Roy’s Sunday Letter for December 29, 2024
Reflections – Calendars & Seasons of the Year
Most of us look at our calendars often, whether iPad, laptop, watch, or one of the traditional paper calendars. Calendars add details to our comings and goings of dates, times, events, and people. My paper calendar helps my elder memory with notes of birthdays, phone numbers, anniversaries and sadly dates of death. For the past several years, Beth and I have shared one calendar with the question, “Where’s the calendar?” is often heard and a way of keeping us on the path of our shared lives.
In addition to calendars, I have become encouraged to be aware of the Seasons of the Year. Look up; there may be geese flying in V formation south or maybe north. Look up: storm clouds can form predicting an early summer shower especially in New Mexico. In May, I look often look out for the arrival of Hummingbirds from their winter home in Mexico, enjoying their visits in the morning and evening until their seasonal fly away in October.
Gardens and trees have their own season. This Sunday, in late December, our Native Oak tree has just a few remaining leaves before their graceful release, joining with the leaves of nearby trees that we harvest for our flower beds. In winter, we pull out gardening books, planning our visit to the garden center for the days of warmth that will welcome spring. Native plants are chosen to nurture bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, insects, and migrating birds. The oak tree will bring the virgin green of new leaves on branches stretching outward and upward…a celebration of life.
To plant a garden is to believe in the tomorrows to come…Audrey Hepburn
There are illustrated print and audio books where you can learn about and be mindful of the Seasons of the Year for children, young families, as well as the experienced, upward looking elder.
This is about being a member of a Faith Community, both locally and world-wide. We understand, as God’s People, we are to serve and support and keep alive this Kingdom. this Garden, and the bees, butterflies, and inspects who are really the true and faithful garden members, of which we are the guests, the tenders. Whatever the season, whatever the letting go, whatever the rebirthing and greening forward, we do so together.
Roy, looking upward with anticipation
Anticipation is such a wonderful word. We anticipate what the day will bring. We look forward to connecting with friends an possibly meeting new people. Thank you for reminding me about that word. Unlike Beth, I am not a gardener but I so enjoy looking at what others do, so I reap the benefits of others labor. A new year is just around the corner. I look forward to it with Anticipation.
I join you on the sofa appreciating the hands in the dirt work of Beth and so many others.
Suggestion might be to turn colorful pages of garden print book or online site.
Appreciation the beauty of creation.
And yes, Anticipation matched with Graditude…..
I read royswriting each week and this one really spoke to me today. Thank you and Happy New Year.
Thank you for encouraging and supportive words.
I do often wonder on a Tuesday if I will have any thoughts of meaning on Saturday as I draft the Sunday Letter.
I write by faith, trusting a not always present inner voice.
And I do, and most Saturdays all is good. RB
Good morning. Thanks for this last letter of ‘24.
2-1/2 weeks with a new shoulder, I have found myself wallowing in the brine of self-pity and “woe is me – ism”.
Once again SL delivers a perfectly timed message. Thanks for reminding me of these life cycles and our place in them. The needed optimism to anticipate and plan for these seasonal changes is uplifting. Thanks Roy.
May 2025 shine bright for us all.
Pain can and does create so many emotional, spiritual, and physical limitations, even holes and dips.
Whatever the wall or hole, each only for now.
As the physical improves, leave, then to decide about who are now, The same? Almost the same? Adjustments in movement and expectations?
Lets keep talking, figuring out your tomorrow…..
Guests and tenders. Joy in the job. Feeling free of the escapist mentality of the faith of my youth. Grateful for elder wisdom that knows each rising offers another opportunity to participate in the tending of the Garden.
Sunday AM reading about the mix together of the Calling of Faithfulness and the Commitment to be present, to serve.
Beautifully written my friend. I have found myself relying on my calendar like never before. Not only to keep me from missing an important appointment, such as doctors, etc., but also to see gaps in the calendar that allow for new appointments. With my new life of being alone, getting the balance of not enough activities and too many activities is a work in progress. It’s been a busy two weeks of travel so now a time of relaxation and maybe a month of staying at home doing taxes, financial planning, medical appointments, decisions on a new vehicle, and planning for the next venture which is spring training in Phoenix. I have to have something to look forward to. Looking back has its good and bads but looking forward brings hope and excitement. I like your faith in the seasons. It is something that we can usually count on. The butterfly bushes I planted in Cheryl’s memory will hopefully flourish this spring. Keep up the good thoughts!
“Figuring it out” is an ongoing get it right, get it wrong path.
And yes, balancing, reblancing also ongoing
Slow mailing you 2-3 pages of current read.
Someone I just missed at TWC
P. 101….Dr. Alice Wonders and her role in his young life.
Let the calendar be a friendly guide….giving direction and a wall to lean into as needed.
And nature reminds us of the seasons of life, just don’t repeat every year!
Have an amazing 2025 and thanks for your words and thoughts in the past year.
Sunday afternoon from watching Conclave shown at local museum, The Modern.
We will watch again as we find it online.
Just back from watching Conclave at The Modern Museum
So many Quotables (no notebook)
Certainty is the enemy of Unity.
The power (or future) of the church is not in its past or traditions
Thepower of the church is in the question. “What’s next.”
Conclave is full of surprises….great script.
Worth the search……..