Roy’s Sunday Letter for March 9, 2025

The CEO of Starbucks said he wants Starbucks to be everyone’s “third place,” after home and work. Come with friends, visit, perhaps purchase food and drink, but come and be a part of our place. In a similar way, I would like the Sunday Letter to be an ongoing source of encouragement, support, always with a sense of a lighted candle of hope. Leave a Comment or read the comments of others, a safe place for us all.

  • Beth and I were invited by the senior group at Trinity Episcopal to attend their February gathering and share my 2nd career as storyteller and writer. We asked the seniors to write the first lines of their own story, how a grandparent, teacher, or friend inspired, taught or showed them lessons of life. This Sunday Beth and I return for a 2nd Sunday at University Christian to guide members on the craft of writing. One writing exercises will be on a page divided into three sections, one for youth and teen years, the second for adult family and work years, and the last section on senior and elder years.
  • This could be a home version for Sunday Letter readers to describe their own years of youth, adult. and what senior years may/may not be in their future days.

** These are days where we are pushed, wobbling, even topple over, from national decisions, local weather, a medical report of a dear friend’s drift from Dementia to Alzheimer’s and the Rainbow Bridge journey for a pet and family member. Being strong means knowing your fundamental values, practicing simple pleasures and kindness with others, and all this with a sense of community, surrounded by those who value you, believe in you as you also believe in them. Add a welcoming smile and you will have the strength to withstand the push around, the storms that come to us all. Continue on my friends, continue on……..

  • There are three things I said I would never do: 1) Texting – today 80% of my communications are text; 2) Read books on my phone – I still go to the library but last 4 books have been read on my phone; 3) Use AI in writing my stories – this one I have resisted, but next year who knows?

Roy, with the lighted candle of hope

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