Roy’s Sunday Letter for March 2, 2025


The past weeks have been chaotic, upsetting, and stressful for me, for many of us, perhaps for you too. I stared into a blank screen wondering what I could write about, what would I write about, as well as should I even write or not. After 3 years of Sunday Letters, I wondered if I had any more to say or write. My experience as writer tells me when a story draft is complete, stop. Should I?

In these weeks of doubt, of not trusting my past to guide my future, I became quiet, more meditative than my normal of talking it through with Beth. Slowly, I began to relax physically and spiritually. I revisited my original motivation for the Sunday Letter, and my core beliefs and values about the importance of my 2nd career as writer.

Our true self is a relational being. I believe it is through our stories, we pull together our broken pieces, as well as those of family, and also the larger society. Each of us have lived a story worth the telling. In writings or in oral verse, we say who and what we have seen, felt, and have been touched by. I believe Healing is possible through the telling of stories and the listening to the stories of others.

There is a place and a role for ongoing Encouragement and Support, especially in these days of Unsureness and the increase of Suffering of individuals, families, and countries. Communication is always complex and challenging. I join everyone in untangling the web sites and social platforms for timely, clear, and meaningful messaging and communications. The Sunday Letter will be one way I can do so.

An appropriate question would seem to be…how much and in what ways to watch, see, and take in today’s news without being over-whelmed and lost in the midst of it all. Be committed to your health and wellness, your emotional and spiritual balance. I encourage the continued giving of yourself, gifts, and dollars to causes and organizations that align with your values and beliefs. I support your voice as you rise to speak at government, school, community or public gatherings. Continue On, Be Brave, Show Courage.

  • Banksy Art has been placed on social platforms, such as Face Book, since the 1990’s. This is an unnamed street artist, political activist and film director. A 2010 documentary film, “Exit Through the Gift Shop,” can be found on You Tube. There is a Banksy Art Museum in NY City. I smile, frown, and enjoy his images of love…not hate…there are children’s acceptance of other children and the elderly, or the Statue of Liberty with bags packed walking away from our unrest.

Roy, engaged and prepared for 2025


  1. Nancy Tuttle on March 2, 2025 at 7:26 am

    Keep writing, and in finding yourself ,you inspire others

    • Roy Bowen on March 2, 2025 at 1:34 pm

      keep your notes on 1st notes in new environment. You are in learning mode, even your young age….or, start a You Tube page letting others
      learn from and with you. I am good about continuing with new energy and desire. RB

  2. Maurine on March 2, 2025 at 7:42 am

    If you stop writing then another rational voice is silence allowing those that speak over others to be heard. We all need to speak out and do our part to right the wrongs in our community, city, state and country. I have to believe this too shall pass.

    • Roy Bowen on March 2, 2025 at 1:38 pm

      I am good once more about continuing onward. a 2 week wandering and wondering.
      Determined to be encouraging and supportive.
      Your encouragement reminds me be about what I am led to do and be.
      More moments with you always good. Again soon…..RB

  3. Ron Johns Jr on March 2, 2025 at 9:01 am

    One of the beautiful benefits of your writing coalesces in this comment section. The lovely souls gathered at your water cooler appreciatively echo, gently push back, and add a chorus of “me too!” to the thoughts you share with us.
    Your writing acts as a catalyst for good in us individually and together.
    May the Grace and Peace we nourish here give us strength and courage to carry shalom into our wider social circles.

    • Roy Bowen on March 2, 2025 at 1:23 pm

      A reminder for us all: Even when i may think I am all alone, I am not.
      Those tough weeks now left behind in the goodness of now,,,,,RB

  4. Jean Christenberry on March 2, 2025 at 12:50 pm

    Don’t stop Roy! Muster on as a voice that helps to unite those of use with similar values and goals. Keep the light burning so we can know we are not alone. Hugs!!

    • Roy Bowen on March 2, 2025 at 1:20 pm

      In these start-up weeks self-doubt and wondering if I had anything left to say did take me over.
      I did work through all that, facing the mirror not easy but essential. With both feet on the ground I continue.
      Thank you and others for the encouragement.
      Always a delight and helpful to read your thoughts

  5. janice M Nourse on March 2, 2025 at 4:26 pm

    Writing places us in a profoundly vulnerable position. Sometimes, our words ( or lack thereof) lead to disappointment, doubt, and even suffering. But as St. Paul wrote from a prison cell, “suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”
    I believe God called Paul to be a writer, a storyteller who stirs the heart and passes on the possibility of hope.
    In our lonely place at the computer, we don’t know where our words will travel. But if God has called us to write, then we must write on!

    • Peter D. Kleven on March 2, 2025 at 5:02 pm

      Roy, thank you again for your words concerning significant issues that have been laid at our feet. We can respond in knowing that loving determined action is a must. We can do no less than follow our heart. God bless us all in our journey.

      • Roy Bowen on March 3, 2025 at 8:28 am

        Friend Peter….I read a short post that said we were not responsible for feeding the biblical 5,000.
        We were responsible for bring the the 2 fish and loaves of bread….lile the saying.
        We both continue and that is good…..RB

    • Roy Bowen on March 3, 2025 at 7:51 am

      Friend Jan….I was invited to talk to a church group about “writing.”
      I also used Paul as writer, publisher of letters, still read even today.
      I am about ready to follow your model of “kitchen table publishing.”
      Tell that other guy my best…..RB

  6. Linda Milanesi on March 2, 2025 at 7:36 pm

    You have singlehandedly created a community of Sunday Letter readers, who delve deeply into the topic areas you so aptly suggest. The ancients for millennia have shaped their/our cultures through story and oral tradition. We are grateful for your voice. X/O Linda M

    • Roy Bowen on March 3, 2025 at 8:25 am

      and i am grateful for your voice and attention to the 4 legged among you.
      we lean forward together……feeling goodness once again….RB

  7. Gerald C Rekow on March 2, 2025 at 10:45 pm

    Roy – It’s alright to feel drained, exhausted, and second guessing your motivation for what you are doing. I appreciate that you are remaining apolitical and spiritual rather than religious. You are certainly not alone with your writing. Although I enjoy each episode, I don’t always take the time to respond.
    Remember the words of “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”?
    Maybe you need to focus on the things that make life tough. As we get older, life does become tougher. I remember all of the things that i could do at 50 that I either can’t, won’t or don’t dare do at 85. Sometimes we feel alone in our constricted world but then have to think of all of the people who are having the same experience, or further, those that didn’t get the opportunity to experience what we are experiencing.
    Continue to write from the heart, not as a journalist but as a human. In this you can’t go wrong.

    • Roy Bowen on March 3, 2025 at 7:46 am

      Friend Jerry…..I am very much aware of slow slide to isolation and loneliness. Some yrs. ago the UK appointed a Minister of Loneliness.
      As we age with friends near and far spouses die or disappear into poor health. We have 93 yr. friend who has lived beyond the reason to live.
      Somehow, I have the Resiliency gene.
      I have rebounded and now continue on with balance and energy. We do so each Sunday together……RB

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