Roy’s Sunday Letter for February 23, 2025


I may not be alone in making notes on daily life or maybe even a random thought. In this Sunday Letter I am emptying my pockets of crumbled papers and notes as each might become lost.

One topic in our Tuesday Meditation group was Balance, in ways consistent with in and out breath, being aware of our ongoing world but not being taken over by the events and rapid changes swirling around us. Being in Balance is important for our walking, being careful with each step. The same challenge of maintaining Balance is also with us in our Spiritual, Emotional, Health/Wellness and Economic lives. Balance, when found, is hard to maintain.

  • After seeing the movie “Sing, Sing, “we joined some friends for a wonderful discussion around the concept of “one more conversation.” Who would be a person, not a part of your life now, would you like to have one more opportunity to talk with, to listen to, to ask questions you have always wanted to ask? What was their role in your life? How old were you? The cold of winter is a great time to be indoors to have this “one more time” opportunity.

** In our troubled days a film of inspiration. Alice Herz Sommer is 109 years, the oldest Holocaust Survivor, and life-long pianist. The documentary of her life is titled, The Lady in Apartment 6. Alice opens the windows of her NY city apartment at 4 PM each day and plays her piano to the benefit and pleasure of her neighbors. As a young mother she was among other innocents imprisoned by German Nazis. As a pianist she was given the “opportunity” to play in the prison orchestra. To decline meant instant gas chamber. I have yet to find the film on sites we have. However, You Tube has selected parts of her story for your watching and learning of her courage and the gift of music both long ago and now. Be Inspired.

  • These winter weeks have been wet and cold in many parts of America, including the Southwest. My thoughts have been with plumbers, 911 emergency responders, 2nd and 3rd shift employees, and mail carriers walking miles each day on our behalf.

** I want to renew my sense of hope, of believing in the goodness of others, of knowing kindness and being generous of spirit, will resource be enough, of findings there is still time to stop the destruction of Momma Earth for greed and short-term “taking.” Yes, I still want all of this, and more.

Roy, still a Believer, forever Hopeful


  1. Maurine on February 23, 2025 at 7:58 am

    One the coldest day of this winter my heater quit working. I called the owners of my little house and they promptly sent a HVAC technician. He put in a new control panel and commented on the age of my system. After a few back and forth texts, I am getting a new system installed. I have hope that my house will not become a total wreck since the heater is in the attic. It will be nice to have a more energy efficient system but I will be inconvenienced for a few days. That really reminds me of my life right now, every day we face new challenges some good and some bad. We must continue to hope that things will improve, that Hope keeps us moving forward.

    • Roy Bowen on February 23, 2025 at 9:41 am

      Hero time for you
      You have developed over-coming to a new craft and skill
      Reading fiction on phone (old dog new trick).
      Laura Pritchard, Three Keys
      Husband died
      Son off on his own path
      An illness
      She gets in her car, heads west, ready for the adventure she has never had…..hero time for her also

  2. Linda Milanesi on February 23, 2025 at 10:38 am

    My gift to myself January 2024 was to not get on any devices until all my animal chores were complete and I had a cup of coffee. It has been a tremendously important part of keeping Balance. Physically, feeding horses, moving hay, mucking poop requires strength and balance. Walking the dogs and helping my neighbor with his chores improves my perspective each morning, providing time to watch the sun rise over the mountains, to “feel” the day whether warm or frigid, calm or windy. Marvel at the sky and the clouds. Be grateful. I remain mindful of News intake—it can take me downward quick–so I’d rather be “ignorant” and change the things that I am able to do so. Walk backwards 50 steps every day for balance in the body. Keep Love in your heart for Balance in Life. Love you and thank you for taking the time each week to answer our comments.

    • Roy Bowen on February 23, 2025 at 1:10 pm

      I was reading your wisdom about 50 steps forward…wait…..50 steps backward?
      My imbalance yells out Cautiom.
      Actually I have never tried that one but will in afternoon, with cuation
      I enjoyed your run down od before the social, the real of real….Well represented in all ways.
      We are up about the same time (adjusting for NM time)….So goos to know for us both.
      And now, onward…….RB

  3. Frank Long on February 23, 2025 at 3:25 pm

    I’m always surprised by the notes I find long after they were written. Sometimes stuffed in a book when I can’t find a proper bookmark. Or wearing a suit I haven’t worn since I went to a wedding 3 years ago, and there in the left hand chest pocket is a message or email of someone I met at that festive gathering. And then sometimes those messages just come in a touching scene from a movie when an unexpected tear rolls down my face. I think balance comes from being on the teetertotter between the past of our lives and the
    what nows that we are facing.
    Balance involves physicality, mental, and spiritual aspects. Thank you for the reminder.
    Frank Long

    • Roy Bowen on February 24, 2025 at 9:29 am

      And yes, we both find our notes of long ago.
      Sometimes a name, sometimes a number. On a good day both.
      You both good people.
      I did a standup at a church senior group recently; and another one this Sunday.
      Good days for us both…..RB

  4. Ron Johns Jr on February 23, 2025 at 5:48 pm

    Balance. The word always sends me back to the first Karate Kid movie. Such a visual, well rounded treatise on the need to find balance in body, relationships, and mental health. I am also intrigued by the walk backwards 50 steps idea. I will start that tomorrow!

    • Roy Bowen on February 24, 2025 at 9:25 am

      Good words and thoughts. Linda is an amazing friend and true national leader.
      I have tried the 50 backward but will today also…just “trying” to keep up.

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