculpture of Dr. Alice Wonders. She taught Religion from 1945 to 1976. Dr. Wonders was one of the first women to serve as Division Chair for Philosophy and Religion. The sculpture was commissioned by alumnus who admired and benefitted from her teaching and guidance. A woman of courage and faith!

** Movie Recommendation – Netflix – “MIRROR – JOY. Finding Happiness In a Troubled World,” (1 hr. 22 minutes). The Dala Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu met together at the Dali Lama’s home in India for five days in 2015. The book “The Book of Joy, Lasting Happiness in a Changing World,” shares the dialogue of important topics, words, and caring conversation for all people of the world. “Mirror – Joy” is the film of their one-on-one discussions and conversations, with much laughter and enjoyment of each other, and even dance steps by Bishop Tutu. Be inspired by these two men who fought the fight, lived the truths now shared with us all.

Roy, looking forward to all who will come to Lanterns on the Trail.


  1. Dave Steward on March 3, 2024 at 7:23 am

    A bit of a trek from my ole Virginia home, but be assured we are there in spirit for Lanterns on the Trail. Giddyup!

  2. Marcia L Swain on March 3, 2024 at 7:49 am

    Your Sunday letters, Roy (and Beth), remind me of how rich is a life thoroughly and generously lived. Thank you.

    • Roy Bowen on March 3, 2024 at 11:17 am

      you are present with me in so many ways
      i am grasteful to be admitted in so many corners of life, each teaching me more and more.
      Thank you for encouraging comments, as always……Roy

  3. owen kunkle on March 3, 2024 at 6:54 pm

    I know this is the worst fire in history; did you and Beth see anything like it, even close to it (or you) in your years there? Love and Blessings, Owen

    • Roy Bowen on March 4, 2024 at 9:38 am

      not even close
      the wildfires of NM two yrs ago as a 1st in terms of size and threat to all
      Mother Nature is not happy!! Roy

  4. Amy Tate-Almy on March 4, 2024 at 8:09 am

    Thank you, Roy, for you uplifting newsletter each week. My dad used to send a monthly motivational newsletter out and I miss it, so this is always looked forward to by me. I started watching Mission: Joy with Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama last night as well. Have a blessed day! Grateful to have you and so many wonderful people in my lift thanks to TXWES and the Stars of Wonders.

    • Roy Bowen on March 4, 2024 at 9:36 am

      Forme, an honor to have someone younger write encouraging words.
      I am 3+ yrs. into the Sunday Letter.Feeds me, feeds others.
      We continue together
      I know no other way….Roy

  5. Linda M on March 4, 2024 at 7:32 pm

    I am honored and blessed to know and love you and Beth. And I hope that Lanterns on the Trail held moments of wonder and grace that you both so greatly deserve. Thank you for including my “family” members, who shined their lights upon all whom attended. Love to you and Beth. Linda M

    • Roy Bowen on March 5, 2024 at 1:12 pm

      Linda, I appreciate 2 persons using the word ‘serene.”
      There was a natural flow of the afternoon…..All good. Roy

  6. FRANK H JOHNSON on March 5, 2024 at 4:49 pm

    I hope the event went well on Sunday night. Anxious to get a report. And thanks to your recommendation I think at least three of our Stars of Wonders group have listened to MISSION: Joy. Maybe we need a “book study” sometime as a part of our Zoom activities. Keep up the great work. Sorry for the delay in responding to your SL.
    Thanks, Frank

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