Let Me Tell You A Story

By Roy Carroll Bowen

From his southwest background, Roy highlights life through his stories, some humorous and other thought-provoking reflections told through his unique way of communicating everyday experiences.
– Captain Dave Steward, US Coast Guard Licensed Captain

Roy chooses his words carefully – not too many words – just enough to inspire imagined characters and life events, and then he stops. It is in his stopping at just the right time that intrigues me to think on.
– Diann Gilmore, LMSW-AP

Capturing and painting everyday life scenes with a paintbrush of words, Roy creates lived experiences into familiar memories before our eyes. His stories reveal that by observing and listening to, what might be considered the ordinariness of life, we can uplift our ability to be truly present in life.

This collection of short stories and walking prayers is about Roy’s ability to listen with purpose to life, to connect with people and an appreciation for all those who shaped his life personally and professionally.

These short stories and prayers take you, the reader, on a journey of connections with people’s hopes, sorrows, spirit, and soul. Each chapter is connected to those things that make all of us who we are today.


1 review for Let Me Tell You A Story

  1. Robin Easton – www.robineaston.com

    Roy Bowen’s stories are not only beautifully written, but they are also deeply heartwarming. They are a comforting hug that speaks to our common humanity. I went away from each delightful story feeling just a bit more connected to my fellow humans. I often forgot my worries as Roy’s stories lifted my spirits and lightened my heart. That’s powerful medicine. Some of his stories are like old friends that I revisit many times. Well done, Roy Bowen. ~Robin Easton: author, inspirational speaker, storyteller

    • Roy Bowen

      Robin, your encouragement is both kind and pashes me forward.
      New Story on 5/21: The hero brother is killed in a shooting, while eating tacos with friends. The young brother of 4 yrs. doesn’t do sports as hero older brother….he is an actor in high school play. Their dad doesn’t see him. Hero brother is on shelf in the den. Thats the story, so far. 400 words, more verse than narrative style. More writing, more editing. Younger brother voice alone, telling the story of never being enough. Roy on Sunday

    • Roy Bowen

      You kindness matches your support
      I more and more write story lines of the heart, allowing new characters to emarge and show their Light.
      New story under edit and polish: 7 yr old daughter wants to ask homeless woman with cardboard sign to family Thanksgiving
      Parents, divorced but together on this one, give a immediate no.
      7 yr old is determined….lessons and story stil to be written.
      We are connected….always. RB

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